Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 121 Kill three enemies with a stick

Huh? Is he Murong Fu? Everyone showed a look of disbelief.

No one expected that this handsome young man would be Murong Fu, who was feared in the world.

I didn't expect this young master to be Nan Murong. Wan Sanqian was also surprised, and then shook his head: It's a pity that he shouldn't be here.

In his mind, even the Four Ghosts of Western Hunan were defeated. Even though Murong Fu was famous throughout the world, he still could not be the opponent of Yagyu Taimamomo and others.

Are you really Murong Fu? Sanxian confirmed in a deep voice.

Murong Fu smiled calmly: Yes, I am really Nan Murong Feng.

Haha, interesting. I never thought that Nan Murong would come to our Three Immortals Island. The Three Immortals smiled proudly, as if they had found a treasure.

Murong Fu snorted with his nose and said with a look of disdain: You three rubbish are the only ones worthy of being called immortals? Then can the old bastard be your father?

You... Zhuzi dare to say such arrogant words. Sanxian was furious. This was the first time in his life that he had been scolded in front of so many people.

Three old dogs, so much nonsense! Murong Fu shook his tiger body and started to kill the four of them.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and some even thought Murong Fu had a bad mind.

It was obviously one against four, so where did you find the courage to charge forward?


Yagyu Taimashou drew his blade out of its sheath, and the cold sword energy swept through everyone and started to kill Murong Fu.

The three immortals did not relax at all just because Murong Fu was a junior. Instead, they were more cautious than before when dealing with the four ghosts.

As the saying goes, good boxers are afraid of young people, and many martial arts heroes have fallen into the hands of younger generations.

Murong Fu remained calm and took out the Tianji stick to sweep around.


Under the two parties' breathless gazes, sticks and knives clashed, sparks flying. It made an ear-splitting sound.

Yagyu Tajima Mamoru and Sansen felt their arms go numb from the shock, and an irresistible force penetrated the sword.

The four of them felt like their chests were struck by lightning. They couldn't bear the momentum and staggered back. They suffered a huge loss in such a confrontation, showing incredible looks. They all felt that Murong Fu's power was domineering!

This boy is born with divine power, don't underestimate it!

The three of them are pestering him and I will take the main attack.

Yagyu Taimashou shouted wildly, and he followed the sword and turned into the shadow of a rolling knife, rushing towards Murong Fuchao.

Seeing this, the three immortals quickly drew their swords one by one, not seeking merit, but to entangle the enemy.

Suddenly, the sky was full of sword lights, confusing people's eyes.

The Tianji stick swung rapidly and turned into shadows all over the sky, hitting the four people overwhelmingly. It seemed chaotic, but there was a hidden order in it, reaching the state of reducing complexity into simplicity.

Yagyu Taimashou moved his steps several times, hiding behind Murong Fu, and suddenly rushed to grab the opponent's vest.

No, Mr. Fu is in danger! Manager Sui had not changed his title for a while, but in desperation, he still called Murong Fu Mr. Fu.

Despicable! This man attacked me secretly! Song Tian'er also cursed.

The people on the auction stage who were almost captured couldn't even look past it.

However, the Japanese people are so despicable and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Hua Jing was angry because of her dream and reminded her loudly. Unfortunately, the surroundings were too cluttered and the sound seemed unable to reach the stage.

Wan Sanqian couldn't help but sigh for Murong Fu. Such a good man was blinded in vain.

Die, Murong Fu!

Yagyu Taimashou struck out with all his strength, hitting Murong Fu's heart without any doubt.

Everyone was also heartbroken, knowing that Murong Fu would definitely die!

No! Hua Jing couldn't help but close her eyes because of Meng's nails digging into her arms. She couldn't bear to see Murong Fu die.

Gaga, you didn't stay well in the Central Plains at such a young age, but you went to the island to die. You deserve it!

The three immortals were not polite, and swept Murong Fu's upper, middle and lower groups in three directions.

Attacked from all sides, no one can survive!

Seeing this, Murong Fu was still fearless.

Hundreds of years of internal energy burst out from the Dantian, and a dense purple energy flashed across his body.

Just before the sharp blade entered his body, he shouted: Get out!

Yagyu Taimashou and Sanxian felt a wall of energy appear in front of Murong Fu, which actually knocked them half a foot away.

Before he could react, in a flash before his eyes, a stick shadow flashed out and moved faster than lightning, striking at the head of the second among the three immortals with incomparable sharpness.


The Erxian's head was like a brittle watermelon, which burst instantly and died.

The blood turned into mist and sprinkled down into the void.

Such a counter-attack completely confused everyone.

How is that possible! The remaining two immortals touched their lips and murmured in disbelief.

How could such a powerful person be a young man under thirty years old?

Everyone else was dumbfounded, especially Wan Sanqian, who was so shocked that he could fit a duck egg in his mouth. .

I actually caught my eye?

The richest businessman in the world actually missed it. Who can believe this? Who dares to believe it? could you be so strong? Yagyu Taimamomo said in shock as he looked at the two immortals who fell to the ground.

Murong Fu sneered: It's not that I am too strong, but that you are too weak.

You dare to kill the second immortal, and we, the Three Immortals Island, will fight you until death! the second immortal said.

Shut up! Murong Fu bluntly attacked the two immortals with a stick.

The two immortals did not dare to hesitate, and quickly raised their swords to meet him, but they did not know that there was a spiral force on the stick.

A stick opened the swords in the hands of the two men, and then they struck and hit them with flowing water, causing the opponent to stumble and fall back, almost sitting on the ground.


Several sounds of bone cracking reached everyone's ears, and the two old men vomited blood mist and fell to the ground dead!

Yagyu Taimashou was completely stunned when he saw this, and kept retreating without the courage to fight Murong Fu again.

Murong Fu, you...killed the three immortals! Our Japanese country will not let you go!

Hmph, who in this world is worthy of being called an immortal in front of me, Murong Fu? Murong Fu pointed at Yagyu Taimamomo with his stick: Kneel down, and I will spare your life!

Murong Fu, don't be too arrogant. Although you are powerful, there are still three thousand Japanese soldiers here. Even if you can kill them, you can't kill them all! Yagyu Taimashou said with a proud smile.

Not to mention 3,000 people, even 3,000 pigs would be exhausted before they could be killed!

Unfortunately, the upper limit of Japanese people's knowledge is too low, and they simply cannot understand Murong Fu, who now has many talents.

Haha, why don't you try and see if I can kill them all? Murong Fu sneered coldly.

You... Yagyu Tajima Mamoru suddenly looked extremely ugly.

He didn't dare. He had never seen anyone as confident as Murong Fu.

Even that man, at this moment, seems to be just a little bit behind Murong Fu.

Haha, what? I gave you a chance and you didn't use it.

What? Give me the order! Murong Fu was very proud at this time. He also wanted to try whether he could kill a thousand people.

Yagyu Taimamomo's hands were trembling, and he never dared to raise them.

However, at this moment, a burst of fireworks flashed into the sky, and the earth was instantly illuminated brightly.

Immediately, there was a killing sound.

Murong Fu said leisurely: Hey, I'm afraid, you have no chance!

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