Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1216 Kneel down with one finger

Murong Fu looked at his expression as if he had seen a ghost and showed a mysterious smile.

Boy, your [joint finger] practice is a bit inadequate!

What a coincidence, I happen to be proficient in this fingering technique.

Why don't you help me find out which one of us is the authentic [Shenzhenzhi]!

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly stood still, his eyes firm, as he had been retreating.

The next moment, a red-gold light burst out from his finger, carrying a sense of pressure and shock.

Mu Yiyang, who was opposite him, was already stunned on the spot. Seeing that the person in front of him was using the same fingering technique as him, his mind went blank.

This! How is this possible?

How come you know the unique skills of my Murong family?

Who are you?

The corners of Murong Fu's mouth raised slightly, and his tone was full of ridicule: Listen clearly, I am your Grandpa Murong Fu!

Grandpa is here, grandson, why don't you kneel down for me!


As soon as Murong Fu finished speaking, a ray of red-gold light went straight to Mu Yiyang's knees.

Bang! The sound was clear and sweet.

Before Mu Yiyang could react, his knee had already suffered a major impact.

I only felt a burst of soreness and numbness, and before I knew it, I had fallen to my knees on the ground. ..

The people of the Murong family present looked at Murong Fu in horror.

The scene was deathly silent, and it took a long time for someone to speak tremblingly:

how come!

How is this possible?

I have never seen where this person came from...

For a moment, all their eyes were fixed on Murong Fu, and they even forgot about their young master, who was still kneeling there in embarrassment.

At this time, Mu Yiyang's face was filled with pain, and if he didn't have to maintain his identity, he would have been rolling on the ground.

He looked behind him and saw that the group of people showed no intention of coming to help him. He couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, What are you doing here, these idiots?

Hurry up and help me up!

As soon as these words came out, those people seemed to have woken up from a dream, and they all ran forward like dogs.

One of them even accidentally picked up a pebble on his foot because he was running too fast.

It just happened to fly in a half-arc in the air and hit Mu Yiyang's injured knee impartially.

Ouch! He couldn't control it anymore and let out a howl, which made the eardrums of everyone present hurt.

His face was red with anger and he yelled: Idiot! Get out of here!

In an instant, everyone was about to extend their hands to help him, but they all took them back again.

With clear stupidity in his eyes, he stared blankly at Mu Yiyang who was kneeling on the ground.

This time, it was Mu Yiyang's turn to be dumbfounded.

Hahaha, it really made me laugh!

The Murong family spent a lot of money to raise a bunch of stupid roe deer!

What a fool. Opening the door for a fool is so stupid!

Zhuge Qingyun spoke without any politeness and laughed loudly.

Mu Yiyang gritted his back molars and pointed at the guard closest to him: Come here slowly, don't kick up stones, and then gently help me up!

Yes! Master!

It was obviously a very simple thing, but it consumed the last of Mu Yiyang's patience.

He made a decision in his heart that when he went back, he would remake all the guards around him.

But when he stood up little by little, Mu Yiyang felt that his lower limbs had no feeling at all.

His expression changed drastically, and he suddenly looked at Murong Fu, with a bit of impatience: What on earth did you do to me?

Murong Fu looked like he was harmless and explored his hand: Nothing, I just want to show you what a real [joint finger] is.

Murong Lanxin only reacted belatedly at this moment, and rushed in front of Mu Yiyang with a worried look on her face: Brother, how are you?

I, I can't feel my legs anymore...

Before he could finish his words, a crowd of people rushed in outside the door.

The leader, an old man, came in and said in a loud voice: Let's see who is blind and dares to steal the courtyard from my Murong family!

It turned out that the two people at [Qizhen Pavilion] were not friendly when they saw the Murong brothers and sisters coming, and were afraid of something unexpected happening.

He had already left quietly and went back to report.

The two of them wanted to tell their master, but they didn't expect to be heard clearly by the second elder of the Murong family who was passing by.

Speaking of Murong Huai, the second elder of the Murong family, he was known as a protector and would never allow anyone to challenge the majesty of the Murong family.

Therefore, regardless of the obstruction from the people in [Qizhen Pavilion], he rushed in angrily.

Behind him, the steward of [Qizhen Pavilion] also led a group of people over.

During the auction, he did not allow any accidents to happen.

As soon as Murong Huai came in, he turned his head and looked at the Murong brothers and sisters, with a bit of respect and love in his eyes.

What's going on?

Yi Yang, what's wrong with your legs?

Mu Yiyang had a mournful face, pointed at Murong Fu opposite, and said angrily:

The second elder, this is the man who secretly learned the Murong family's [Shenzhenzhi] and even beat up my legs!

Quick, please help me teach him a lesson!

I will destroy both of his legs and kneel down to apologize!

Mu Yiyang's eyes were somewhat dark, and he glared at Murong Fu and the others viciously.

When Murong Huai heard this, he was immediately furious. With a powerful look in his eyes, he came straight towards Murong Fu.

You were the one who secretly learned [joint fingering]? And you even injured the eldest son's leg?

Murong Fu was neither humble nor arrogant, with a smile on his face: That's right.

Murong Huai looked him up and down, then laughed like a barbell: Hahaha, okay!

Since you admit it openly, I won't talk nonsense to you!

Suffer death!

As he spoke, he raised his sword and flew forward.

However, in mid-air, he was stopped by someone.

Murong Huai's eyes changed, and his tone was unkind: Manager Yuan, what do you mean?

[Qizhen Pavilion] The old steward Yuan Zhen smiled brightly, but the words he spoke were somewhat coercive:

Elder Murong, the auction is about to begin. I'm afraid it won't be good for you to make such a big move!

Murong Huai's drawn sword trembled slightly, and he looked at the person in front of him with a sense of fear.

Manager Yuan, it's obvious that they hurt my young master first, so we can't just let this matter go.

Otherwise, my Murong family's face will be lost!

Please get out of the way!

Yuan Zhen shook his head and said firmly: No, the master has an order.

If anyone dares to cause trouble in [Qizhen Pavilion], they will be kicked out directly and will not be allowed to enter again forever!

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