For a moment, everyone's attention was attracted and they started bidding.

He Bing smiled from ear to ear: Mrs. Zhang bids two million, is there anything higher?

I'll pay three million!

Three million and one million!

Three and a half million!


Another round of bidding began, one after another, very lively.

Murong Fu was sitting in the private room, looking a little uninterested.

Although this short blade is a rare treasure, it is far less precious.

The purpose of his coming here today is for that martial arts secret book.

However, he still had some doubts in his heart, and he just felt that something was wrong.

At this moment, he felt a strange gaze looking over from a distance from the second floor.

Zhuge Qingyun also noticed it and pushed Murong Fu: I said, this Xue Lingqi has been staring at us, could she have thought of something else?

She is a person who must retaliate. She suffered such a big loss at the hands of Master Murong and will never let it go so easily. Fang Zisheng said.

Murong Fu didn't care at all, and his eyes showed a bit of nonchalance: So what? If a general is defeated, what kind of waves can he make in front of me?

That makes sense!

As long as Brother Murong is here, the Wan family are just minions.


The bidding outside is still going on, and most of them are ladies and ladies from aristocratic families bidding.

This short blade has an exquisite appearance and is studded with precious stones and pearls, so it naturally attracts many people to compete for it.

Murong Fu looked at the female Bodhisattva Miaoyi beside him and asked softly: Do you like it?

Bodhisattva Miaoyi shook her head and twirled her beads: It's just an external thing, so it's not surprising.

After a series of fierce bidding, Mrs. Zhang finally won the [Herring Thunder Short Blade] for five million.

He Bing made the final decision: Congratulations to Mrs. Zhang, for buying the first lot today for five million.

Let us all congratulate her!

Later, a maid will deliver it to the private room for you. Please prepare the spirit stones. Money will be paid and no exchange will be made!

As He Bing spoke, two maids in blue came out from behind her and carefully placed the [Herring Thunder Short Blade] on the auction table on the tray.

Then, he walked towards the private room where Mrs. Zhang was.

This is generosity! It seems that it is only a matter of time before this family becomes one of the top ten families!

That's right, I heard some time ago that the Wan family was surrounded and attacked for some reason, and was seriously injured!

Even the annual [Roland Conference] is left to the Fang family. M..

You said...

Everyone began to talk about it and began to discuss it unconsciously, and the topic was brought up to Wanjia.

At this time, Mrs. Zhang naturally heard these words and smiled particularly brightly.

Haha, let me borrow your good words!

In the private room on the second floor, Wan Yiyi clenched her fists tightly with a somewhat gloomy look in her eyes.

Damn it! When will we, Wanjia, be criticized by these people!

I'm just a landowner who wants to be among the top ten aristocratic families. Just dream!

I'm going to teach them a lesson...

Wan Yiyi was a little out of breath, contrary to her usual composure.

After being hit one after another by Murong Fu, she became a little impetuous and extremely angry.

Xue Lingqi stopped her and said in a low and sinister voice: Wait a minute.

Seeing that she was stopped, Wan Yiyi's face flashed with anger: Mom, others have bullied us, do you still have to swallow your anger?

Xue Lingqi shook his head, with murderous intent in his eyes: The auction is not over yet, and it won't be too late to teach them a lesson when we leave the territory of [Qizhen Pavilion]!

Wan Yiyi suddenly realized something and nodded slightly: Mom is still thoughtful.

Finally, amidst the excitement, the second lot of the auction appeared.

Murong Fu glanced at the entire audience and probably had an idea in his mind.

There are probably more than three hundred people in the [Qizhen Pavilion] this time, and they come from different forces.

It’s a mixed bag, there’s everyone for everyone.

He was thinking about the martial arts secret book in his mind, and he was entranced for a moment, and he stayed there for a long time.

Even Zhuge Qingyun didn't hear what he was talking to.

Brother Murong, Brother Murong?

Zhuge Qingyun pushed his shoulder, with a bit of confusion in his eyes: What were you thinking about just now, so absorbed in it?

Only then did Murong Fu come back to his senses, a strange light flashed in his eyes: I was wondering, there are so many people here, will someone steal or take away the auction items?

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

He was determined to get the secret book, so he naturally had to be careful and must get it.

There absolutely cannot be any mistakes.

Zhuge Qingyun showed a smile and sat down on a stool nearby: I'm afraid your worries are unnecessary.

This [Qiuzhen Pavilion] has the most comprehensive protection mechanism, and all the auction items are guarded by dozens of experts.

Did you see the white jade platform over there? Although it looks ordinary, it is actually a formation mechanism...

Zhuge Qingyun began to introduce it eloquently, and when he got excited, he stood up and danced.

Murong Fu nodded silently, still feeling a little uneasy.

He always felt that the news released by [Qizhen Pavilion] was a bit unusual.

But, he couldn't say what was wrong.

On the white jade platform, the second lot also rose slowly on the high platform.

However, a strip of red satin covered the lot, whetting everyone's appetite.

This lot was added temporarily and will definitely make your eyes shine.

He Bing pretended to be mysterious and glanced at the people present: Guess what the next lot is?

For a moment, the scene became lively again, and everyone on the first floor began to speculate one by one.

However, He Bing kept shaking his head with a smile on his face: No! It's all wrong!

Some people started to get anxious: Miss He, stop being so mysterious and show us all!

Their appetites were whetted, and everyone's curiosity was aroused by the auction item under the red cloth.

Everyone is looking forward to it, everyone wants to know that

With a wave of He Bingyu's hand, the red satin was ripped off instantly, and a golden Buddha light illuminated the entire lobby.

For a moment, everyone present held their breath, their eyes were fixed, and no one spoke.

After a while, He Bing was the first to break the deadlock: As everyone can see, this second lot is an ancient Buddhist bead.

It is said that this was left by [Master Kongling] before his death, and it contains infinite Buddhist dharma.

There are even rumors that this Buddhist bead carries all the efforts of [Master Kongling], including Buddhist scriptures, secrets of exercises, astronomy and geography...

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