Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 128: The First Class Miyamoto Musashi

The big ship that returned from Sanxian Island quickly docked at the dock next to Huating.

Master, are you back? Bao BuTong had received a letter from Murong Fu a long time ago.

Waiting at the pier, when he saw Murong Fu coming down, he quickly stepped forward to greet him.

Murong Fu smiled: Haha, thank you for your hard work, third brother.

Young Master, how can you work so hard!

Bao BuTong glanced at Hua Jingyin Meng, who was almost disgusted with Murong Fu's body, and said with a double entendre.

Murong Fu didn't explain much and called Jiang Zian to let him explain to Bao BuTong.

Find a good place to settle these women. If they are returned to their families, give them money to go home.

Don't worry, young master, I promise to arrange everything clearly. Bao BuTong assured, patting his chest.

Murong Fu patted Bao Dong's shoulder and said, I can rest assured that Third Brother will do the work.

Then he looked at Wan Sanqian and the others and said, Everyone, I have ordered someone to prepare a carriage to take you to Gusu.

Thank you very much, Brother Murong!

Wan Sanqian was anxious to treat the injuries of the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi, so he was not polite and left in the car first.

Seeing this, everyone else said goodbye to Murong Fu and left.

Chu Liuxiang brought Song Tian'er, Su Rongrong, and Li Hongxiu to Murong Fu and said, Brother Murong, these three good sisters of mine will be left in your care first. It's troublesome!

Brother Chu, don't worry, I will take care of them. There is no need to worry. Murong Fu said.

Song Tian'er snorted, not knowing what Chu Liuxiang said, and seemed to be very reluctant.

Su Rongrong and Li Hongxiu shook their heads and felt helpless.

He saluted Murong Fu and said, Excuse me, Mr. Murong!

It doesn't matter, Brother Chu and I hit it off immediately, so I will naturally help with this little favor. Murong Fu replied calmly.

Seeing this, Chu Liuxiang's heart was extremely complicated. However, life and death were matters at stake, and she couldn't mess around. She saluted and said:

Brother Murong bids you farewell. We will see you someday.

Brother Chu, Brother Hu, walk slowly! Murong Fu said.

The three of them looked at each other, then Chu Liuxiang and Hu Tiehua turned and left, very chic.

Three of you, if nothing happens, you can go back to Murong's old house with your family to rest. Murong Fu said politely.

No need! Brother Chu asked us to follow you, so of course we can't go anywhere else. Song Tian'er shook her head and said specifically.

Murong Fu looked at Su Rongrong and Li Hongxiu: You two think so too?

Well, Brother Chu asked us to follow you, so of course we can't leave first. Su Rongrong said.

Murong Fu didn't stop them, he just promised Chu Liuxiang to protect them from death.

He didn't say that he would be their biological father and take care of everything.

Haha, if you are happy, I will go and take care of some work first. Murong Fu said.

Walk slowly. Song Tian'er said.

Murong Fu smiled helplessly and returned to the room with Hua Jingyinmeng in his arms.

What, you're unhappy? Hua Jingyin Meng asked curiously.

Haha, how is that possible? I was just wondering what kind of services the Japanese have. Zhou Yan said casually.


Hua Jing gave Murong Fu a hard look due to her dream.

Then the two of them walked back to the room to rest. After many days of walking in the sea, Murong Fu was indeed a little tired. Under Hua Jingyin Meng's care, he had a good sleep. M..

On Sanxian Island.

After Murong Fu and others left, dozens of huge ships arrived.

Groups of well-equipped soldiers came out from above.

Hey, it seems that the person has left.

A slovenly-dressed warrior with two long swords tied to his waist came down.

Following him was Monk Wuhua, who was too gentle to make any mistakes.

Wuhua smiled and said: The person has left, but the family cannot escape.

Haha, that's right, that's right.

The sloppy samurai is none other than Miyamoto Musashi, the founder of the Japanese Niten First Class.

His status is not lower than that of the Yagyu God of Killing.

The two were chatting, and soon the Japanese soldiers under their command came to report that the island was already deserted.

Only a stone tablet remains.

Nan Murong, the one who destroyed the island!

Hey, it seems that Nan Murong is quite crazy! Miyamoto Musashi laughed haha.

Wu Hua frowned, Murong Fu was definitely not seeing the goods, and reminded: Mr. Musashi, don't underestimate the opponent. His strength and background are by no means simple, and he is a difficult opponent.

Really, but the opponents I met seemed to have weak hands. Miyamoto Musashi disagreed and did not take Murong Fu seriously at all.

Sir, we have found Lord Yagyu Tajimamomo. At this time, another Japanese soldier came running.

Miyamoto Musashi looked at the dying Yagyu Tajima Mamoru and smiled: Oh, I thought this guy was already dead!

It seems that Senior Yagyu is seriously injured. Wuhua shook his head with a look of sorrow.

Send it down and find someone to take a good look at him. If he dies, tell the general that his two girls cannot be left to others. Miyamoto Musashi said with a smile.

Wuhua folded his hands and chanted Amitabha, pretending he couldn't hear it.

He knew that Miyamoto Musashi had always been unrestrained and had no control over his words.

If you answer the question yourself, you will only be led astray by the other party.

After the thorough search was completed, Miyamoto Musashi was speechless: Isn't this Murong the reincarnation of a bandit? How come the search was so clean and not a single copper was left with us?

Haha, I heard that Murong is organizing a family army, so he must be very short of money. Wuhua said with a smile.

Miyamoto Musashi yawned and said, In that case, it seems we are going to the Central Plains.

What are Mr. Musashi going to do? Wuhua asked curiously.

I heard that Nan Murong is in Gusu City. We will first capture Huating within one day, and then directly enter Gusu City and massacre the city for three days. Miyamoto Musashi said with a cold snort: This is to teach him a lesson!

Wuhua was stunned and reminded: General Toyotomi, I'm afraid he won't agree?

Don't worry, my mission this time is to cause trouble in the Song Dynasty and attract their large troops. Miyamoto Musashi said with a proud smile.

Wuhua nodded: Amitabha, I hope Mr. Musashi will kill less.

Fart, you bald donkeys are really fake and compassionate. If you want to kill fewer people, why are you doing so many conspiracies? Miyamoto Musashi glanced at Wuhua with disdain, and secretly cursed with disdain. He usually belongs to You can do three or four at most.

Wuhua was calm: Actually, I was forced to have no choice but to work hard for the rise of Japan.

In that case, don't be hypocritical. This is not good at all. Miyamoto Musashi patted Wuhua on the shoulder and immediately ordered to go to Song Dynasty without delaying for a moment.

As for Huating.

Murong Fu had already guessed that the Japanese's target would be here, and arranged numerous spies along the beach.

It's been three days, so why haven't the Japanese troops arrived yet?

Bao BuTong stares longingly at the sea every day.

Suddenly, countless spies ran back under the city gate and started reporting.

Japan's 50,000-strong army will attack tomorrow!

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