Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1301 What is the city lord’s plan?

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows immediately, as if he understood what the city lord was planning.

On the side, Miao Yi carefully looked at Murong Fu while eating her food, and then continued to take a few more bites.

He put his eyes on Shu Meng and looked at him carefully.

In her opinion, perhaps after some time, Shu Mengman, the daughter of the city lord, will become her sister.

After all, Shu Mengman’s appearance is indeed not bad.

Needless to say about skin, as long as they are cultivators, no one is bad.

As for that appearance, it is like seeing flowers in the mist, which makes people's eyes light up.

Zhuge Qingyun was not surprised by this. As for Murong Fu's strength, others had no idea how strong it was, but Zhuge Qingyun knew it very well.

What is Murong Fu's strength?

But this city lord is quite eye-opening.

Along the way, for Zhuge Qingyun, there were many people who wanted to cause trouble for Murong Fu. Of course, in the end, those people all died.

This is the only one who dares to invite them directly like this.

In fact, this situation is quite normal.

After all, for Shuhe, the elder Tiangui, who was not weaker than him at all, was already dead and could not die again.

Under such circumstances, if he dared to directly offend Murong Fu, he was really seeking death.

Well, Miss Mengman's temperament is also extraordinary from ordinary women. It is rare in the world. I wonder, does the city lord come to us with something to ask for?

It's impossible to be like Xie Wenxin and want to make friends, so that's a bit of a stretch.

Obviously, this city lord definitely has some plans. He has to ask what specific plans they are.

However, this city lord's mansion is really good, and it would be great for them to temporarily stay here during this period. M.biQUpai.

Since Little Friend Mu has asked this, I will tell him directly. I think with Little Friend Mu's eyesight, I can naturally see that my Shuhe is from the upper world just like the ghost elder that day. However, unlike him, I have been here for a long time. The main reason is also for my daughter.

When Shuhe finished saying this, he sighed a little in his heart.

He really wanted his daughter to stay in the upper realm. Originally, his daughter should be able to cultivate to a higher realm and gain stronger power.

Rather than just in this lower realm, ordinary cultivation during the tribulation period.

Tao, meaning, and laws, none of these things can be understood.

The only thing he could use was a marksmanship book he brought back from the upper world a long time ago, and he used it to make a master.

It's just a little pity that his daughter didn't realize the meaning of the gun, and she wasn't at the level of a minor success, or she didn't realize it at all.

This can be regarded as a rather regretful thing in Shuhe's heart.

In his opinion, if he were in the upper world, it would be too easy for his daughter to comprehend the meaning of the gun.

Even with his daughter's qualifications, let alone Xiao Cheng's gun intention, there is no problem with Dacheng's gun intention.

The city lord might as well speak more clearly. Is there anything I can ask you for?

Murong Fu didn't want to listen to the Riddler.

He wondered about the book and what the plan was.

It's like this. Little friend Mu should also know that this time the Roland Conference was originally held by Fang Zisheng, but now it is held by those people from the upper world. This time they will bring some techniques directed at mortal immortals.

Shu He talked about it casually, because in his opinion, Murong Fu did not really need these skills.

After all, Murong Fu's strength was already there.

However, in fact, for Murong Fu, as long as it was a general skill, he could practice it and it would always be superimposed on him.

The reason why he has such fighting power is because he has integrated a lot of skills into his own.

The strength is naturally extraordinary.

However, if he practices those ordinary techniques now, it will actually be difficult to achieve any results.

It's not that he can't practice it, but after practicing it, the benefits obtained are relatively small, and the enhancement brought to him by those ordinary techniques is already minimal.

The appearance of such a technique that was directed at mortal immortals suddenly made him feel a little excited.

As long as they get the top rankings, they will definitely have the opportunity to obtain such skills, and they will definitely take some people with them to the upper world. I hope that little friend Mu can protect my little girl as a price. , I am willing to hand over the skills I have cultivated to Little Friend Mu, and I will also have my cultivation souvenirs.

As he spoke the book and raised his hand, a book of exercises appeared in his hand.

Although this skill is nothing to Mu Xiaoyou, it is still the best thing I can get. In addition, there are some spiritual stones. In this space ring, if it can protect me My daughter is five years old. I still have some gratitude later. I can give it to Xiaoyou Mu.

The look in Shuhe's eyes was pleading. To be honest, he wasn't very worried about his daughter right now.

At first, he was more concerned about whether his daughter could win another ranking and obtain those immortal-level skills.

Even if he can't get it, at least his daughter can go to the upper world.

But if you go to the upper world, safety is also a problem. His daughter is okay after going up there, but his words will easily attract the attention of that family.

On the surface, he didn't care about those old things, but he still felt a little uncomfortable inside.

Moreover, after he went up, it would be easy for his daughter to be hunted down, which was not his original intention.

I see, how is this skill of yours?

After hearing what Murong Fu said without any hesitation, Shu He's eyes suddenly lit up with joy.

What this means is that things in the upper world are nothing to Murong Fu.

To be honest, if his daughter was as strong as Murong Fu, then Shu He would not have to stay in this lower realm all the time. He could take his daughter directly to find that family.

Let them all see what the heirs of the so-called trash bloodline and the children of the so-called useless people can achieve.

But this is just a thought, he is no longer the same person when he was young.

For the sake of his daughter, his eyes no longer had the spirit of competition when he was young, as well as the insistence on winning or losing.

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