Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1308 Fight for second place

At this moment, Shu He seemed indifferent on the surface.

But his heart couldn't help but sink, because he didn't know what conditions or demands Murong Fu would put forward.

Thinking about it, 80% of the requests that such a genius can make are not easy to handle.

Shuhe took a few deep breaths in his heart.

Although Murong Fu looked very calm on the surface when he saw Shu He, his expression was a little deceptive, as he seemed a little nervous. Then Murong Fu couldn't help but smile.

Don't worry, I won't make any outrageous requests. I plan to retreat in the city lord's mansion for the next two days. I will leave the retreat in about two days. I shouldn't miss Roland. General Assembly.

Murong Fu didn't need to explain in detail.

The word retreat already explained Murong Fu's request.

First of all, a quiet retreat is a must. Another thing is that no one can disturb Murong Fu.

By the way, I would like to help take care of Zhuge Qingyun and Miaoyi.

As for Xie Wenxin, to be honest, Shuhe felt that he didn't need to worry about Xie Wenxin at all.

Xie Wenxin's strength is actually inferior.

It's just that he was only 10% or 20% weaker than the ghost elder that day.

The only reason why he lost so quickly was because Xie Wenxin himself had almost zero combat experience.

Maybe there is something bigger than zero.

However, he has little combat experience, which can be regarded as a fatal shortcoming of Xie Wenxin.

But think about it, Xie Wenxin's own strength is not that weak, and with Murong Fu around, I'm afraid not many people would dare to trouble Xie Wenxin.

It's only two days, a place of retreat. Don't worry, this little request from Mr. Mu is really easy for me and the city lord to satisfy.

A smile immediately appeared on Shuhe's face.

Very good, this is really great, things are developing in the direction he expected. M.biQUpai.

As long as Murong Fu is here, everything will go smoothly for his daughter after she goes to the upper realm.

Moreover, with Murong Fu's strength, there are probably not many forces in the upper world that can embarrass his daughter.

Even that family is the same, just those people?


Shuhe was very sure in his heart that even some members of that family would never be able to hurt Murong Fu.

When Murong Fu fought against Elder Tiangui before.

He saw it very clearly.

Elder Tiangui's full blow was like a gentle breeze caressing Murong Fu's face.

With this level of strength, one can already walk sideways in some relatively weak areas in the upper world.


One day, two days passed quickly.

In just two days, nearly two hundred geniuses came.

Some were from ordinary backgrounds, coming from unknown small villages, and only carried one or two iron swords on their backs.

There are also people who are of noble birth, and their travel arrangements are more luxurious than those of the Bai family in the Southern Region.

However, there are also a large number of people who are not very arrogant and just move around casually.

But no matter who it is, they have all heard of who is the strongest person in Pengcheng who can be called the number one!

Murong Fu!

With absolute strength, he crushed the cultivators from the upper world.

Many of the geniuses who had just arrived in Pengcheng still didn't believe it, but they kept hearing the stories from people around them, and they were a little wary.

After all, there are many good people under the famous reputation, and many people understand this truth.

There are also some people who think that Murong Fu is just an ordinary cultivator.

After all, those who have been talking about how powerful Murong Fu is are the ordinary people and some cultivators in Pengcheng. As for those cultivators, in the eyes of these geniuses who have just arrived in Pengcheng.

The level of weakness is no different from that of ants.

Ye Haowen, swordsman, you are also a swordsman, you might as well go to the ring and have a good fight.

Although two days have passed at this moment.

But there is still no change in Pengcheng, but many people have gathered in the arena that was built before. In fact, no one came to this arena before. After all, they all wanted to participate in the Roland Conference and compete for it. Immortal fate from the mouth of his master or the mouth of his family elders.

So no one goes directly to the ring to fight.

However, for Ye Haowen, a swordsman, he already knew very well that no matter how the Roland Conference was held, the one who could be called the number one was still the same person.

As for the others, they can just compete for second place.

In these two days, could anyone defeat Murong Fu?

Do not make jokes.

Ye Haowen was the kind of bottomless vastness that could be felt from Murong Fu's body. As for other people, he also had an estimate in his mind as to how much water there was in the tank.

The person who was stopped by Ye Haowen was the young man wearing black clothes with only two iron swords on his back.

Swordsman? Are you going to duel with me?

A look of helplessness flashed across the face of the young man in black. One of his swords was for daily use, and the other was specially used for killing people.

A competition among swordsmen?

Well, this kind of thing rarely happened to him in their area.

Maybe it wouldn't be a waste to spar with this swordsman.

Anyway, I haven't seen anyone from the upper world now. Regarding the Roland Conference, there is not even a person who is hosting it.

And the city lord didn't know where he was going.

However, this doesn't matter.

That's right, there happens to be no one in this arena. You and I can have a good fight in this arena, so there is no need to worry about it. I feel that you also have sword intention in your body. Don't you want to compete? Don’t you want to fight a swordsman?”

In the past two days, Ye Haowen himself did find a lot of people.

How should I put it, there are indeed many practitioners who hold swords, and it can even be said that they are the largest number.

However, there was a sense of sword in him, or the aura of sword in him was extremely pure, that is, he met two people.

The one in front of me is the second person.

And the first person also rejected him directly just like Murong Fu.

Since he has already rejected him, he will naturally not force the other party to fight with him.

Because that doesn't match his swordsmanship, and he himself doesn't have that kind of personality.

What Ye Haowen said also attracted the attention of some people around him.

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