Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1329 He is the weak one

Originally, basically no one in the upper realm would pay attention to the situation of those in the lower realm.

Until they discovered that among a group of people from the lower realm, there was one person who rushed up directly.

For a time, many people chose to temporarily stop the challenge.

After all, in their view, if a person from the lower world dares to challenge a person from the upper world, it is simply a knife to open the eyes.

They even never thought that such a thing would happen.

The old man in white said that they could challenge each other, and there was nothing wrong with that.

Even, they can kill people, but they cannot hurt some ordinary people.

Almost all people in the upper world do this.

But they never thought that among those people in the lower world, there would be people who dared to directly challenge them.

This is really strange.

Hey, this person from the lower world is quite courageous. He actually dares to rush up like this. It's really amazing. Hmph.

Ants are always just ants. Even if you don't have courage, you can't change anything. Strength is strength. This is a manifestation of material and reality, not a manifestation of will.

This person from the lower realm is still number one in the lower realm rankings. It seems that after becoming a chicken head, he is a little confused about reality, so he dares to rush up to challenge us?

I don't know who he is planning to challenge?

Many people in the upper world held the tokens slightly in their hands.

They just saw the name of Xie Wenxin and the ranking of Xie Wenxin.

Evil questions.

This name! His surname is Xie, could this be it?...

It's impossible. The family in Xitianyuan doesn't lack any skills at all, and they all practice magic skills. In addition, the current generation of the young master of the Moluo family is locked up in the family. , and I haven’t seen any news from the Moluo family that their young master has run away.”

Well, this person probably just happens to have the surname Xie. He probably has nothing to do with the Moluo family in Xitianyuan. Maybe he just has some help from martial arts.

The Mo Luo family sometimes appreciates some demon cultivators and will also give them some skills.

Of course, those magic skills are not something that can be hit by just any method. They are extremely powerful, but they also have some shortcomings.

But compared with the great power and the shortcomings, most people value the power more. As for the shortcomings, few people care about it.

The reason is also very simple.

For example, a practitioner with extremely low talent has a life span of three hundred years.

Should he choose to pay the price of two hundred years to reach a state that a large number of people will never reach, or should he continue to live modestly.

Most people will choose to pay the price of two hundred.

You are a lucky guy who doesn't know how high the sky is. Even if you have the support of the Muluo family's skills, nothing can be changed. The gap in strength...

Wait a minute, there's something wrong with this guy's breath...

Some people have quickly discovered that Xie Wenxin's strength does not seem to be simple.

Just speaking from the breath of Xiewenxin. It already has the aura of a person from the upper world.

No, this Xiewenxin seems to be a person from the upper realm.

Eight hundred and thirty-four.

Ranking of a cultivator, he quietly looked at Xie Wenxin who had come to him.

I didn't expect that you were the first one to challenge me. However, what I am curious about is that in my perception, your aura is clearly that of a person from the upper world. Why are you on the list of people from the lower world? Woolen cloth?

he asked slightly confused.

At the same time, there was no slightest bit of contempt in my heart.

The opponent was able to charge directly at him, and he didn't feel weak at all.

This means that the other party is probably also a strong person. ..

Even about twice as strong as him, this level of strength is not something he can easily underestimate.

Well, maybe it's because none of me flew up. Although I also feel that you guys are relatively weak. However, I was careless before, so I want to be more cautious now. Okay, let's get started.

The fighting spirit in Xie Wenxin suddenly emerged.

When the cultivator saw this, he could only nod his head and accept the challenge.

There are not too many whys in this world. Most of the whys can be explained by the fact that one's own strength is not strong enough. As for other things, it goes without saying.

Okay, come on!

I saw this cultivator, the mana and spiritual energy on his body quickly condensed, and the surrounding space fluctuated slightly.

Obviously among these upper realms, a relatively weak genius is several times stronger than other people in the lower realms.

Xie Wenxin didn't make any special movements, but he still raised his fist as before.

This time, the fist did not contain much killing intent.

Of course, if he takes this punch unprepared, the cultivator will definitely not get any benefits, and may even die directly.

Faced with this situation, the cultivator was also shocked.

Such a powerful boxing technique, where did you learn from it!?

Xie Wenxin didn't bother to answer and punched him directly.


boom-! ! !

After this punch was sent out, the opponent's spells were directly destroyed.


This is one of the people you told me to pay attention to? Xie Wenxin, he can't be from that family, right? This is the Tianmo Boxing Technique, which the current head of the Mo Luo Clan has been practicing.

Jiuyue was also very surprised when she saw Xie Wenxin's actions.

No wonder it is said that the Moluo clan is not weak in every generation. Just the continuous improvement of the techniques among their clan can already explain everything.

In his opinion, as long as those skills are present and with the blessing of those skills, even a pig can cultivate to an extremely high level, and his combat power is not low.

However, he also found that Xie Wenxin's combat experience seemed to be not very good, in fact, it could even be said to be very poor.

Although it is true, Xiewenxin's understanding is not that low. After a few moves, his combat experience has also increased.

It's just that from the perspective of people in their class.

Yes, he is from that family. There is nothing wrong with that. You and I stand back and don't get caught for a while. He is still weak. That extremely strong person is still there.

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