Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1332 Time and space rift

While Xie Wenxin and Wang Wenhe were confronting each other, Murong Fu's eyes narrowed slightly.

He keenly felt a strange breath quietly coming out from behind him.

A man in black robes came behind him with a fierce wind, intending to use Wang Wenhe's challenge to defeat Murong Fu in one fell swoop.

There was no trace of panic in Murong Fu's eyes, only deep vigilance and calmness.

When he and Wang Wenhe were exchanging palm blows, his body instantly tilted, he used the power of his waist to spin a kick, and kicked the man in black robe hard.

Do you think you can succeed in a sneak attack?

It's really ridiculous. Murong Fu had a disdainful smile on his lips.

He didn't take this person seriously at all.

When the man in black robe saw that he was discovered, he immediately accelerated towards Murong Fu. His palms were filled with fierce momentum, and streams of black light poured out from his palms.

Wang Wenhe, what tricks do you want to play?

Murong Fu's voice was calm, and he looked at Wang Wenhe coldly while avoiding the black-robed man's attack.

Humph, it all depends on whether you can pass this level.

Be careful. Wang Wenhe's eyes were provocative.

For a time, Murong Fu was on the field dealing with attacks from multiple enemies, resisting Wang Wenhe's power with his left hand. The right hand intersects with the palm wind of the man in black robe. Where the palm wind intersects, the air seems to be torn apart.

Suddenly, a strange phenomenon came from the sky, and a long space crack appeared above the venue.

It was like a bolt of lightning, but this lightning did not disappear. Instead, it hovered in the air and then gradually expanded.

Everyone on the field was startled by this sudden situation, and some people couldn't help but scream.

I saw the cracks in the space getting bigger and bigger, as if they were going to swallow up the entire venue.

Murong Fu suddenly felt a huge suction force gushing out from the crack in space. His expression changed slightly, and he quickly withdrew his and Wang Wenhe's palms to resist the suction force with all his strength. ..

When the man in black robe saw this scene, his expression changed drastically and he hurriedly fled. He knew that he could not resist this power.

Murong Fu, let me see how you escape this time!

I will kill you today to avenge the past. Wang Wenhe sneered and jumped back, out of Murong Fu's attack range.

As everyone was talking, the cracks in the space were getting bigger and bigger, and the suction force was getting stronger and stronger.

Murong Fu's feet had begun to become unstable. He resisted with all his strength, and the determination and determination in his eyes never wavered.

You clowns, if you want to play, let's play together to the end! Murong Fu roared angrily, raised his body, and was sucked in by the suction of the space crack.

Everyone on the venue was stunned, only Wang Wenhe's proud laughter was still echoing in the air.

The cracks in the space gradually shrank and disappeared into the sky, leaving only dead silence.

at the same time.

The other side of the space rift.

The central square of Fengyun City is bustling with people.

A huge arena stood among the crowd, surrounded by martial arts people from all directions.

Their eyes were full of expectation and excitement, because today was the selection meeting for the leaders of the three halls of the Tianxiahui.

Duanlang stood in the crowd, his eyes flashing with complex emotions.

As a member of Tianxiahui, he has been looking forward to making a mark in this organization.

This selection should have been his chance, but on the eve of the competition, Xiongba actually told him that he could only lose but not win.

Xiongba's words made Duanlang feel like a knife. He knew that Xiongba already had a candidate for the hall leader in his heart, and that was his three disciples - Qin Shuang, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng. This made him feel extremely lost and angry.

In one corner of the square, Xiongba stood on a high platform, overlooking the arena below. His eyes were deep and there was an imperceptible smile at the corner of his mouth.

He knew that this selection was just a performance and the real winner had already been determined.

In the arena, two warriors were fighting fiercely.

They have different moves. One is good at swordsmanship, with flashing sword light and unusual agility; the other is a master of boxing, and every punch carries shocking power.

In the crowd, some cheered for them, and some were talking about breaking the waves. They all knew about Duan Lang's strength, but they also heard about Xiong Ba's order.

Duan Lang held the hilt of his sword tightly, his heart heavy. He knows his own strength and knows that he is qualified to compete for the position of hall leader. But Xiong Ba's order put him in a dilemma.

Finally, his name was called.

It's your turn to break the wave, come on out! The host's voice echoed over the square.

Duan Lang took a deep breath and walked towards the ring.

His opponent was a burly man who looked to have great strength.

But Duan Lang was not afraid, he knew that his swordsmanship was enough to deal with it.

The competition has begun. Duanlang and Dahan are going back and forth, making wonderful moves.

Duanlang's swordsmanship is agile, and every time he swings his sword, he carries an elegant style.

The big man relied on his own strength to try to suppress Duan Lang again and again.

In the crowd, some cheered for Duanlang, while others cheered for the big man.

The entire square was filled with tension and excitement.

But Duanlang's heart was not in the competition, he had many things on his mind.

He knew he couldn't win, but he didn't want to lose easily either.

His swordsmanship was intentionally reserved so that people could not see his true strength.

The competition lasted for half an hour, and Duan Lang was finally defeated.

He stood on the ring, his chest rising and falling rapidly, and a reluctant and bitter smile appeared on his face.

He hates, hates this unfair world.

However, there is no way.

In the crowd, some felt sorry for him, while others showed expressions of understanding.

Xiong Ba stood on the high platform and looked at Duan Lang's back, a complex emotion flashing in his eyes.

But he also knew that all this was for the future of Tianxiahui.

The crowd in the square gathered more and more, and the competition in the ring became more and more fierce.

Martial arts people showed off their unique skills one after another, vying for the honorary position of the leader of the three halls of the Tianxiahui.

Duanlang stood in the crowd, with a hint of loss and unwillingness in his eyes, and his worries seemed to have not calmed down.

Suddenly, a strange phenomenon appeared in the sky.

A long space crack spread out over the field. It was like a bolt of lightning, but this lightning did not disappear. Instead, it hovered in the air and then gradually expanded.

Everyone on the field was startled by this sudden situation, and some people couldn't help but scream.

What is this? someone asked loudly.

Could it be that an immortal came to this world? Another person said in surprise.

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd. Some people speculated that it was the magic power of immortals, while others thought it was an omen of celestial phenomena.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the space crack, as if they wanted to pry out some secrets from it.

At this moment, a figure fell from the crack in space.

That person was Murong Fu.

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