Xiongba's anger had reached its extreme. His fingers were already on the hilt of his sword, and he was about to draw his sword and cut off the wave.

The atmosphere of the entire scene was extremely tense, and everyone's eyes were focused on Xiong Ba, waiting for his movements.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out, knelt down in front of Xiong Ba, and said urgently: Gang leader, please spare Duan Lang's life! Although he is rude, he is a loyal person of our Tianxia Association after all. Please be kind to the gang leader!

This person is none other than Nie Feng, another master of the Tianxiahui.

His eyes were full of anxiety, and he knew that Duan Lang's life hung in the balance of Xiong Ba's thoughts.

Xiongba's eyes condensed, and he said in a cold voice: Nie Feng, do you also want to plead for him? Don't you know that his mistakes have already caused me to lose face?

There was a hint of determination in Nie Feng's eyes, and he said firmly in his voice: Gang leader, although Duan Lang made mistakes, he has always been a loyal person to our Tianxia Association.

His crime is not worthy of death. Please think twice, leader!

Xiong Ba's face became even more ugly, and his voice was full of unquestionable majesty: Nie Feng, don't say any more.

I have already decided on today's matters.

Dugu Fang, who was on the side, looked like he was watching a show. There was a sarcastic smile on his lips, and he seemed to be very interested in everything in front of him.

At this moment, Murong Fu suddenly spoke and said in a calm voice: You can't kill him with Duan Lang.

The whole scene was silent, and everyone's eyes turned to Murong Fu.

Xiong Ba's eyes stared at Murong Fu fiercely, and with a hint of threat in his voice, he said coldly: Who are you, Your Excellency?

How dare you meddle in my Tianxiahui's territory?

Murong Fu's eyes remained calm, and his voice said firmly: Although I am an outsider, when I see injustice, I naturally cannot stand by and watch.

Although Duan Lang is rude, it does not lead to a death penalty. If the gang leader kills people because of this, I am afraid it will make people doubt the majesty of the Tianxiahui.

Xiong Ba's face suddenly turned ugly, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. His voice became even colder: Your Excellency seems to be too concerned about the affairs of our Tianxiahui.

I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences.

The atmosphere of the entire scene was once again extremely tense. Everyone's eyes were focused on Murong Fu and Xiong Ba, waiting for the decision between them.

Murong Fu's face remained calm, and there was no trace of flinching in his eyes.

Duanlang's body was trembling, and his eyes were full of shock and confusion.

He did not expect that Murong Fu would suddenly stand up and plead for himself.

His heart was filled with emotion, and at the same time he became deeply curious about Murong Fu's identity and purpose.

Murong Fu's eyes were still calm, and his voice was firm as he said to Xiong Ba: Today is a great day for the world to compete for hegemony and elect a new gang leader.

It is not appropriate to resort to punishments, lest it affect the overall situation.

Xiong Ba's expression did not change at all, but there was a hint of contemplation in his eyes. He silently considered Murong Fu's words in his heart.

What Murong Fu said makes sense, today's matter is indeed of great importance, and it is not appropriate to cause trouble over trivial matters.

Moreover, Murong Fu's identity was too mysterious, so it was not a bad idea to give him some face.

After a moment of silence, Xiongba finally spoke and said in a calm voice: What you said is true. It is really not appropriate to cause trouble over trivial matters today.

Although Duan Lang is rude, I can spare his life.

Duan Lang's body trembled, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He knew that his life had been saved, and his heart was filled with gratitude to Murong Fu.

Murong Fu's expression did not change at all, and his voice remained calm: The gang leader is indeed a generous person who can understand the faults of his subordinates.

I believe that the world will become stronger under the leadership of the gang leader.

A smile appeared on the corner of Xiong Ba's mouth, and a trace of satisfaction showed in his voice: Your Excellency, you are overly complimentary.

Today's matter has been settled. Let's continue the fight for hegemony.

Murong Fu nodded, his eyes showing a trace of deep thought.

He knew that although today's matter had been settled, Xiong Ba's vigilance towards him would definitely increase.

The atmosphere in the entire scene finally breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone's eyes turned to the competition stage, waiting for the next battle for hegemony.

Dugu Yifang had a dissatisfied expression on his face, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

He originally thought he could find some fun in the conflict between Murong Fu and Xiong Ba, but he didn't expect that the matter would end so peacefully.

There was a hint of dissatisfaction in his voice: I originally thought there would be some fun to watch today, but I didn't expect it to be so boring.

He ran his fingers through his long beard, a glint of inquiry in his eyes.

Murong Fu's identity and actions made him curious. He wanted to know what the purpose of this mysterious figure was.

Xiongba stood on the high platform and announced loudly: Today's matter has been settled, and the competition for hegemony of the Tianxiahui will now continue.

As soon as his voice fell, the atmosphere in the entire venue immediately became heated.

People's eyes are once again focused on the competition stage, waiting for the next exciting showdown.

Duan Lang quietly walked up to Murong Fu. His eyes were full of gratitude and his voice was choked with sobs as he said, Thank you for your life-saving grace. Duan Lang has nothing to repay.

Murong Fu looked at Duan Lang calmly, and said in a calm voice: It's not a big deal. You and I are strangers. What happened today was just a chance help, and there was no other intention.

There was a trace of surprise in Duan Lang's eyes. He did not expect that Murong Fu would treat his gratitude so indifferently.

His voice was a little disappointed when he said: Since Your Excellency refuses to accept my gratitude, Duan Lang can only remember this kindness silently.

A trace of deep thought flashed in Murong Fu's eyes, and his voice remained calm: As long as we live in this world, we often need to help each other. Perhaps it is fate that you and I meet each other today.

“You don’t have to be too grateful, just keep doing your thing.”

At the same time, Bu Jingyun stood in the crowd, looking at Murong Fu with complex eyes. His heart was filled with curiosity and shock.

There was a hint of inquiry in his eyes, he wanted to know who Murong Fu was.

His heart was also filled with gratitude. Murong Fu not only saved his uncle Huo Lie, but also Duan Lang.

This gave him deep respect for Murong Fu.

His eyes followed Murong Fu's figure involuntarily, and he wanted to know more about this mysterious figure.

Murong Fu seemed to be aware of Bu Jingyun's gaze. He turned his head and glanced at Bu Jingyun, with a hint of deep meaning in his eyes.

Bu Jingyun's heart was shocked. He felt that there seemed to be many secrets hidden in Murong Fu's eyes, which were unpredictable.

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