Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1345 Please accept it

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, and the atmosphere seemed particularly harmonious.

Then Nie Feng took out a few banknotes from his arms and handed them to Murong Fu: Mr. Murong, please accept them.

Murong Fu frowned, looked at Nie Feng and asked, Brother Nie, what do you mean?

Nie Feng looked at Murong Fu firmly and replied, These bank notes are some of the travel expenses I prepared for Duan Lang.

Now that he's with you, I believe he has a bright future.

These banknotes are just a small token of my gratitude to you. Please accept them.

Murong Fu stared at the banknote in Nie Feng's hand, with a thoughtful look on his face.

After a moment, he shook his head and pushed the banknote away: Brother Nie, although we have only been together for a short time, I know that you are an upright and generous person.

I can't accept these banknotes.

Nie Feng's eyes showed a hint of sincerity: Mr. Murong, these one thousand taels of silver notes are the entire net worth of Bu Jingyun and I.

You saved Huo Lie and you saved Duan Lang, how can we repay you? Although Bu Jingyun couldn't come in person, he also asked me to hand over this thing to express my gratitude.

Duan Lang stood aside, with complex emotions on his face that were difficult to describe.

He looked at Murong Fu, his eyes full of reverence and respect: Mr. Murong, these banknotes are insignificant to us, but they are a deep respect for you.

Please accept it.

Murong Fu shook his head, put his hands behind his back, walked slowly to the window, and looked at the distant mountains outside the window: I accept your thoughts.

But I can't accept these banknotes.

You are in the Tianxiahui, Xiongba must know your property very well.

If he suddenly loses so much silver, I'm afraid it will arouse his suspicion.

Nie Feng and Duan Lang looked at each other, feeling each other's helplessness and bitterness.

Murong Fu looked at Nie Feng with a smile and said calmly: Brother Duanlang, I completely understand your intentions.

However, I can accept these banknotes, but I have to entrust you and Bu Jingyun to keep them.

Nie Feng was at a loss for a moment.

He didn't expect Murong Fu to respond like this.

He asked in confusion: Mr. Murong, what do you mean?

Murong Fu walked up to Nie Feng, patted his shoulder lightly, and smiled slightly: Brother Nie Feng, you and I have been dating for a long time. I can accept these banknotes, but I want you to keep the money. Open a pharmacy for me.

Duan Lang was stunned for a moment, his eyes seemed to bulge out of his sockets as he looked at Murong Fu.

He never imagined that Murong Fu would propose opening a pharmacy, let alone that he would know something about pharmacology.

Mr. Murong, do you actually understand medicine? Duan Lang's voice was full of shock, and the tea cup in his hand almost slipped.

Without revealing a trace of a smile on his face, Murong Fu gently put down the teapot in his hand and said calmly: I only know a little bit about it. I used to help people treat illnesses, so I learned some basic pharmacological knowledge.

Brother Duanlang, this time I want to ask Nie Feng to handle the matter of opening a store.

Duanlang was still immersed in surprise for a moment. He calmed down a little and asked respectfully: Brother Nie Feng will comply with your orders.

Murong Fu's eyes were deep and he tapped his fingers lightly on the table, as if he was thinking about something.

Finally, he said slowly: I want Nie Feng to open a medicine shop and sell a special plaster - Intermittent Bone Ointment.

This medicine can heal the bones in a very short time, and the effect is miraculous.

Duanlang was dumbfounded after hearing this, and it took him a while to come back to his senses: This... this kind of medicine will surely cause a sensation in the world.

Mr. Murong, you are truly superior.

Murong Fu smiled slightly and seemed not surprised by this: This is just one of the plans.

I hope Nie Feng can run this pharmacy in a good way. Through the pharmacy, we may be able to contact more useful talents.

Duanlang suddenly understood, realized Murong Fu's superiority, and agreed repeatedly.

Nie Feng nodded and immediately showed his enthusiasm: Mr. Murong, Brother Duanlang, then I will go handle the matters at the drug store.

I will let the world know the miraculous effect of this bone-breaking ointment! After saying that, he bowed deeply to the two of them, turned around and left quickly.

The footsteps outside the door gradually faded away. Duan Lang was still shocked by the topic just now. He turned to look at Murong Fu, his eyes full of confusion and curiosity: Mr. Murong, what kind of magic medicine is that Duan Lang bone ointment? I have never seen it before. How did you learn about the existence of such drugs? His tone was full of eagerness to know.

Murong Fu smiled, shook his head mysteriously, and saw a strange light flashing in the corner of his eyes: Brother Duanlang, not everything in this world can be explained by common sense.

There are some things we don't know.

Duan Lang felt a chill creep into his heart and shuddered involuntarily.

He felt that Murong Fu exuded an indescribable charm. This power made him involuntarily trust Murong Fu, and at the same time he was in awe of him.

Nie Feng returned to the main hall of Tianxiahui with complicated emotions.

Nie Feng knew that the household registration required to open a drug store was a big problem, and Murong Fu's identity could not be easily exposed.

He walked along the long corridor, his thoughts racing, and unknowingly he came to the study door of the gang leader Xiongba.

Nie Feng, what's the matter? Xiong Ba was reading a book on the Art of War. When he heard footsteps outside the door, he raised his head and asked.

Nie Feng gently pushed the door open and went in, bowing and saluting: Gang leader, I have a favor to ask.

Xiongba put down the book, a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes: Oh? Tell me.

Nie Feng cleared his throat, looked at Xiong Ba and said frankly: Gang leader, I have a relative who wants to open a medicine shop in the city, but due to his special identity, it is inconvenient to expose him.

He is a kind-hearted man who wants to use some of his medical skills to benefit the people.

I would like to ask the helper to help him and use his connections in the government to obtain a fake household registration for him.

Xiong Ba pondered for a moment after hearing this, and a hint of subtle cunning flashed in his eyes: Brother Nie Feng, who are your relatives and friends? Are they some figures in the world that I don't know about?

Nie Feng's face did not change, his heart did not beat, and he shook his head quickly: I dare not hide the gang leader. This person is indeed a figure in the world, but he is not from a famous family. He is just a reclusive doctor in a thatched cottage.

He has saved my little brother's life many times, and I want to repay him.

Xiong Ba looked at Nie Feng's eyes, trying to get a clue, but Nie Feng's eyes were open and without any fluctuation.

Xiongba hesitated in his heart.

After all, having such a doctor can be regarded as a way to make friends, not to mention that if this medicine shop really has a reputation, the world will be considered kind to him.

Thinking of this, Xiongba smiled slightly: Okay, I will trust you once, and I will send someone to handle this matter tomorrow.

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