In the hall of Tianxiahui, night gradually fell, and the dim light shone on Xiong Ba's face, outlining his gloomy outline.

Xiongba, who was sitting in the main seat, had deep eyes and tapped his fingers lightly on the table, causing ripples to spread out.

Nie Feng's figure stepped into the hall, his tall and straight figure passed through the darkness, and his black clothes reflected his steely eyes.

Facing Xiongba, he did not dare to slack off in his posture. He stepped forward and saluted: The leader of the gang has summoned me. Is Feng'er at fault?

Xiongba's eyes glanced sharply at Nie Feng, and his voice slowly sounded: Today there are rumors in the city that a store called Rongfu Medicine Hall is about to open. It is said that there is a magical bone-removing ointment. Have you heard of it?

Nie Feng's heart moved slightly, but the expression on his face remained unchanged. He replied: I heard about it, but Feng'er has nothing to do with it.

There was a flash of suspicion in Xiongba's eyes, and his voice was low: Someone said that this Rongfu Medicine Hall is related to your friend. Did he mention anything to you?

Nie Feng's heart tightened, and the scene of discussing with Murong Fu emerged in his mind.

However, he put on a smile and said in a firm voice: The gang leader is worrying too much. This fact is just a coincidence. Feng'er is not lucky enough to get to know the miracle doctor.

Xiongba nodded slightly regretfully and did not delve into it further.

After all, he didn't expect much.

Nie Feng returned to the room and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and took out two different pharmacy licenses from his arms.

It turned out that in order to avoid Xiong Ba's suspicion, he applied for an ordinary pharmacy license after posting the notice.

And soon.

It was quiet in the Tianxiahui General Hall late at night. The moonlight quietly filtered in through the window lattice, coating Nie Feng's room with a mysterious silver halo.

The furnishings of the room are simple and elegant. There is a seemingly ordinary long sword hanging on the wall, but there are some ancient runes engraved on the hilt.

There are several open ancient books on the desk, as well as a map that cannot be rolled up, which looks a bit messy.

Nie Feng was sitting at his desk meditating when suddenly there was a dong dong dong knock on the door.

Nie Feng frowned, looked up at the door, took a deep breath, and said, Come in.

The door was pushed open, and Bu Jingyun walked in wearing a black knight's costume and holding a secret letter with a handsome face but a bit of worry.

Nie Feng immediately stood up, went up to him and asked, Brother Bu, what's the important matter for you to visit late at night?

Bu Jingyun looked around the room, then locked the door and said slowly: Brother Nie, did he accept the banknote you gave to Murong Fu?

Nie Feng nodded and replied: Mr. Murong entrusted me to take the money to open a medicine shop. I still have most of the banknotes left, but he needs the two of us to take care of it.

Bu Jingyun's face relaxed slightly, indicating that he understood, and then asked with a surprised look on his face: Brother Nie, have you heard?

Is the Rong Fu Pharmacy that sells the Discontinuous Bone Ointment that is a hot topic in the city today, owned by Mr. Murong?

Nie Feng looked at Bu Jingyun's face through the moonlight outside the window, took a deep breath, and then said slowly: Brother Bu, today I heard about the intermittent bone healing ointment that people in the city are talking about.

Indeed, Rong Fu's Medicine Shop was opened by Mr. Murong.

But what happened to your uncle Huo Lie?

Bu Jingyun's eyes flickered slightly, obviously not expecting Nie Feng to raise this question so directly.

He hesitated for a moment, with a look of surprise on his face, but quickly adjusted and replied: I did send someone to find my uncle. I hope to have news as soon as possible.

Nie Feng's eyes were still sharp. He noticed the hesitation in Bu Jingyun's expression, but did not ask further.

He raised his hand, pointed at the map on the table, and changed the subject: Brother Bu, since the two of us are secretly following Mr. Murong, we are allies.

I will be concerned about your uncle's affairs. If you need my help, just ask.

Bu Jingyun's expression gradually relaxed, and he obviously felt Nie Feng's sincerity.

He straightened his back, looked at Nie Feng firmly and said, Thank you, Brother Nie.

I already have someone taking care of uncle Huo Lie's matter.

But since we are all following Mr. Murong now, I think we should cooperate more closely.

Nie Feng leaned against the window, looking at the night outside the window, and continued in a calm tone: Brother Bu, do you know the mysterious powers of Mr. Murong?

It is said that he is very capable and amazing.

Bu Jingyun frowned, shook his head slightly, and said, Mr. Murong does have outstanding talents, but I don't know much about his magical powers.

What are your plans for mentioning this?

Nie Feng turned around, glanced at Bu Jingyun's face, and said slowly: I just want to say that the person we are following is by no means an ordinary person.

Now that we have decided to side with him, we should devote ourselves wholeheartedly. There may be more difficult tasks waiting for us in the future.

Bu Jingyun was silent for a moment and nodded to express his understanding.

Outside the inn, the streets illuminated by the moonlight seemed empty and silent.

Mingyue, a mysterious heroine, stood in the shadows wearing a black night suit. Her eyes were sharp and cold, as if she could penetrate the curtain of the night.

She glanced at several killers holding concealed weapons. They were wearing the same night clothes and waiting for her instructions with expressionless faces.

Mingyue used extremely subtle eye contact, and the killers immediately understood her intentions.

Leak in the direction of Murong Fu's room, move quickly and make no sound.

Ming Yue's voice was calm and firm. Her voice was not loud, but every word was clearly transmitted to the ears of the killers.

The killers all expressed their acceptance of the order. Their movements were skillful and tacit, like a sophisticated machine.

In an instant, they disappeared into the darkness to carry out the upcoming assassination mission.

Mingyue watched them leave, her back looking a little lonely and heavy.

There was a trace of complicated emotions in her eyes, which was the entanglement of the upcoming action and the reluctance to leave Murong Fu.

She stood alone, her thoughts drifting to the days when she and Murong Fu met.

Scenes of Murong Fu's style and the time they spent together appeared before her eyes.

But now, she must face a painful reality: she may have to personally participate in severing this emotional tie.

She shook her head and forced herself back to reality.

The entanglement in her heart cannot change the facts. She must fulfill her mission.

She gently brushed away a trace of moisture from the corner of her eyes and disappeared into the night again.

In Murong Fu's room, the classical furnishings were rendered warm and tranquil by the flickering candlelight.

Suddenly, a system voice sounded, and a mysterious atmosphere seemed to fill the air.

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