Murong Fu waited quietly outside the door, with complex and subtle feelings towards Mingyue in his heart.

He knew tonight's meeting would be an important moment for both of them.

Not long after, the guard came to the door of Mingyue's courtyard. He opened his lips slightly and said in a trembling voice: Miss, there is a young master outside who calls himself Murong Fu asking to see you.

When Mingyue heard this name, she was immediately shocked, her hands were shaking so much that she couldn't control herself, and she let out a dry and hoarse sob in her throat.

Her heart was filled with fear and uneasiness, but there was also a hint of expectation and curiosity.

She tried hard to suppress her inner emotions and replied slowly: I understand. You go to greet him and take him to the living room to wait.

The guard responded respectfully, turned and left.

Mingyue's heart was full of emotions at this time. She knew what Murong Fu's arrival meant. At the same time, she also knew that this meeting might change her destiny.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm down her emotions, then stood up, straightened her clothes, and walked slowly to the living room. ..

And the other side.

The guard returned to the gate, bowed respectfully to Murong Fu, and motioned for him to follow.

Murong Fu nodded and the two walked through the magnificent courtyard of the Ming family together.

The flowers and trees in the yard are sparse, the pond is sparkling under the moonlight, and the bluestone paths meander among the flowers and trees. Everything looks peaceful and elegant.

The guards took Murong Fu to the living room of the Ming family.

This is a spacious and bright hall, elegantly and plainly decorated, with several exquisite landscape paintings hanging on the walls. A large mahogany table is placed in the center, surrounded by comfortable sandalwood chairs.

When a maid saw them coming in, she walked over quickly and elegantly poured a cup of tea for Murong Fu.

Murong Fu politely thanked the maid, then picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

The guards and maids all retreated to the side. Murong Fu was the only one in the hall, and everything seemed quiet and orderly.

After a while, Mingyue's figure appeared at the door.

She was wearing a light blue dress, her long hair was fragrant, and she had a look of nervousness and expectation on her face.

After she entered the living room, she glanced at Murong Fu first, and then calmly said to the guards and maids: You all should step aside, as long as I and Young Master Murong are here.

The guards and maids immediately responded respectfully, exited the living room, and slowly closed the door.

In the living room, only Murong Fu and Mingyue were left.

Mingyue held her sleeve tightly, her face revealed uneasiness, and she asked in a trembling voice: Mr. Murong, why did you come here?

Don't you already know...

Murong Fu looked at her sideways and said calmly: Miss Mingyue, you know it well.

Are tonight's assassins ordered by you in the name of the city lord?

Mingyue's face suddenly turned pale, she bit her lip, and a drop of crystal tears fell down.

She was so embarrassed that she held back her tears and said, Mr. Murong, I'm sorry for what happened tonight.

The situation forced me to...I really had no choice.

Murong Fu waved his hand, interrupted her, and said resolutely: There's no point in apologizing. The matter has come to this, and there's no point in talking about it.

“I didn’t come to you to hear your apology.

I'll give you three options.

Mingyue's heartbeat quickened, and she looked at Murong Fu nervously, waiting for his next words.

Murong Fu continued: First, from now on, if you follow me, I can guarantee your safety and give you a new start.

Second, die.

You understand, this is the price for assassinating me.

Third, watch Wushuang City destroyed in the most miserable way.

Mingyue's body began to tremble slightly, her eyes were full of entanglement and pain, and she was speechless for a moment.

There was no sympathy on Murong Fu's face. He knew that his proposal was very cruel, but he also understood that the decision at this moment was related to their future destiny.

Mingyue's eyes were full of determination and resistance, and her heart was entangled with deep pain and struggle.

After a moment of silence, she gritted her teeth, a determined light flashing in her eyes.

I'll forgive you, Mr. Murong! she suddenly said loudly, retreating quickly, pulling out the soft sword from her waist, pointing the sharp sword tip at Murong Fu.

Murong Fu's eyes did not show surprise, but showed a trace of understanding.

He stood up slowly, looking particularly calm in the face of Mingyue's attack.

Mingyue's soft sword flew like a spiritual snake, with every swing carrying a chill.

Her eyes were firm, and her attacks were fast and powerful, but Murong Fu seemed to be well prepared. His movements were agile, and every parry was just right.

A moment later, Murong Fu hit Mingyue's sword wrist with an exquisite move, and her soft sword flew out of her hand.

Murong Fu refused to say anything, stepped forward and put his palm on Mingyue's shoulder. She couldn't move for a moment and fell to her knees.

Murong Fu looked down at Mingyue from a high position, with deep eyes, and asked: Now, Miss Mingyue, have you made your choice?

Mingyue's tears fell involuntarily. She looked up at Murong Fu, her lips trembling, and said with difficulty: I choose...the second one...

Murong Fu stood in the center of the living room, dressed in a white robe without any wind. His eyes were calm and deep, as if they could penetrate people's hearts.

He said to the bright moon: A gentleman's words are hard to follow, but sometimes people are not always gentlemen.

Mingyue, you can only choose to follow me now, or watch Wushuang City fall to the most miserable end.

How do you choose?

Mingyue's hands clutched her dress tightly, her body trembled, and tears kept flowing down, like a wounded deer alone, lost in the darkness.

She struggled to express her inner thoughts, her voice almost drowned by tears:

Mingyue's tears fell like broken beads, her shoulders trembled, her lips pursed tightly, and her voice expressed her thoughts intermittently: The first time...the first time we met in a restaurant...I ...I don't want to kill Murong Fu, but I...I am the guardian of Wushuang City, this is the city lord's order, my destiny...

Murong Fu listened to Mingyue's words, his eyes revealed a deep understanding and sympathy, but a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said a shocking sentence: Mingyue, you are the guardian of Wushuang City, not the guardian of the city lord. By.

Mingyue was surprised when she heard this, her eyes widened as if she had been struck by lightning.

This sentence was like a crisp slap on Mingyue's face.

Her eyes suddenly became glazed over, then slowly turned to surprise.

Many images of the past emerged in her mind, those days of blind obedience, those days of fighting for the city lord's selfish desires.

At that moment, her heart seemed to be opened, and some truths she had never thought of poured into her mind.

She suddenly understood that she had been fighting for the selfish desires of the city lord, not the interests of Wushuang City.

Her eyes changed from surprised to dazed, and then gradually brightened.

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