Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1353 Flying Pigeon Passing Letters

What's even more peculiar is that this aroma seems to have a purifying effect on the soul, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Murong Fu closed the lid of the white jade box again and gently placed it back on the workbench, as if placing a work of art.

He smiled slightly, feeling secretly satisfied that the production of the bone-joining ointment this time was more successful than he expected.

After completing all this, Murong Fu arranged all the white jade boxes neatly on the table.

There was a flash of deep thought in his eyes, and he knew that these intermittent bone ointments would be his business card in the wind and cloud world, representing his pharmacy, future connections and money.

Then, he took out a piece of soft silk and carefully wrapped each white jade box to prevent the ointment from getting damp or damaged.

The pattern on the silk fabric flows faintly, like an abstract painting, which complements the exquisite quality of the ointment.

After completing the packaging, Murong Fu put these white jade boxes into a special wooden box.

The wooden box is made of tough material and the exterior is inlaid with gorgeous patterns, making it look very delicate.

He gently closed the lid of the wooden box, and a mysterious aura seemed to emanate from it, making people feel awe.

At this moment, when Murong Fu was concentrating on sorting out the wooden box containing the white jade box, a gentle knock on the door sounded in the room, interrupting his thoughts.

He put away his emotions and responded: Please come in.

The door opened slowly, and Duan Lang walked in, his expression respectful and slightly worried.

His eyes fell on Murong Fu, and he smiled and said, Master, it's already meal time, please have a meal.

Murong Fu raised his head, glanced at Duan Lang, smiled and nodded: Thank you, Duan Lang.

You came just in time.

Duan Lang saluted, then pushed the door open and walked in with a tray.

The tray is filled with several simple but exquisite side dishes, with bright colors and tempting aroma.

He carefully placed the tray on the tea table so as not to disturb Murong Fu's work.

Duan Lang walked steadily, as if he was performing an important task, and he gently placed the tray on the tea table.

Murong Fu sat at the table, picked up a pair of chopsticks, and started eating.

His movements were graceful, as if every bite was carefully chosen and calculated.

However, his expression was still serious, as if he was thinking about something important in his heart.

Duan Lang stood aside, his eyes involuntarily falling on the white jade box next to him, where a fresh fragrance was exuding.

This aroma is different from ordinary Chinese herbal medicine, and more like the taste of precious spices.

Master, what is this? Duan Lang finally couldn't help but asked curiously.

Murong Fu stopped what he was doing and smiled softly, This is the intermittent bone healing ointment I just completed. It is used to treat various serious fractures and trauma.

As for the specific effect...even if the hand is broken, as long as you use it in sufficient amount, the hand can grow back.

Duan Lang took a breath of air when he heard this and couldn't believe his ears.

He had seen many miraculous martial arts and spells, but he had never heard of such a miraculous medicine as an ointment that could regenerate severed limbs.

He couldn't help but smell the ointment more curiously, and felt a fresh and elegant aroma coming to his nostrils, which was refreshing.

There was wonder in his eyes, and he couldn't help but admire Murong Fu's medical skills.

Murong Fu smiled faintly, noticing Duan Lang's surprise, and patiently explained: This Duan Lang bone ointment has been developed and prepared by me many times. It is a combination of medicine and alchemy techniques that I have learned during my practice.

Its medicinal properties are truly miraculous.

Hearing Murong Fu's explanation, Duan Lang's admiration grew even more spontaneously.

Although he didn't understand much about these medical and alchemy terms, he could feel Murong Fu's intention and wisdom. He was proud that he had chosen such an outstanding master.

Duan Lang looked at Murong Fu again and said with a hint of admiration: Young master is really versatile, he is even so skilled at refining medicine.

Murong Fu smiled and shook his head indifferently: No, refining medicine is just one of my skills.

These intermittent bone balms will become a specialty in our apothecary and help build a certain reputation in the world.

This is really... Duan Lang wanted to say something, but felt that any words seemed pale and weak.

Seeing this, Murong Fu smiled faintly and said, I know you have many questions, but now is not the time to explain.

Invite Nie Feng to come over tonight. I have something to discuss with him.

Duan Lang immediately understood Murong Fu's intention. Nie Feng's physical condition also worried him. This magical ointment might be a life-saving straw for Nie Feng.

Yes, sir, I will inform Nie Feng right away.

Duan Lang nodded respectfully.

But he felt a little heavy.

He suddenly realized that the bottle of ointment in Murong Fu's hand would not only change Nie Feng's fate, but might also affect the pattern of the entire world.

Duanlang agreed, and then began to prepare the flying pigeon to pass the letter.

He sat at the table in Murong Fu's room, with a detailed note spread out on the table.

The tip of the pen gently slid over the note, and as the ink flowed, he wrote down important content in neat handwriting.

His expression was focused and serious, and he knew that this flying pigeon letter carried an important mission.

After finishing writing the text, Duan Lang whistled, and the crisp sound echoed in the room.

A moment later, a white flying pigeon fluttered outside the window, tapping the window gently with its wings.

Duanlang stood up and walked towards the window, his movements steady and powerful.

Murong Fu also cast his eyes on the window. He was very interested in this method of flying pigeons to deliver messages.

He watched Duan Lang open the window, and a white flying pigeon flew into the room. Its eyes were bright, its wings were flapping gently, and it was full of agility.

Duanlang approached the pigeon, and he seemed to have some kind of tacit understanding with the flying pigeon.

He gently stroked the pigeon's feathers and then picked up the note from the table.

He carefully tied the note around Flying Pigeon's leg, making sure to tie it securely.

Then, he said to Feige in a gentle tone: Go to Nie Feng and bring him this letter.

Fei Ge seemed to understand Duan Lang's words, nodded slightly, and then fluttered its wings and flew up.

Its figure drew an elegant arc in the room, then passed through the window and flew into the blue sky again.

Murong Fu approached Duan Lang, his eyes full of curiosity.

He asked: What kind of method is this flying pigeon delivering messages?

Duanlang smiled and responded: Sir, flying pigeons to send messages is an ancient and reliable way of sending messages.

We have trained these flying pigeons in advance so that they can accurately deliver letters to designated locations.

Moreover, the speed of flying pigeons to pass messages is quite fast, which is suitable for some emergency situations.

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