Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1355 What can I help you with?

Hearing this, Duan Lang looked at Nie Feng with a puzzled expression: What can I help you with?

Nie Feng was silent for a while, then slowly said, Break my hand.

Duanlang's expression changed, and he obviously couldn't bear it: Brother Nie Feng, this -

Nie Feng's heartbeat seemed to become stronger after a brief hesitation. His eyes fell firmly on the white jade box, as if he had made up his mind.

He took a deep breath, then looked at Duan Lang beside him, and said firmly: Duan Lang, I decided to give it a try, please help me break your hand.

Duan Lang understood Nie Feng's choice, but he still felt an indescribable pain in his heart.

This was their mutual decision, but after all, it was their own hand. How would it feel to have it interrupted? He frowned slightly, but finally nodded in agreement.

Brother Nie Feng, do you really want to do this? Duan Lang's voice contained a hint of worry.

Mr. Murong, Duan Lang is a bit reluctant to do anything. If you don't mind, can you please do this yourself? Nie Feng turned to Murong Fu.

Murong Fu lowered his eyes and tapped his fingers on the table, seeming to be deep in thought.

Do you doubt the effectiveness of my medicine?

I have no doubts about your medicine, Nie Feng said firmly, but I need to experience it all myself, and I want to know whether it really has the effect you said.

Murong Fu finally raised his head, and his eyes became sharper at this moment, like a sharp sword, cutting through the hesitation and uneasiness in Nie Feng's heart.

Very good, I appreciate your attitude towards doing things.

Duanlang, come on.

Murong Fu gently waved his hand, signaling Duan Lang to take action.

Duan Lang took a long breath, picked up the hammer, and walked to Nie Feng.

His hand trembled.

Duan Lang hesitated in his eyes, and he felt the tremor in Nie Feng's hands.

After all, this is not only a physical pain, but also a psychological test.

He took a deep breath, raised his hands, and prepared to take the final step.

However, Murong Fu's voice suddenly sounded: Duanlang, why are you so hesitant?

Can't we even execute this order?

Murong Fu's tone was full of displeasure, and his eyes were locked on Duan Lang, as if conveying a firm determination.

At this moment, Murong Fu was no longer his usual gentleness, but revealed a sense of authority and command.

Duanlang felt Murong Fu's gaze, and his lips trembled slightly. He knew that this was Murong Fu testing his loyalty and execution ability.

Duanlang's inner struggle reached its climax.

His hand holding the hammer trembled slightly. It was such a heavy object, but it seemed to become extremely light at this moment, just because it represented a heavy decision. ..

Duanlang, I believe you.

Nie Feng's voice was like a breeze, blowing away the fog in Duan Lang's heart.

At this moment, Duanlang finally made a decision.

He took a deep breath, then used all his strength to hit Nie Feng's arm with the hammer.

The collision between the hammer and the flesh made a dull sound. Nie Feng's face turned pale, but he did not make any sound.

He knows that this is pain that must be experienced, and only in this way can they get closer to the truth.

Murong Fu stared at all this and finally nodded: Very good, Duanlang, you finally learned how to execute orders.

Duan Lang let go of his hand, with a hint of apology on his face.

He knew that what he had just done was to fulfill Murong Fu's order, but it made Nie Feng suffer.

He looked at Nie Feng, his eyes filled with guilt.

Brother Nie Feng, I'm sorry, I just... Duan Lang's voice was apologetic.

Nie Feng shook his head and forced a smile: It doesn't matter, Duanlang.

This is what I have to do.

And at this moment.

Nie Feng's hands were bloody and bloody, and the bones were exposed in the air. It was visually terrifying.

Murong Fu held a small jar of Discontinuous Bone Ointment in his hand and gently unscrewed the lid.

The paste in the bottle is in a semi-liquid state and exudes a unique but not pungent aroma.

Nie Feng stretched out his bloody hands, trembling.

The spaces between his fingers were no longer intact and looked miserable.

Murong Fu dipped his fingers into some ointment and began to apply it carefully on Nie Feng's injured arm.

Upon contact with the skin, the paste immediately becomes active, as if it is alive.

Nie Feng could feel the coolness of the ointment, as if a breeze was flowing on his hands, taking away part of the pain.

As the ointment was applied, Nie Feng's hands gradually began to change.

His hands seemed to have been injected with new power, and the bloody parts began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lines of brand new skin were regenerated on his hands, as if a mysterious picture was unfolding.

The three of them almost held their breath and stared at Nie Feng's hands.

The ointment began to glow faintly, and then, at a speed visible to the naked eye, the exposed bones began to be wrapped in new flesh.

First comes the bones, then the muscles, and finally the skin.

Nie Feng watched in disbelief as the cracked bones and flesh healed faster and faster and more completely under the influence of the intermittent bone healing paste.

From bones to skin, from bloody flesh to smooth and clean, all this happens in just a few minutes.

Nie Feng's hands became whole again, as if he had never experienced trauma.

He clenched his fist gently, feeling the strength and flexibility between his fingers.

A flash of surprise and gratitude flashed in his eyes, and he felt deep admiration for the miraculous effects of Intermittent Bone Balm.

This is really...

Incredible! Nie Feng's voice was trembling, and he said in disbelief.

A trace of surprise flashed in Duanlang's eyes. He had never seen such a magical effect. Even the hardest bones seemed to become soft in front of this magical ointment, and then reshaped at an alarming speed.

Murong Fu remained calm and focused. He only gently closed the lid of the ointment after confirming that the medicine was fully effective and his arm was fully healed.

Nie Feng raised his hand that was still bloody and bloody just now, made a fist, and then unfolded it. He didn't feel any discomfort. Everything seemed to be a dream.

What's the effect? Murong Fu asked.

Better than I expected.

Nie Feng said, his voice trembling slightly.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, looked at Nie Feng's expression, and nodded with satisfaction: The Broken Bone Ointment is indeed extraordinary.

It will be a valuable tool in our operations.

Duan Lang couldn't help but be shocked. He witnessed this miraculous healing process from close range.

He took a deep breath and looked at Murong Fu and Nie Feng with respect.

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