Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1358 Wushuang City Conspiracy

Nie Feng nodded, Time is not an issue, but the quality and details must be done well.

Master Huang smiled, Don't worry, my carpentry shop is never sloppy.

It was getting dark, and the design on the sketch had been gradually improved. Nie Feng nodded with satisfaction: Thank you for your cooperation. This design is very good. I think such a medicine cabinet will be very suitable for the medicine shop I opened.

After confirming all the details, Nie Feng took out some silver coins from his wallet and handed it to Master Huang as a deposit.

Okay, I leave everything to you.

Nie Fengyan said briefly and concisely.

Murong Fu and Duan Lang were sitting in an elegant room in the inn. An inkstone and several books were placed on a low table, which looked quite elegant.

Murong Fu was thinking about a map, while Duan Lang was looking through a martial arts secret book.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, accompanied by a flattering voice: Mr. Murong, there is someone here who wants to see you.

Murong Fu raised his head, gently put down the brush in his hand, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

He walked to the door and slowly opened it. What he saw was a waiter, wearing Tsing Yi with a flattering smile on his face.

What's the matter? Murong Fu asked with a puzzled look on his face.

The waiter lowered his head respectfully, Sir, His Majesty sent the Prime Minister to look for you in the palace. I heard about your magical experience of falling from the sky, and His Majesty wants to see you.

An imperceptible alertness flashed across Murong Fu's eyes.

Murong Fu stood in the center of the room, with an incomprehensible expression lingering on his face.

He turned his head and glanced at Duanlang. The latter's brows were also furrowed, and he clearly felt that something was wrong.

When is the agreement? Duan Lang couldn't help but ask.

The waiter walked at the door, holding the tray tightly in his hand. He raised the corners of his mouth and answered, Tomorrow at noon, at Zuixiang Building.

You can find it if you go out and walk a mile north.

After hearing this, Murong Fu suddenly said: You should go out first, I have something to discuss.

The waiter was stunned for a moment, but nodded, then turned and left the room.

As soon as the door closed, Murong Fu walked to the desk and sat down, tapping his fingers lightly on the table.

What do you think? Murong Fu raised his head and looked at Duan Lang.

Duanlang couldn't help but shook his head and said, This is very strange. The Prime Minister's sudden visit, coupled with the agreed time and place, I'm afraid it's a scam.

Murong Fu nodded slightly, picked up a piece of white jade from the jade box on the table, and began to gently polish his nails. A careful and cautious look filled his face.

We can't just go to the appointment like this. We have to find out the news first.

Broken wave suggestion.

Murong Fu raised his head, his eyes bright but unfathomable.

That's not necessary.

Duanlang stood in front of the window, picked up a ceramic teapot, poured two cups of tea, and handed one cup to Murong Fu.

His brows were still furrowed and he asked with confusion, Do you really want to go?

Isn't this the obvious Hongmen Banquet?

Murong Fu took the teacup, blew the hot steam from the tea gently, then raised his head and drank it all.

He slowly put down the tea cup, his eyes as sharp as an eagle, Not only the Hongmen Banquet, but also the so-called Prime Minister, I suspect it is probably a fake.

Duanlang took a breath of air, his pupils shrank slightly, and his expression became extremely shocked, False? Someone dares to pretend to be an imperial edict. Isn't this too bold?

Murong Fu put down his tea cup and folded his hands on the table. A sneer appeared on his face, Pretending to be an imperial edict?

Oh, if they already regard us as dead people, they won't worry about being exposed.

When Duan Lang heard this, his face changed slightly, and his hand subconsciously tightened the hilt of the sword hanging on his waist, You mean, that fake prime minister not only wants to frame you, but also wants to get rid of the two of us in one fell swoop?

Murong Fu nodded slightly, then stood up suddenly and walked to the window. Looking out the window at the alley in the night, his eyes became even deeper.

According to the news that Mingyue sent me, Wushuang City's assassination plan clearly did not include this link.

This makes people have to suspect that there is a bigger conspiracy behind all this.

Duan Lang stood up and walked to Murong Fu's side, his eyes equally solemn, Then what should we do?

Should we break in directly and expose their plan, or...

Murong Fu turned around and interrupted Duan Lang, Everything will come to light tomorrow. I want to see who is so bold and dares to use this method to deal with me.

Murong Fu smiled, but there was no warmth in his smile, and instead it became colder.

He stood up, walked to an ancient map, and tapped it with his finger. In this chaotic era, anything can happen.

There may be someone who wants to use the imperial power to achieve a certain purpose, or there may be someone with ulterior motives who wants to frame me.

Duan Lang immediately understood what Murong Fu meant. He stood up and quickly checked his weapons to make sure everything was ready. Then how should we respond?

Murong Fu turned around and glanced at Duan Lang, Not only are we going, but we also want to let them know that Murong Fu is not easily framed.

Duan Lang gritted his teeth tightly, with a look of determination on his face: No matter who it is, they will never get what they want!

But why didn't Mingyue mention this part? Murong Fu suddenly frowned, with a hint of doubt in his tone.

Duan Lang was also thinking, and obviously he didn't understand why Mingyue didn't tell them more details about this assassination plan before.

Didn't Mingyue know about it?

Has Mingyue been coerced or has another secret? Duan Lang began to worry a little. Although the friendship between them was not deep, trusting each other in Fengyun City was their only choice.

Murong Fu shook his head: Ignoring Mingyue's situation for the moment, what we need to do most now is to get rid of this trap and find a way out.

Duan Lang nodded in agreement.

They all know that this is not the time to delve into the reasons, but to formulate a response plan as soon as possible to survive the immediate crisis.

Dugu Yifang was sitting in the lobby of the Wushuang City Lord's Mansion. The magnificent environment and complicated decorations perfectly blended with the aura exuding from him.

He held a jade pendant, which shimmered slightly in the light.

Standing beside him was his son Dugu Ming, with a handsome face but a sharp edge in his eyes.

Mingyue knelt on the ground, clasping her hands together, her face expressionless, but secretly nervous in her heart.

Dugu Fang looked up at Dugu Ming and asked in a deep voice, Have you really thought about assassinating Murong Fu yourself?

Dugu Ming stared into his father's eyes and replied proudly: I have made up my mind, father.

I think that's the most direct way to solve the problem.

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