Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1372 What exactly do you want to do?

Qian Tong raised the wooden box and bowed deeply to Emperor Shitian: Master Murong will be deeply moved by this generous gift from Lord Emperor Shitian.

This Secret Book of Spiritual Herbs is undoubtedly a timely help to our Murong Mansion's pharmacy business.

Emperor Shitian nodded slightly, as if silently agreeing with Qian Tong's words.

The people around him also started talking.

It seems that Lord Emperor Shitian has an unusual relationship with Murong Mansion.

This Secret Book of Spiritual Herbs, I heard that it contains many lost medicinal materials and is valuable.

Murong Mansion has been making frequent moves recently. First it formed an alliance with Wushuang City, and now it has gained the attention of Emperor Shitian.

What exactly do they want to do?

In such an atmosphere, Qian Tong felt that the pressure in his heart gradually eased.

He knew that during this banquet, Murong Mansion undoubtedly took a very important step.

And at the same time.

Dugu Ming finally arrived belatedly.

Dugu Ming walked briskly into the banquet hall. After scanning around, his eyes immediately locked onto Mingyue sitting in the corner.

There was a hint of greed and cunning in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curved with pride.

Miss Mingyue, what are you thinking about here? Dugu Ming walked up to Mingyue with a sly smile, trying to get closer to her.

Mingyue felt very unhappy, her brows furrowed slightly, and her expression visibly stiffened briefly.

She turned her head and looked at Murong Fu, her eyes full of seeking help.

Murong Fu also noticed this scene. He frowned slightly, but pretended not to care on the surface and continued to discuss the plan at hand with Bu Jingyun.

Dugu Ming noticed the change in Mingyue's eyes and the presence of Murong Fu, and suddenly felt a sense of frustration in his self-esteem.

He felt it was a humiliation to him, especially when he saw the much more handsome, romantic and unrestrained Murong Fu.

What are you looking at! Dugu Ming couldn't help roaring loudly, and slapped Mingyue hard on the face.

The entire banquet hall fell into silence for an instant, and everyone's eyes were focused on this scene.

Mingyue covered her beaten face, anger and humiliation intertwined in her eyes.

However, she resisted the urge to explode, because she knew that this was her test as Murong Fu's internal response.

Murong Fu stood up slightly and glanced at the crowd around him: Dugu Ming, what do you mean? His voice was calm, but every word was as sharp as a steel needle.

Dugu Ming felt suffocated. He understood that Murong Fu was not the kind of person who was easily offended, but his pride and face forced him to respond bravely.

This is just a small family matter, Murong Fu, there is no need to get into trouble.

Dugu Ming gritted his teeth and pretended to be calm.

Murong Fu chuckled lightly and sat down again, Is it a small matter at home? Then please resolve it at your own home.

Dugu Ming smiled even more obscenely. He waved his sleeves and mocked: I am educating my future wife. What does this have to do with Murong Mansion?

The eyes of Murong Fu and Mingyue met at this moment. He saw a trace of doubt and help in Mingyue's eyes, but his face remained as calm as water.

But she was secretly surprised that at some point, Mingyue became Dugu Ming's fiancée.

Future wife? Murong Fu smiled, his cold smile as cold as ice penetrating his bones, In that case, I want to see how you 'educate' her.

After saying that, Murong Fu turned to look at Duan Lang, with a hint of command in his eyes.

Duan Lang understood immediately, quickly took a few steps forward, and slapped Dugu Ming hard on the face.

Dugu Ming was beaten and staggered a few steps. He was stunned. His face was full of anger and humiliation.

He glared at Murong Fu angrily and questioned: Why do you treat me like this?

How dare you! Dugu Ming questioned angrily. He was about to fight back, but found that he was too late.

At this moment, a figure quickly intervened. It was the Dugu family's Dugu family. He suppressed his anger and blocked Duanlang's fist.

Murong Fu, our Dugu family will handle this matter ourselves.

There is no need for outsiders to intervene.

Dugu looked serious and his eyes were full of warning.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, but his expression remained calm: Since the head of the Dugu family has come forward, I naturally don't need to say anything more.

After speaking, he signaled Duan Lang to retreat.

Dugu Yifang turned to look at Dugu Ming, his eyes full of reproach.

Dugu Ming lowered his head, knowing that he had done something wrong this time.

Then Dugu Yifang turned to Murong Fu: For the rudeness just now, I apologize to you on behalf of the Dugu family....

Mr. Murong, this young man is ignorant and impulsively did stupid things. I hope Mr. Murong can be more mature and don't get along with him.

Murong Fu looked at Dugu Fang, then turned to look at the bright moon.

Mingyue still stood aside. Although she was beaten, her expression was more determined and calm.

He nodded slightly, Since Lord Dugu said so, I naturally won't care.

But Miss Mingyue is my friend. If there is a next time, it won't be that simple.

Dugu Fang smiled slightly, but his smile was full of suppressed anger. He knew that Murong Fu was not an easy opponent to deal with.

But he also understood that today's scene had undoubtedly greatly increased the status of Murong Mansion in the eyes of those present.

The atmosphere of the banquet reached a level of tension that could almost be cut with a knife.

Murong Fu stood up. There was no expression on his face, but his deep eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.


Murong Fu said calmly, as if everything just now was an insignificant farce.

The crowd around him was stunned for a moment, but a few people secretly felt that this was in line with Murong Fu's style - he treated it calmly and had his own aura.

Qian Tong immediately directed his subordinates to serve new wines and delicacies, and the banquet hall was suddenly filled with an alluring aroma.

Among the members of Dugu Yifang, some frowned slightly, while others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Duan Lang tilted his head slightly and said to Murong Fu, This Dugu Ming is indeed uneducated. He actually dares to hurt someone in public.

Murong Fu only smiled slightly and did not respond, but he was secretly alert and felt that all this was not simple.

Mingyue finally put down her hand at this time and looked at Murong Fu.

The two people's eyes collided with each other for an instant, and each understood the worries and expectations in the other's heart.

The banquet quickly returned to normal, but that apparent harmony and true peace were two different things.

Everyone knows that this is just a calm appearance, and a bigger storm seems to be brewing secretly.

However, at least at this moment, everyone was enjoying this brief peace, like the calm before the storm.

Only Murong Fu sat there all the time, his eyes as bright as a torch, as if he had seen through everything.

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