Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1384 Take it very seriously

He picked up the folding fan and fanned it gently, as if it was a preview of the coming storm.

Mingyue was shocked when she received Murong Fu's reply.

He actually decided to come to Wushuang City in person? What kind of determination and courage is this! Mingyue thought to herself.

She immediately began to prepare everything for Murong Fu's arrival.

And the other side.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng were both a little surprised to learn that Murong Fu decided to go to Wushuang City in person.

It seems he takes this auction very seriously.

Nie Feng said.

Bu Jingyun nodded, No matter what, we must provide him with the greatest support.

The two looked at each other again, and both saw the determination in the other's eyes.

That's it, let's continue as planned.

Bu Jingyun finally said.

Murong Fu stood in front of the study window, looking at the sky in the distance, his heart full of expectation and uneasiness.

Wushuang City, here I come.

He whispered to himself, then slowly turned around and walked out of the study.

A few days later.

Murong Fu stood in front of the gate of Wushuang City, looked up at the towering city wall, and thought to himself: This will be the beginning of my next chess game.

Murong Fu stepped into Wushuang City, and the flags flying on the city gate fluttered in the breeze, seeming to welcome his arrival.

There is a bustling flow of people, the sounds of various vendors selling goods come and go, and the aroma of mixed flavors hits your face.

He smiled slightly, but he was thinking about how to gain an advantage in this auction.

The streets in the city were spacious and busy, with pedestrians coming and going. After careful observation, Murong Fu found that many pedestrians looked at him, some with curiosity and some with hostility.

He knows that in this turbulent world, everyone may be a potential competitor and must not be taken lightly.

A vendor stood on the roadside with a stall of colorful gems and shouted in a loud voice: Come and take a look. These gems are hot items at the auction. They are guaranteed to be flawless!

As Murong Fu got closer, he noticed that a ruby ​​in the vendor's hand exuded an alluring light.

This ruby ​​is good.

Murong Fu asked with a smile, knowing that everything here might be related to his plan.

The vendor responded enthusiastically: Uncle, you have such good taste.

I got this ruby ​​from a miner friend and it is definitely a good material.

Murong Fu shook his head slightly, knowing these vendors very well.

The gem market here is more prosperous than I thought.

He said to himself, while thinking about how to gain more advantages at the auction.

Walking on the street, he saw a young swordsman demonstrating his swordsmanship to a group of people. The flash of light and shadow of the sword attracted everyone's applause.

Murong Fu couldn't help but stop and admire the swordsman's performance.

When the swordsman saw Murong Fu's attention, he immediately increased his movements and displayed even more superbly.

His movements were smooth and flowing, and his sword skills were dreamlike. For a moment, the whole street became boiling, with endless applause and cheers.

This brother has superb swordsmanship. Has he ever had a famous master? Murong Fu walked forward and asked with a smile.

The swordsman responded with each move: Sir, I am self-taught and do not have a formal master.

I just practice more and like swordsmanship.

Murong Fu nodded and said with deep feeling: Where there is a will, there is a way. You can achieve something without worshiping a famous teacher. Yes, yes.

Continuing to move forward, Murong Fu came to an antique teahouse.

On the small bridge in front of the building, a scribe about forty years old was sitting there, holding a teacup in his hand and sipping the tea soup, with a look of leisure and contentment on his face.

Murong Fu was immediately attracted by the temperament of this scribe. He was wearing simple robes and had deep eyes. He seemed to be ignoring everything around him.

Uncle, is this cup of tea good? the waiter at the teahouse recommended enthusiastically.

Murong Fu sat down, ordered a pot of tea, and chatted leisurely with the scribe.

The scribe put down the tea cup and said with a smile: This tea is indeed good, but what's even more rare is that someone knows how to enjoy it with me.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, but he was thinking about how this scribe might be related to the power structure of Wushuang City.

Sir, is this your first time coming to Wushuang City? the scribe suddenly asked.

Yes, everything here feels new to me.

Murong Fu responded.

The scribe nodded slightly: Novel things are always attractive, but it is also easy for people to get lost. M...

Please be careful, adults.

Murong Fu's heart moved, these words seemed to have a profound meaning.

After bidding farewell to the scribe, Murong Fu continued to patrol Wushuang City. He knew that Mingyue had secretly made a lot of preparations for him, but he still needed more information and allies.

At this moment, his god-level selection system suddenly rang: Host, you now have two choices: one is to go directly to Mingyue Rendezvous, and the other is to visit other forces in Wushuang City first in order to better Understand the situation here.

please choose.

Murong Fu did not hesitate and immediately chose the second option.

The system prompts: If you choose successfully, you will have the opportunity to gain more information about the inside of Wushuang City.

at the same time.

Mingyue stood on a tall building in Wushuang City, looking at the city scenery in the distance.

Although she made peace with Dugu Yifang and Dugu Ming on the surface, in her heart she had already decided to side with Murong Fu and support his plan.

The wind blew her long hair, and Mingyue's eyes were full of expectation and worry.

She knew that this decision would be irreversible and that she would betray her family, but she was willing to do anything for the greater goal.

At this moment, Dugu Ming walked up and said with a smile: Mingyue, you finally changed your mind. I will choose another auspicious day and we will hold the wedding again.

Mingyue pretended to smile, but there were thousands of words in her heart.

She knew she couldn't delay any longer, otherwise she would fall into deeper and deeper lies.

She responded: Thank you Mr. Dugu for your tolerance. I will definitely prepare well.

Dugu Ming turned around and left. Mingyue's smile gradually disappeared and was replaced by a determined expression.

Her eyes were firm, and she knew she had made the right choice.

And at the same time.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng were in a secret room of Tianxiahui. The dim candlelight around them cast deep shadows, and the walls were covered with ancient weapons and paintings.

They were sitting at an exquisite wooden table and discussing how to better support Murong Fu.

I always feel that Murong Fu didn't just want to open a medicine shop, he seemed to have other purposes.

Bu Jingyun said with a frown. His eyes looked through the dimness in the room and seemed to be able to see the future in the distance.

Nie Feng smiled slightly and responded firmly: No matter what his purpose is, as long as it can help us fight against the tyrants, I am willing to support him.

The air in the secret room was filled with tension, and both men knew that the challenge they faced was not to be underestimated.

Bu Jingyun added: And we can't let Xiong Ba notice our connection with Murong Fu. This is crucial to our plan.

Nie Feng nodded, understanding Bu Jingyun's worries.

They must silently support Murong Fu behind the scenes while maintaining superficial cooperation with Xiong Ba. This dual identity game is not easy.

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