Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1392 Trying to Surround Murong Fu

The battle in the tomb passage reached a stalemate. Murong Fu defeated Dugu Yifang, but his men were not surrendered.

Dugu Yifang waved his hand, and the order was conveyed to the ears of the servants and guards. They began to take action and quickly divided into several small teams, trying to surround Murong Fu.

A group of servants approached quietly, holding various weapons and with a fierce light in their eyes.

One of the servants was tall and mighty, and the sword in his hand reflected the cold light in the dim tomb passage. He sneered and rushed towards Murong Fu.

Murong Fu's eyes turned cold, and his swordsmanship suddenly became extremely fierce. His long sword was swung like a gust of wind, and the sword light and sword light intertwined, making a harsh collision sound.

Murong Fu was extremely skilled in swordsmanship, and every swing could accurately hit his opponent's weapon, making it difficult for them to get close.

Another team of guards tried to attack from both sides of the tomb passage. They quickly climbed up the stone wall, trying to use their height advantage to deal with Murong Fu.

A guard hung on the stone wall, holding a knife in both hands, and quickly slid down, trying to attack Murong Fu's head from above.

Murong Fu's eyes were sharp. He sensed the danger above and jumped suddenly to avoid the guard's attack.

Then he turned around quickly and stabbed the guard who was climbing on the stone wall with his sword. The guard only had time to let out a scream before he was stabbed by the tip of Murong Fu's sword.

At the same time, a team of servants quickly approached Mingyue. They saw Mingyue holding a dagger and looking at them nervously, and decided to subdue her in one fell swoop.

One of the servants quickly walked towards Mingyue and tried to knock her dagger off with his blade.

Mingyue's face was pale, but she did not flinch. As the dagger danced, she cleverly dodged the servant's attack, and then counterattacked unexpectedly, stabbing the servant in the shoulder with the sword.

The servant let out a cry of pain, but he did not fall down. He gritted his teeth and tried to attack Mingyue again.

However, Mingyue's sword skills have gradually become more proficient, and she is no longer the helpless woman. She keeps using her sword to force the servants back.

In the tomb passage, the battle was in full swing, filled with the flash of swords, screams and the smell of blood.

Murong Fu gradually gained the upper hand with his excellent swordsmanship and calm mind.

The edge of his sword was so sharp that his opponents gradually lost their fighting spirit.

Mingyue's eyes kept wandering around the battlefield, paying attention to everyone's every move.

She saw Dugu Yifang, standing in the corner of the tomb passage. She put her hand slightly into her robe and quietly took out an iron box covered with mysterious runes.

His eyes were very sinister, aimed at Murong Fu.

At this moment, Mingyue's heart tightened.

She knew that the iron box must be a hidden weapon, and once activated, it might cause fatal harm to Murong Fu.

Time seemed to slow down a bit. Dugu Fang's hand gradually moved out of his robe, and the iron box almost touched his fingertips.

Mingyue was screaming in her heart, holding the dagger tightly in her hand, and all the muscles in her body were tense, preparing to react.

However, Mingyue also knew that she was now in a dilemma.

If she openly fights back against Du Guyang, it will expose the fact that she has surrendered to Murong Fu, which will be unhelpful to both parties.

But if he didn't take action, Murong Fu might be in crisis.

At this moment, her heart felt like it was hanging on the edge of a cliff. If she was not careful, she would fall into the bottomless abyss.

The light in the dark passage shone on Mingyue's face, reflecting her pale and nervous face.

Her heart was beating wildly, but her eyes were extremely determined.

The atmosphere in the tomb passage was extremely tense, and Murong Fu's sword dance became even faster.

The servants and guards surrounded him. Although they were already frightened, the look in Dugu Fang's eyes prevented them from backing down at all.

Murong Fu's face was expressionless, but his body was beginning to feel tired.

After all, constant fighting and intense concentration consume energy.

The light of his sword was no longer as bright as before, but it was still very sharp. .

A servant took the opportunity to rush over and pointed his spear at Murong Fu's heart.

Murong Fu's eyes flashed, and he instantly tilted his body to avoid the fatal blow.

At the same time, his long sword thrust out quickly, hitting the servant's spearhead with a crisp sound.

Murong Fu used his strength to make a vertical leap and stood in the center of the tomb passage again, readjusting the rhythm of his breathing and swordsmanship.

However, he knew that he could not continue to consume like this and must make a quick decision.

At this moment, his god-level selection system suddenly and silently popped up an interface that only he could see: Host, you now have three choices.

1. Continue to fight fiercely with servants and guards, consuming more energy.

2. Use Intermittent Bone Ointment to quickly restore physical strength.

3. Leave the tomb passage immediately and find other ways.

Murong Fu made an instant decision and chose the second option.

He quickly took out a small bottle of Intermittent Bone Ointment from his arms and applied it to his slightly aching arms and legs.

Almost instantly, he felt his physical strength recover rapidly.

But all this was done in an instant, and the servants and guards around him didn't even notice any unusual movements by Murong Fu.

Murong Fu clenched the hilt of his sword again, preparing for the more intense battle to come.

And he knew in his heart that even if he regained his strength, he couldn't be careless, because the situation of the battle could be completely changed at any time due to a small mistake.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed Mingyue's every move. She was staring at Dugu Yifang nervously.

Murong Fu's heart tightened and he couldn't help but become more alert.

Mingyue gently held the short knife at her waist, with no expression on her face, but her eyes revealed determination and courage.

She knew that once Murong Fu couldn't handle it, she had to intervene, even if the cost was her own life.

Dugu Yifang noticed Mingyue's movement and sneered, but did not stop it.

In his opinion, even if this woman takes action, it will only be a drop in the bucket.

Murong Fu felt the recovery of his physical strength, and he was refreshed. For a moment, his sword flashed like a rainbow, and he drove back the servants and guards who besieged him.

Now is the time! He felt happy in his heart. Seeing that the time had come, he suddenly changed his body shape, and his sword energy shot out of the air, pointing directly at Dugu Fang.

With this sword, he put all his mind and strength into one blow, which could be said to be a risk-taking blow.

Dugu Yiyi's expression changed, and he finally realized that he could no longer underestimate the opponent in this battle. He hurriedly mobilized all his internal strength and faced it with the long sword in his hand.

The two swords intersected, making a deafening sound.

The strong force made Dugu Fang retreat continuously, until he fell to the ground and barely managed to stabilize his body.

Murong Fu's steps slipped slightly due to the strong repercussion of the sword, but he quickly stabilized his body.

There was a moment of dead silence in the tomb passage.

The short knife that Mingyue held tightly fell to the ground. She knew that Murong Fu had won this battle that almost lost hope.

However, the outcome has not yet been completely decided.

Dugu Fang stood up slowly, his face full of unwillingness, Do you think you have won?

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