Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1396 This person is not simple

The next day, as the morning light faded, Murong Fu slowly stood up from the brocade couch.

The birds on the branches outside the window were singing sweet tunes, as if indicating that something big was going to happen today.

Qian Tong knocked on the door lightly and walked in. He said respectfully: Sir, Tianxiahui has sent an invitation. I hope you can come to the banquet.

Murong Fu took the exquisite invitation and his eyes narrowed slightly: The tyrant of the Tianxiahui, this person is not an ordinary person.

He pondered in his mind, and the system popped up the option at the right time.

Option one, accept the invitation and go to the banquet to observe.

Option two, decline the invitation and continue to look for a way to leave the world of wind and cloud.

Option three is to entrust Mingyue as an internal agent to understand the true purpose of the banquet.

Murong Fu chose the first option, and the system prompted: The host gains 5 points of observation, which can analyze scenes and characters more accurately.

At this moment, Duan Lang opened the door and walked in with an anxious look on his face: Murong Fu, I heard from Nie Feng that Xiong Ba plans to send his daughter Youruo to assassinate you.

Murong Fu frowned slightly and glanced at Duan Lang: Is this information reliable?

Nie Feng always does what he says, and he won't tell lies.

Duanlang said seriously.

Murong Fu took a deep breath and said to Qian Tong: Get ready and go to Tianxiahui tonight.

the other side.

Before the banquet started, Xiongba's mansion was already busy.

Waiters shuttled around every corner, sorting out every detail, even the folds of the curtains were carefully ironed.

Xiongba stood at the entrance of the banquet hall, with a landscape painting behind him, and an aura of peace and calm enveloped the entire place.

Make sure everything is triple-checked. I don't want anything to go wrong.

He said seriously to the waiter Qin Shuang.

Yes, sir.

Qin Shuang immediately turned around and executed it.

Murong Fu was alone, wearing a dark blue robe and a soft sword hanging on his waist, slowly walking towards the mansion of Tianxiahui.

He walked slowly, every step seemed steady.

What he carries with him is the newly refined Intermittent Bone Ointment from Rong Fu Pharmacy. This is his trump card and his only defense when attending the banquet.

When Murong Fu walked to the gate of the mansion, the doorman greeted him respectfully and guided him into the inner hall.

The banquet hall was brightly lit, but there was only one guest, Murong Fu.

Xiongba sat upright on the main seat. He stood up and smiled: Mr. Murong, welcome to your presence.

Murong Fu also smiled politely and then sat down.

The waiter began to serve all kinds of delicacies, and the aroma of food and wine were intertwined, but Murong Fu did not move his chopsticks. He knew that the theme of tonight was not a banquet.

Xiongba picked up the wine glass: Mr. Murong, may our friendship be like this wine, lasting forever.

Murong Fu also raised his glass: Then I wish our friendship will last forever.

The two toasted, put down their glasses, and Xiong Ba went straight to the topic: I heard that Mr. Murong, you have made great achievements in the business world, especially Rong Fu Pharmacy, which has almost become a miracle in the world.

Murong Fu smiled lightly: The business world is a small matter, the key is how to make life more meaningful.

Xiongba nodded and put his hands together on the table: Mr. Murong, are you interested in joining the Tianxiahui and creating a great cause together?

The system options popped up in Murong Fu's mind again, but he knew in his heart that no matter what he chose, this banquet was just the first confrontation between him and Xiong Ba, and the real climax was yet to come.

He smiled softly and said, This proposal is interesting and worth considering.

A glimmer of light flashed in Xiong Ba's eyes. He knew that Murong Fu was not an easy opponent to win. This banquet was just a test of the strength of both sides, and the real contest had not yet begun.

The lights flickered subtly in the banquet hall, adding a sense of mystery and tension to the entire space.

The long royal table is covered with exquisite brocade, and the noble porcelain and shiny silver tableware complement each other.

However, despite the gorgeous scenes, the atmosphere seems relatively stiff.

Xiongba wore a luxurious black robe, trimmed with gold threads, and held a jade cup filled with precious wine.

His eyes kept lingering on Murong Fu, as if looking for an opportunity to break the deadlock.

Finally, he suddenly stood up, his robes fluttering slightly, and he clapped his hands lightly.

A slight sound echoed in the hall, as if a new beginning had begun.

Mr. Murong, I want to give you a beautiful maid.

Youruo, come forward and say hello.

Youruo, who came at the request, was wearing a lavender dress, and the hem of the skirt swayed gently with her steps, like microwaves in the lake.

Her face is delicate and her eyes are like the deep night sky, giving people a faint sense of sadness.

Her long hair was slightly curled behind her ears, exposing her white neck.

Walking leisurely in front of Murong Fu, she bowed slightly, so gracefully that it took people's breath away: You Ruo has met Mr. Murong.

Murong Fu wore a dark green robe with extremely delicate silver embroidery, reflecting his noble status. ..

He raised his head, looked at You Ruo with an almost profound look, and then slowly turned to Xiong Ba.

Isn't this beautiful maid...your daughter Youruo? Lord Xiongba is really willing to let her be his maid?

Xiong Ba's eyes instantly tightened and his brows raised slightly, as if he was touched by Murong Fu's blunt words.

His palms clenched the cup involuntarily, showing a slight hint of nervousness.

He did not publicly announce that Youruo was his daughter, how could Murong Fu know this?

Mr. Murong is indeed very knowledgeable and can realize this in such a short period of time.

But please rest assured that Youruo is willing to follow you because of her personal choice.

The corners of Murong Fu's mouth raised slightly, revealing an almost imperceptible smile.

He took the jade cup on the table and gently rubbed the rim of the cup, as if thinking about something.

A daughter is always the apple of her father's eye. The affairs of the Tianxiahui are so important. How can you let your daughter take risks?

In this awkward and delicate atmosphere, Xiongba coughed and tried to use words to ease the situation.

He picked up the jade cup in his hand and swirled it slightly, as if thinking about how to respond.

Actually, Youruo has been in love with you, Mr. Murong, for a long time.

As a father, I naturally hope to create more opportunities for young people.

What do you think?

After saying this, a cautious but confident smile appeared on Xiong Ba's face, as if his response was like an exquisite chess game, waiting for Murong Fu's reaction.

Murong Fu's eyes tightened slightly, and he tapped the table with his slender fingers.

He remembered the information Duan Lang once reported to him - Youruo had intended to kill him.

At this moment, a trace of imperceptible amusement flashed in his eyes.

He smiled softly. This smile was lukewarm, without any obvious emotional meaning, but it also revealed an unfathomable connotation.

Shouldn't it be consensual for both parties to love this kind of thing?

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