Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1398 I want to ask you a question

Murong Fu and Youruo were walking in the garden, and the moonlight was like water, shining on the two of them, seeming to add a bit of mystery and romance to this moment.

The flowers and trees in the garden are sparse, and the occasional distant insect chirp makes the night even more peaceful and profound.

Miss Youruo, do you think this world is wonderful? Murong Fu suddenly spoke in a calm voice.

Youruo smiled slightly, Each world has its own unique charm and rules. It just depends on whether you are willing to discover and adapt to it.

Murong Fu nodded, thinking about You Ruo's words in his heart.

He knew that there was more to this woman than she seemed.

When the two of them reached a small bridge, Murong Fu suddenly stopped.

He turned around and looked at Youruo, and then said slowly: Miss Youruo, I have always wanted to ask you a question.

Oh? Please tell me.

Youruo's eyes flickered, but he quickly regained his composure.

Which do you think is more important, loyalty or profit?

Youruo was stunned for a moment, then smiled: It depends on the situation.

Sometimes, loyalty may be a luxury, while interest is a more realistic option.

Murong Fu listened and commented secretly in his heart.

He knew that although Youruo's answer was tactful, it revealed the complexity of her heart.

So, if one day you have to choose between loyalty and interests, what will you do? Murong Fu asked again.

Youruo was silent for a moment, then glanced at Murong Fu and said, If it really comes to that point, I think I will choose the side that is most beneficial to me.

Murong Fu smiled slightly and said nothing more.

He knew that this answer was enough.

The two of them continued walking, and after a while, they came to a small lake.

The sparkling waves on the lake reflected the moon and stars in the sky, as beautiful as a painting.

Murong Fu suddenly stopped, turned around and said to Youruo, I think we'll stop here tonight.

You Ruo smiled slightly and said, Okay, Mr. Murong.

Murong Fu and You Ruo passed through the gate and walked into the courtyard.

The lights in the courtyard were brightly lit, like daytime, but they did not break the tranquility of the night.

Qian Tong, the housekeeper of Murong Mansion, had received the news in advance and came out to welcome him.

Sir, you are back.

Qian Tong bowed slightly and glanced at Youruo, but didn't say much.

Murong Fu nodded and was about to speak when a figure walked out of the house, it was Mingyue.

Mr. Murong, you are finally back.

Mingyue smiled slightly, but there was a bit of restraint in her smile.

Her eyes fell on Youruo and her eyes narrowed slightly.

Mingyue, this is Miss Youruo. I met you at the banquet tonight.

Murong Fu introduced.

Mingyue bowed slightly, Miss Youruo, this is the first time we meet, please take care of me.

You Ruo returned the gift and said with a smile: Miss Mingyue, I heard that you are a descendant of the Ming family in Wushuang City, which is really admirable.

Mingyue's heart moved, but she still kept a smile on her face, Miss Youruo, I'm so grateful. I'm just an ordinary person.

Murong Fu noticed the vigilance in Mingyue's eyes and commented secretly in his heart.

He turned to Qian Tong, Qian Tong, arrange a guest room for Miss Youruo so that she can have a good rest.

Yes, sir.

Qian Tong responded and left.

Murong Fu turned to Mingyue and whispered: Mingyue, I have something to discuss with you later. You go and make preparations first.

Mingyue nodded, feeling even more vigilant.

She didn't know who Youruo was, but she could feel that this woman was anything but simple.

Murong Fu looked at Youruo, then turned and walked towards his study.

He secretly thought that bringing You Ruo back this time might be a test or an opportunity, but no matter what, he had to be careful.

Youruo was taken to the guest room by Qian Tong. She looked around and was thinking in her heart.

She knew that Murong Fu was not an easy person to deal with, and there was a bright moon here, so she had to be more careful.

Murong Fu sat in front of the mahogany desk in the study, holding a volume of ancient books in his hand, but his mind was not fully immersed in it.

His god-level selection system suddenly started, and two options appeared on the interface:

Option 1: In-depth study of the magical formula of Rongfu Pharmacy to enhance the reputation of the pharmacy.

Option two: Investigate Youruo's identity and purpose privately to prevent possible threats in the future.

Murong Fu's heart moved and he chose the second option.

The system immediately gives a reward: a detailed intelligence collection method.

At this time, there was a gentle knock on the door.

come in.

Murong Fu put down the ancient book in his hand.

The door was pushed open, and Ming Yue walked in upright, looking directly at Murong Fu, with a trace of imperceptible nervousness in his expression.

Mr. Murong, what do you want from me?

Murong Fu motioned Mingyue to sit down, and then said: Mingyue, you know about our Rongfu Medicine Store. Recently, we have some new formulas for miracle medicine. I hope you can be responsible for selling them.

Mingyue's eyes lit up and she couldn't help but ask: Is it about the new formula of Intermittent Bone Ointment?

Not just that one, but several others.

But this is also an opportunity to test you.

Murong Fu said calmly.

Mingyue immediately stood in awe, I understand, and I will go all out to complete the task.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, feeling that this choice was very suitable.

One more thing, you have met Youruo, what do you think of her?

Mingyue condensed slightly, She is not simple, she has a feeling that I can't see through.

Your intuition is always very accurate, I will be careful.

Now you go prepare for the drug store. I will give you more detailed instructions at the appropriate time.

Mingyue stood up, bowed, and left.

After Mingyue left, Murong Fu fell into deep thought.

Things with Bu Jingyun are progressing slowly, and finding a way to leave this world is even more unclear, and now there is another You Ruo that he cannot see through.

He took out the intelligence collection method provided by the system and thought to himself: It seems that he needs a period of time to observe and investigate, and he cannot let any possible threats get close to him.

At this time, there was another knock on the door, interrupting Murong Fu's thinking.

Come in.

The door slowly opened and Qian Tong stood at the door, Sir, the messenger from Wushen Jue Palace is here. They said they have important matters to discuss with you.

Murong Fu was slightly startled and thought to himself: Is Wushenjue Palace's visit at this time related to the recent killing of Wushuang City Lord Dugu Yifang? Has the news already spread?

He stood up slowly, Bring them in, I want to see for myself what their intentions are.

Qian Tong responded, turned and left.

Murong Fu's eyes flashed with awe, and he became even more alert.

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