Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1404: Also dissatisfied with Dugu Mansion

at the same time.

the other side.

In the darkest corner of Wushuang City, in a simple hut separated by shabby curtains, several men and women gathered together quietly.

The clothes they wore were not gorgeous, and some even had patches, but their eyes revealed determination and enthusiasm.

Is everyone here? A slightly wrinkled but resolute old man asked.

This old man's name is Gao Feng, and he is a very prestigious person among the lower class people in Wushuang City.

We're all here, Boss Gao.

A very rugged-looking man in his thirties answered.

Gao Feng nodded, then looked around at the people present, and said softly: I know that everyone has been having a hard time recently. The oppression in Dugu Mansion is getting heavier and heavier, and our people are living in dire straits.

But I'm calling you all together today because there's an opportunity that could change the situation.

When the people in the venue heard the news, their faces showed a hint of expectation and anxiety.

What opportunity is it? a young woman asked impatiently.

Gao Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: I have come into contact with many people in the city, and they are also dissatisfied with Dugu Mansion.

And the Dugu Mansion is not the only one in this world. Maybe Tiexin Island and Wushen Jue Palace are willing to help us.

Now, the most important thing is to see if we can get them on our side.

A light flashed in the young woman's eyes, her lips moved slightly but she did not speak.

She knew that although this was an opportunity, the probability of success was extremely low.

The rugged man pondered for a moment and said: Tiexin Island and Wushen Juegong are not simple characters. Will they be willing to help us?

Gao Feng slowly shook his head, I'm not sure about this, but it's better than sitting still and waiting for death.

We have to try.

What if we fail? A young man with sharp eyebrows carrying a long sword couldn't help but asked.

Gao Feng was silent for a moment, then looked at the young man named Lin Xuan and said, If we fail, we can only say that we tried our best.

But at least we won't regret not taking action.

The atmosphere in the venue suddenly became heavy.

I support Boss Gao.

The rugged man suddenly stood up and patted his chest, Since there is a chance of survival, we have to try.

Gao Feng looked at him and chuckled, Thank you, Shi Lei.

The young woman also stood up and glanced at Gao Feng, I support it too.

Lin Xuan clenched the sword in his hand and stood up slowly, In that case, let's fight to the end.

Gao Feng felt the determination of everyone present, took a deep breath and said, Very good, since everyone is determined, let's start taking action.

In Murong Mansion not far away, Murong Fu was sitting in his study, meditating.

His god-level selection system prompted: Host, the lower-class people and resistance organizations in Wushuang City are planning to join forces with Tiexin Island and Wushen Jue Palace. Do they need to intervene?

Murong Fu smiled slightly and chose not to intervene for the time being and observe its dynamics.

He knows that no matter how this war develops, he will not be an outsider.

And those oppressed people may be the key to his reaching higher heights.

Murong Fu closed his eyes leisurely and began to regulate his breathing.

And the other side.

In a hidden valley not far from Wushuang City, Huai Kong, Huai Mie and Bai Ling were sitting at a stone table with solemn expressions.

There is a piece of parchment spread on the stone table, which is densely written with words and symbols. It looks like a piece of intelligence.

This information came very suddenly. It is said that Murong Fu has mastered a mysterious power and can directly transmit sounds. This shows that Murong Fu's internal power is quite deep.

Huai Kong frowned and touched the parchment lightly with his fingers.

Huai Mie touched his beard and showed a hint of worry, This thing sounds very bad.

If he really masters this power, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the underground organizations in Wushuang City to change the situation no matter how hard they try.

Murong Fu caused such a big disturbance when he first came here. I'm afraid that even if Dugu Mansion falls, the people of Wushuang City will not be able to enjoy the good things.

Bai Ling gently put down the tea cup in her hand and said softly: Then what should we do now? Should we intervene directly?

Huai Kong sighed and said, This situation is very special.

On the one hand, we cannot let the Dugu Mansion continue to be domineering, but on the other hand, if we expose ourselves prematurely, I am afraid it will cause greater riots.

Huai Mie nodded, I agree.

We should continue to observe and at the same time strengthen our contact with the underground organizations in Wushuang City to see if we can get more information from them.

Bai Ling smiled slightly, Then let's do it.

However, Wushuang City’s underground organization is led by local people. Will they trust us?

This... Huai Kong pondered for a moment, I have an idea.

And soon.

In a corner of Wushuang City, Lin Xuan was waiting in a dilapidated alley.

Soon, a middle-aged man with an ordinary face but extraordinary temperament appeared in front of him.

Are you Huai Kong? Lin Xuan observed the man.

Huai Kong smiled and nodded, Exactly, I'm Huai Kong.

I heard that the underground organizations in Wushuang City have been very active recently, and you, Lin Xuan, are also one of them.

Well, what do you want from me? Lin Xuan got to the point directly.

I wanted to offer some help.

Recently, we have received some information about Murong Fu, and he seems to have mastered a very powerful power.

This makes him even more dangerous.

Huai Kong revealed some information.

Lin Xuan's eyes narrowed, Who are you? Why do you know this?

“I can’t reveal too much, but I can tell you that we have connections with Wushen Jue Palace and Tiexin Island.

Our purpose is the same as yours, which is to stop Murong Fu's ambition.

Lin Xuan was silent for a while, and finally nodded, Okay, I am willing to trust you.

But how can you help?

Huai Kong smiled, First of all, we can provide some supplies and information.

Secondly, if the situation really worsens, we will take immediate action.

That's good.

Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, Recently, Boss Gao is preparing to contact Tiexin Island and Wushenjue Palace. It would be best if you can provide support.

No problem, I will convey it to Gao Feng.

Huai Kong stood up and said, Then, that's it. I hope we can have more opportunities to cooperate.

Lin Xuan also stood up and glanced at Huaikong, I hope so.

After the two separated, Huaikong quickly disappeared around the corner of the alley, while Lin Xuan immediately rushed back to their secret room, preparing to tell Gao Feng and others everything.

Although on the surface everything seemed to be going according to plan, Huai Kong, Huai Mie and Bai Ling all knew in their hearts that this war concerning the fate of the entire Wushuang City had just begun.

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