Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1410 Xiongba’s visit

Outside the gate of Murong Mansion, a team of horsemen was stationed. One of them was wearing a gorgeous robe and was tall. The long sword on his back swayed in the wind, exuding a kingly aura. That is the chief rudder of the Tianxiahui—Xiongba.

Inform the Murong Mansion that Xiongba, the chief rudder of the Tianxiahui, is here to visit. The guard beside him announced loudly.

After a while, the door of Murong Mansion slowly opened, and steward Qian Tong came forward. He was wearing a neat Tsing Yi with a smile on his face, Master Xiong, it's been a long time, I wonder what the purpose of this visit is?

Xiong Ba dismounted and smiled slightly, It's rare that Brother Qian Tong still remembers me. Naturally, there is something important for me to come here this time.

As the two exchanged pleasantries, their eyes showed a sharpness, as if they were testing each other and measuring each other's bottom line.

Please. Qian Tong stretched out his hand to lead Xiong Ba into the mansion. Walking through the promenade, the green plants on both sides make the place peaceful and elegant. However, under this peaceful surface, there is a coming storm hidden.

When the two came to the door of the study, the door slowly opened, and what they saw was Murong Fu sitting quietly at the desk, sitting side by side with You Ruo, seeming to be talking about something. Seeing Xiong Ba, Murong Fu showed a hint of surprise on his face, but soon returned to normal.

Master Xiong, I never thought you would come in person. Murong Fu stood up and smiled slightly.

Xiongba glanced around the study room, then landed on Murong Fu, and said lightly: I heard that my daughter has some indissoluble bond with you?

Murong Fu smiled slightly, Miss Youruo and I know each other, but I think this is not an indissoluble bond, but a destiny.

Xiongba's eyes flashed with a sharp edge, and his voice was deep: Then I came here today to understand this fate. I want to take Youruo away.

Murong Fu frowned and said calmly: Master Xiong, I think you may have misunderstood. Miss Youruo stayed here voluntarily and has nothing to do with me.

Xiongba sneered and showed an unquestionable expression: Since she is my daughter, her decision will naturally be mine.

The two stood opposite each other, and for a moment the air in the study seemed to freeze and tension overflowed. The candlelight on the desk flickered, and it seemed that the depressing atmosphere could be felt.

Qian Tong, the housekeeper of Murong Mansion, stood aside slightly. He knew that the atmosphere at this moment could not be compromised, so he remained silent.

Xiong Ba stared at Murong Fu with ice-like eyes and said, Since Master Murong has nothing to do with Youruo, there should be no problem for me to take her away.

Murong Fu took a deep breath and said slowly: Miss Youruo is already a guest of Murong Mansion. If you really want to take her away, you should at least let her come and express her wishes.

Xiongba laughed loudly, his voice like thunder, resounding throughout the study room, I naturally understand my daughter's wishes. Master Murong, there is no need to be embarrassed.

Murong Fu's eyes showed firm determination: Unless Miss Youruo tells me personally that she wants to leave, I cannot agree to your request.

The murderous aura in Xiong Ba's eyes became more intense, and he pointed at Murong Fu: Do you really think Murong Mansion can withstand the anger of the Tianxiahui?

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the study became extremely tense. Qian Tong silently held the dagger at his waist, fearing that these two forces would really break out here.

Murong Fu was neither humble nor arrogant, and said calmly: I just want to make things more clear. I don't want unnecessary conflicts to arise due to temporary misunderstandings.

Xiong Ba stared at Murong Fu and said coldly: Then you'd better bring Youruo. I want to hear her decision with my own ears.

The two were in a stalemate again, and a fight was about to break out.

Until a moment later.

The inner hall of Murong's mansion was resplendent with carved beams and painted pillars. A faint candlelight flickered behind the pearl curtain, illuminating the faces of the people in the hall. The firelight of the fireplace and the candlelight complement each other, making this centuries-old house full of mysterious atmosphere.

When Youruo was brought to the hall, the silk skirt on her body was fluttering like the wind, but her eyes were full of tears, which made her look particularly moving. She was held tightly by Xiong Ba, but her eyes were always fixed on Murong Fu. That look was filled with endless guilt and pleading, as if there were a thousand words to convey.

Murong Fu stood in the center of the hall, wearing a green shirt, with an ink bamboo hanging screen behind him, adding a bit of a scholar's atmosphere to him. He looked at Youruo, and the complicated emotions were reflected in his eyes. Pain, hatred, helplessness... those are the inextricable emotional entanglements between them. ..

Xiong Ba felt very unhappy when he saw the two people's eyes meeting. He held You Ruo's arm and said coldly: Murong Fu, what happened between you and my daughter?

Murong Fu took a deep breath and said calmly: Master Xiong, the things between us are just some trivial matters between friends.

You Ruo tried hard to break free from Xiong Ba's hand and said softly: Father, it has nothing to do with Master Murong. Please don't embarrass him.

Xiongba stared at Youruo with his eyes widened: You speak for him? What is your relationship with him?

Murong Fu said calmly: Miss Youruo is just an old friend of mine. The chief helmsman need not be too concerned about matters that have nothing to do with me.

In the hall at this moment, not only was Xiong Ba confronting Murong Fu and You Ruo, but the servants of Murong Mansion were also watching and talking about it.

It's really dramatic, Miss Youruo and Young Master...

I wonder how the chief helmsman will handle it?

Xiongba pushed Youruo towards Murong Fu and said coldly: Since you are just friends, from now on, you are not allowed to have any contact with each other.

Youruo, with tears in her eyes, whispered to Murong Fu, I'm sorry, Mr. Murong.

Murong Fu looked at her, his heart pounding, and said slowly: Miss Youruo, you don't have to apologize, I will find a way.

Xiongba urged impatiently: Let's go.

Looking at their retreating figures, Murong Fu stood there with a sad expression on his face. He knew that from now on, the relationship between him and Youruo would probably never be as close as before.

The servants in the hall lowered their heads when they saw their master looking lonely, not daring to say a word.

The door of Murong Mansion slowly closed behind Xiong Ba and You Ruo. Murong Fu stood quietly, looking at the door, as if waiting for something.

Time seemed to have stood still, and only the candlelight in the hall was still flickering.

After a while.

The urban streets are bustling with pedestrians, and the sounds of various vendors selling goods, the laughing and playing crowd, and the melodious music of the piano interweave into a busy market scene. Not far away, there was singing and dancing in a brightly lit restaurant, accompanied by laughter.

Murong Fu hid in an alley and followed Xiong Ba and Youruo from a distance. He followed cautiously, the soft whip in his hand ready for emergencies.

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