Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1418 We must proceed with caution

Very good. Murong Fu looked at everyone with satisfaction. Time is of the essence, so act quickly. Go!

Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng, Mingyue and others obeyed the order and left the hall to prepare for action. Murong Fu stood there, watching their departure. ..

He felt an even stronger fire ignite inside him. Whether facing Xiong Ba or Dugu Ming, he must resolutely defend the safety and dignity of his loved ones.

Murong Fu took a deep breath to get rid of the distracting thoughts in his heart, then turned and left the hall, preparing for his actions...

the other side.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng came to the weapons warehouse of Murong Mansion. They were surrounded by various weapons, from long swords to daggers, from bows and arrows to boxing gloves. The two stood in this spacious and dim space, and their eyes were suddenly attracted by those sharp swords.

It seems we have to choose a suitable weapon. Bu Jingyun looked around and said to Nie Feng.

Nie Feng nodded, his eyes shining with determination. Yes, we need to be fully prepared before we act.

Bu Jingyun walked towards a row of long swords and kept touching the sword blades. As for Youruo's situation, we need to figure out Xiongba's whereabouts and where they hide Youruo.

Nie Feng stared at a bow and arrow stand. I will go get information. The last time I saw her was at the bottom of the lake under the small building in the middle of the lake. There was a cave inside.

Bu Jingyun nodded. Good news. I will prepare some means of escape in case of emergency.

Nie Feng continued to search the weapons arsenal and found an extremely sharp dagger. We also need some equipment for cracking traps and infiltration techniques. By the way, there are also poisons.

Bu Jingyun walked to Nie Feng with a smile. You are such a careful guy. Yes, we have to be prepared for everything. Xiongba will not let you go easily, and we must prepare for the worst.

The two began to communicate in a tacit understanding about the details of the operation and plans to deal with various possible situations. They supplemented each other's knowledge and experience and spent a long time in the arsenal.

As time passed, during the tense and fulfilling discussion, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng gradually felt that the inner tension was gradually turning into anticipation.

We must remain vigilant. Bu Jingyun tightened his grip on the sword in his hand. You Ruo has become the key to our actions. As long as she is in Xiong Ba's hands, we cannot rest assured.

Nie Feng gently stroked the pattern on the dagger. We will try our best to rescue her, Bu Jingyun.

Bu Jingyun looked deeply into Nie Feng's eyes, I know, Nie Feng. We are not only doing it for ourselves, but also for those who have been bullied by Xiongba. This time, we must succeed.

They exchanged a firm look with each other, and then continued to choose weapons and equipment that suited themselves in the arsenal. And at the same time.

In the study room of Murong Mansion, Murong Fu sat at the table, tapping his fingers on the wooden tabletop and frowning.

Mingyue stood aside, her brows furrowed. The whole room was filled with a tense and depressing atmosphere.

Time was getting increasingly pressing, and Murong Fu felt anxious inside. He understood that You Ruo's life was under great threat and he had to act as soon as possible. But at the same time, he also knew that this operation might not be that simple.

Mingyue looked at Murong Fu's face and reminded softly: Mr. Murong, I think we must be careful that Dugu Ming may send a traitor or set up a conspiracy.

Murong Fu stopped tapping his fingers, pulled up a chair next to Mingyue and sat down. You are right, Mingyue. He sighed deeply, Dugu Ming is a cunning and insidious person, and he will not just let it go. We must always remain vigilant.

Mingyue looked at Murong Fu's heavy and calm expression, and couldn't help but feel a trace of worry in her heart. Is there a flaw in our plan?

Murong Fu smiled slightly, his eyes shining with confidence and determination. Yes, there is no room for error in this operation. I have made all preparations, including dealing with possible traitors.

Mingyue felt a little calmer after hearing Murong Fu's answer. Then Mr. Murong, please be careful. Youruo is the key to this operation, and we must not let her be harmed in any way.

Murong Fu nodded, Don't worry, Mingyue. I will protect You Ruo.

They were silent for a moment, an air of tension and importance filling the room. Murong Fu couldn't help but ask again: How do you think Dugu Ming will choose to deal with us?

Mingyue thought for a moment and then replied: He may set traps, send people to follow, or even unite other forces of the Tianxiahui to deal with us. We must try to avoid exposing our whereabouts and stay alert at all times.

Ming Yue is right. Murong Fu nodded solemnly, I have sent my confidants to patrol around to keep track of Dugu Ming's every move. And I am also ready to respond at any time.

Mingyue looked at Murong Fu's deep and firm eyes. She believed that he could protect Youruo, and it was also her hope against Dugu Ming.

Mr. Murong, I believe you will succeed. Mingyue expressed her expectations.

Murong Fu smiled slightly and said, Thank you for your trust, Mingyue. We have been waiting impatiently for this moment for too long, and now we finally have a chance to change the situation. Early the next morning, the sun had just revealed its bright sunshine, illuminating the large hall of Murong Mansion. hospital. Murong Fu stood in front of the palace gate, leading a huge team to prepare to set off. There are extremely loyal guards in the team, all of them are energetic and majestic.

Murong Fu's figure is tall and straight. He is wearing armor and holding a sword. There is perseverance and determination in his brows, and his eyes are as bright as fire, revealing the majesty and commanding power of a king. He knew the importance of this moment and was charged with the mission of protecting You Ruo and attacking Dugu Ming.

He took a deep breath and glanced at the subordinates following behind him. Everyone is an elite warrior who has been strictly selected and trained, and they all appear particularly determined and confident at this moment.

Let's go! Murong Fu's loud voice spread throughout the palace. Suddenly, the team started moving in an orderly manner.

The wind passed over their brave and fearless faces, raising the corners of their robes and causing bursts of whistling sounds. They took firm steps towards the gate of Tianxiahui.

During the march, Murong Fu and his men worked closely together and had an extraordinary tacit understanding with each other. With Murong Fu as the center, they formed an invisible force. Everyone knows they have an important role to play in this mission.

On the way, Murong Fu communicated with the steward beside him: Qian Tong, I heard that Dugu Ming has joined forces with Xiong Ba. We must be careful.

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