Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1420 Can’t sit idly by

Especially those who have always been suppressed by Xiongba, now see Duanlang's courage and determination, and seem to see hope.

However, as everyone applauded, a slightly tired figure stood quietly aside. Bu Jingyun stared at Duan Lang, his eyes were deep, as if he was thinking about something. Suddenly, he opened his mouth to tell Xiong Ba and everyone about his grudges and grudges he had felt over the years.

Master Xiongba, I also have my own story. I was once your disciple, but in fact I was the adopted son of Huo Butian. After the Bu family was exterminated, I concealed my identity and chose to become a disciple of your enemy Xiongba. I I have been hiding from you all this time, just waiting for the opportunity to take revenge.

Everyone turned to look at Bu Jingyun, and they listened curiously to Bu Jingyun's story. The news spread throughout the venue like a thunderbolt from the clear sky, and everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that this silent man would have such an amazing life experience.

Xiongba's eyes flickered, and he seemed surprised that Bu Jingyun said the words deep in his heart. He was silent for a moment, and then sneered. Xiongba's eyes flickered, and he seemed surprised that Bu Jingyun said the words deep in his heart. He was silent for a moment, then sneered.

It turns out that you are Huo Butian's adopted son. What an interesting coincidence. You have been hiding next to me, which shows how determined you are in revenge.

But you should also understand that I didn't kill your biological father for no reason.

The situation at that time was very critical, and I had to take such action to protect the interests of Tianxiahui.

Bu Jingyun's face darkened, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Betrayal? Your dominance is ridiculous! The Murong Mansion has always acted on the basis of justice and fairness, and has not betrayed anyone or any organization. But your Tianxiahui has been trying to rule the entire martial arts world. What Young Hero Duan Lang said is not groundless!

Duan Lang stood up and looked at Xiong Ba firmly.

That's right! We have been separated from our family for long enough! We are also eager to restore our family's prestige and find our place in this power struggle!

Xiong Ba couldn't hide the anger on his face, but he tried hard to suppress the anger in his heart and asked Murong Fu the reason in a calm tone. He knew that Murong Fu had a special status, and if he angered him, he might cause even greater trouble.

Murong Fu, let's talk about business.

Why did you come here today? Murong Fu frowned and stared at Xiong Ba firmly, his determination was evident. Xiong Ba's face was gloomy, with a trace of murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Murong Fu stepped towards Xiongba, and his voice reached everyone's ears firmly: I must see Youruo, she needs to leave here.

Xiongba sneered: Do you think you can take her away easily? You underestimate the world!

The confrontation between the two made the whole scene tense. Mingyue hid in the dark, anxiously awaiting Murong Fu's actions. She knew that Youruo was in danger and had to leave this seemingly peaceful place but was actually sinister as soon as possible.

Bu Jingyun stood aside silently, clenching his fists. He secretly determined to protect Youruo and give her a stable home in this chaotic world.

Murong Fu stared at Xiong Ba without any intention of flinching. Youruo is my friend. She was once a very important person to me. Now I must take her away from here. Xiongba retorted with a livid face: I will never agree to your unreasonable request! Youruo is my daughter, There is no way she will leave me. His tone was firm and unshakable. After everyone heard Xiong Ba's words, their hearts felt heavy.

Mingyue anxiously watched the confrontation between Murong Fu and Xiong Ba, realizing that the situation was about to get out of control. She knew that she had to find the right opportunity to successfully rescue Youruo.

A look of disdain flashed in Murong Fu's eyes, and he said coldly: Xiong Ba, don't force me to take extreme actions.

Bu Jingyun clenched his fist tightly, feeling the determination and anger deep in Murong Fu's heart.

As a member of the Bu family's vengeance, he is well aware of the hardships and dangers on the road to revenge.

The corner of Xiongba's mouth twitched, and he suppressed his anger: Besides that, you are so mobilizing troops and willing to cause trouble in our world. I'm afraid it's not just for You Ruo, right? Murong Fu's eyes flashed, he knew that Xiongba He wasn't swayed by his words, but he knew now was not the time for an argument.

After saying that, he turned to look at Xiong Ba's goddaughter Kong Ci.

Nie Feng's expression changed slightly, and Bu Jingyun couldn't help but frown. Xiongba said coldly: Murong Fu, what do you want to do?

Murong Fu smiled calmly: Despite your parents' orders and the matchmaker's words, Xiongba, you are just Kong Ci's foster father.

Kong Ci already has a heart, why do you force her to be the marriage tool of the Tianxiahui?

Xiong Ba could hardly suppress his anger: What exactly do you want to do?

Murong Fu said calmly: I want you to betroth Kong Ci to Nie Feng!

When Kong Ci heard this, he was a little dumbfounded. She has been controlled by a bully since she was a child and has no right to choose freely. But now that Murong Fu was actually willing to confront Xiong Ba for the chance encounter, she felt extremely grateful. Xiong Ba glared at Murong Fu, and his body suddenly moved, like a majestic lion about to pounce on its prey. He roared: These two are my daughters! How dare you come to make such a request to me!

Seeing Xiong Ba being so angry, everyone showed expressions of surprise and worry.

Murong Fu looked at Xiong Ba expressionlessly, with a hint of coldness flashing in his eyes. He responded calmly: Xiongba, you don't have to be so angry. I'm just thinking about Kong Ci. She deserves a better life.

Xiong Ba was still angry and shouted: Don't you still understand? No matter how you persuade me, I will never betroth Kong Ci to Nie Feng! Everyone nervously watched the confrontation between Xiong Ba and Murong Fu. The whole scene fell into silence and tension.

Tianxiahui's men have already picked up weapons and marched towards Murong Fu. The two sides were hostile to each other, and the atmosphere became increasingly depressed.

Xiong Ba looked at Murong Fu firmly, his eyes revealing a sense of persistence and determination.

Murong Fu met his gaze without any sign of weakness, his eyes concealed a determination equal to Xiong Ba's.

They didn't need to communicate verbally, the determination revealed in each other's eye contact was enough.

Nie Feng clenched the hilt of the sword in his hand, his body trembling slightly.

He has always been a loyal servant of Xiong Ba, and betraying Xiong Ba in full view of the public was a difficult and painful choice for him. ..

But the scene before him made him extremely conflicted.

Mingyue was anxious. She knew that this battle would break out no matter what, and as the guardian of Wushuang City, she could not sit idly by.

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