Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1441 Wushuang City was attacked at night

At this moment, Mingyue and Murong Fu were standing on the city wall, looking at the current prosperity of Wushuang City.

Mingyue's eyes revealed satisfaction and pride, while Murong Fu showed a hint of emotion.

Looking at all this, I feel very relieved. Mingyue took a deep breath, All the difficulties in the past were all worth it.

Murong Fu nodded: Yes. We started from the most difficult moment and walked step by step to the present. We have brought hope and change to Wushuang City.

Behind them, the lights of the city were shining brightly, and the sounds of people bustling in the streets were heard one after another.

We can do more. Murong Fu said, The legacy left by the defeated Dugu family is a huge resource.

Mingyue nodded in agreement: Yes. I have begun to use these assets to invest in urban development projects.

In addition, part of the wealth is used to support agriculture. Mingyue continued, I bought a large area of ​​farmland outside the city and organized farmers to plant crops. We plan to be self-sufficient and trade food externally.

Murong Fu was slightly surprised when he heard this. He did not expect Mingyue to have such a far-sighted plan.

Murong Fu said, Your actions will bring unlimited possibilities to Wushuang City.

Mingyue looked at him with a smile: This is our common goal. We want to create a better life for everyone on this land.

At this time, a city citizen came over.

Miss Mingyue, thank you! He said gratefully, Because of your help, my family life has become richer.

The surrounding citizens expressed their approval and gratitude.

It's the result of everyone's joint efforts. Mingyue said modestly.

Murong Fu looked at this scene, and his heart was filled with satisfaction and encouragement. He realized that behind them stood a group of brave and determined people who would continue to write the future of Wushuang City.

Mingyue, we still have a long way to go. Murong Fu grabbed Mingyue's hand, We want to build Wushuang City into a prosperous place famous in the world.

Mingyue pursed her lips when she heard this and nodded solemnly. And a few days later.

Mingyue and Murong Fu walked on the streets of Wushuang City. Under the sunshine, the whole city was filled with vitality and joy.

Shops on both sides of the street are bustling with people and business is booming. People walked through it with smiles of happiness and satisfaction on their faces.

Looking at all this, I am really proud. Mingyue said with emotion.

Murong Fu gently held Mingyue's shoulders and looked at the bustling scene around him, Yes, we have brought new life to Wushuang City.

At this time, an old man came forward. He is a farmer in the city.

Miss Mingyue, Mr. Murong! the old man greeted happily, Thanks to your help, our farmers now have a bumper harvest!

Mingyue responded with a smile: This is all the result of your hard work.

Don't dare! The old man kept waving his hands, Without your support and help, we can't imagine that we would be living so well now!

Others around him also echoed: Yes, thanks to Miss Mingyue and Mr. Murong, we have such a wonderful life.

Murong Fu's eyes showed joy and satisfaction.

He deeply understands that these changes are the result of their joint efforts.

In the bustling streets, Murong Fu and Mingyue talked cordially with the citizens and listened to their suggestions and opinions.

The residents of Wushuang City all looked happy and saluted Mingyue and Murong Fu one after another.

While they were talking with the citizens, drumming suddenly sounded in the vast square. Everyone gathered towards the square and walked over curiously.

I saw that the square was filled with all kinds of food, handicrafts and entertainment facilities.

It was already dusk, night had fallen, and the lights were bright.

People were playing happily and laughing. As night fell, Wushuang City fell into silence and tranquility.

There are only occasional pedestrians passing by on the street, which is like a peaceful paradise.

Mingyue and Murong Fu returned to Murong Mansion amidst the cheers of the citizens. At the same time, in the dark corner outside Wushuang City, Xiongba sent out a raid team composed of miscellaneous thieves.

These miscellaneous thieves are agile and proficient in sword skills, and were personally selected by Xiong Ba to carry out this assassination plot.

Just as both inside and outside Wushuang City were immersed in peace and hustle and bustle, suddenly, a black shadow flashed past.

The raiding team quickly approached Wushuang City and immediately launched operations.

Several thieves rushed towards the guards of Wushuang City with sharp blades. The ferocious attack caught the guards off guard.

They reacted hastily, drew their swords, and fought fiercely with the enemy. However, they were gradually at a disadvantage when the thieves besieged them. now.

The originally peaceful Wushuang City was now filled with howls, and the streets were filled with a strong smell of blood.

The people were terrified and fled in all directions with fear and despair.

The thieves burned, killed and looted wantonly. They shuttled through the streets and mercilessly inserted their sharp knives into the bodies of innocent people.

Murong Fu was sitting in his study, immersed in practice, and he was meticulously deducing the secrets of swordsmanship.

The cries and flames outside did not interrupt his determination to practice at all.

Mingyue was busy handling some affairs in the Ming family's mansion. In her opinion, tranquility and peace should be the eternal theme of Wushuang City.

However, she did not know at this time that a heartbreaking massacre was taking place outside the city.

Suddenly, Qian Tong hurried into the study and said anxiously to Murong Fu: Young Master, please come out and take a look! A tragedy has occurred in our city!

Murong Fu was stunned for a moment, put down his sword technique deduction, and frowned slightly.

He walked out of the study and came to the gate of the mansion. He saw flames in the sky and the sounds of fighting and screams rang out from the city walls.

This made Murong Fu's heart tremble and he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

Mingyue also heard the movement outside the mansion at this time. She put down the documents in her hand and walked to the window to observe carefully.

Seeing the devastated streets and people running away, her face suddenly turned pale.

Miss Mingyue, something big happened in the city! We must go out and take a look! You Ruo said to Mingyue anxiously. .

Mingyue came back to her senses and nodded.

She knew that as the guardian of Wushuang City, she could not stand by and watch. The two people quickly left the mansion with a few guards and rushed towards the chaotic streets.

When they rushed to the city center, they really felt the seriousness of the disaster.

Corpses were strewn across the fields, burned houses and cries filled the entire Wushuang City.

Murong Fu stood on a high ground and observed the situation, his eyes becoming cold and sharp.

He secretly mobilized the guards around him to prepare for a counterattack.

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