Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1447 Worry and Uneasiness

Under the leadership of everyone who was ready to go, Mingyue and Murong Fu walked into Tianxiang Restaurant.

Even when they stepped into the building, they could clearly feel a sinister atmosphere.

The interior decoration of Tianxiang Restaurant is luxurious and complicated, with magnificent decorations inlaid in every corner, exuding a charming light.

But there is an unfathomable conspiracy hidden behind all this.

Mingyue glanced around and saw everyone watching the surroundings with vigilance. She nodded secretly in her heart, knowing that everyone was ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

She held the hilt of the sword tightly, ready to protect her friends around her at any time.

Murong Fu's expression remained calm, and he did not show any signs of nervousness or vigilance.

The atmosphere in Tianxiang Restaurant fell into a strange silence, as if everyone in the restaurant was secretly observing each other.

Mingyue couldn't help but frown tightly, and couldn't help feeling a little uneasy in her heart. She wondered if this might be a trap, but there was no turning back now.

Murong Fu remained expressionless and walked into Tianxiang Restaurant with Mingyue.

He glanced at every corner of the VIP room and instantly locked onto a man in black.

The man was being watched vigilantly by everyone. He was sitting in the corner of the VIP room, his eyes as cold as icebergs.

It's Xiong Ba.

Murong Fu and Mingyue walked quickly towards Xiong Ba, while the others observed the surroundings vigilantly.

Mingyue nervously grasped the hilt of the sword, ready to take action at any time.

Xiongba knew that everyone had discovered that he had come here, but he did not waver at all.

Murong Fu, you came to see me after all.

Xiongba said calmly, with a hint of teasing in his voice.

Murong Fu stopped and looked at Xiong Ba calmly. Murong Fu stared deeply at Xiong Ba, with a cold light flashing in his eyes. He knew that Xiong Ba was behind the attack on Wushuang City, but at this moment he needed conclusive evidence to pin the blame on Xiong Ba.

Xiong Ba, let me ask you once, did you send thieves to attack Wushuang City? Murong Fu's voice was as cold as ice.

Xiong Ba burst out laughing, his eyes flashing with contempt and ridicule.

Murong Fu, how did you imagine that I would do such a trivial thing? he asked provocatively. As the chief rudder of the Tianxiahui, how could I be so despicable?

Mingyue clenched the hilt of her sword and looked at Xiong Ba angrily.

She knew in her heart that Xiong Ba was not a kind person, but at the moment she could not find any evidence to prove that he was related to Wushuang City.

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows slightly, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

Oh, Xiongba, Xiongba, your reckless behavior against Wushuang City has long been exposed.

It's just that I lack conclusive evidence now. Murong Fu stared at Xiong Ba with sharp eyes, and he calmly analyzed the situation.

Your attack this time caused huge losses to Wushuang City, and I want you to take responsibility for it. Compensate for the damage suffered by Wushuang City!

Xiongba's expression changed. He did not expect that Murong Fu would make such a request.

But soon, he regained his composure and pride. How much do you want? Xiongba finally said.

Murong Fu smiled, with a trace of mockery in his eyes. He didn't mean to answer immediately, but turned to Mingyue.

How much do you think it should be? Murong Fu asked.

Mingyue looked at Murong Fu resolutely and said decisively: At least five thousand taels of gold must be paid as compensation! The loss of Wushuang City has been immeasurable. How can the leader of the Tianxiahui take this lightly?

Bu Jingyun nodded silently. In his opinion, Xiong Ba must pay a heavy price for such criminal and fraudulent behavior.

Murong Fu nodded slightly, not surprised by Mingyue and Bu Jingyun's decision.

He turned to Xiong Ba again, his eyes full of pressure.

Only in this way can the dispute be resolved. You also know that the reputation of the Tianxiahui is at stake. Are you willing to pay such a price to preserve your own power?

Xiong Ba fell into deep thought, and he deeply understood what Murong Fu said.

This incident has a huge impact. If Wushuang City is not adequately compensated, he and the Tianxiahui will suffer an irreparable blow.

Everyone was waiting for Xiongba's decision, and the atmosphere was solemn and tense.

In the end, Xiongba breathed a long sigh of relief with a determined look.

Okay, I agree to pay a huge sum of money as compensation! Xiong Ba solemnly announced. .

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and they did not dare to underestimate the meaning behind this answer.

Murong Fu smiled and nodded, looking at Xiong Ba with satisfaction.

at the same time.

the other side. The Youruo room was dim and quiet, with misty rain and mist filling the window.

You Ruo sat quietly in front of the window, resting her hands on her chin and frowning slightly.

She fell into deep thought and was confused about the actions behind her father's back.

She recalled her father's past care and concern for her and wondered why he would be involved in such a dangerous thing.

Although Youruo has discovered the vicious side of her father, she still cannot accept this fact.

There had been countless moments of laughter and intimacy between father and daughter, but now it all seemed so fake and ridiculous.

You Ruo's hands were trembling, tears welling up in her eyes.

She had been looking forward to having a happy family since she was a child, but she never expected that she would end up in such a predicament.

She felt like an abandoned child, struggling to find her way in the darkness. And the other side.

In the rainy evening outside, there were almost no people on the street outside Tianxiang Restaurant.

In a dark alley, two figures stood next to each other.

Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang whispered, their eyes firm and cold.

They realize that the apparent calm is just a thin disguise, that a storm is coming, and they must be fully prepared.

Duanlang, we must join forces to fight against Xiongba.

Bu Jingyun's eyes were determined.

Duanlang nodded, I agree. But we must find reliable power and resources.

Duan Lang thought for a moment and then nodded in agreement, Okay, let's find them first.

The two decided to meet outside Tianxiang Restaurant and discuss their next actions.

There was mist and mist outside Tianxiang Restaurant, and there were very few people walking alone on the street.

Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang stood at the entrance of the dark alley, discussing how to deal with the next action.

We need to make a detailed plan and we can't take it lightly. Bu Jingyun said calmly.

Duanlang nodded, Yes, we must prepare everything.

They spoke softly, their eyes steady and cold.

They cooperate with each other tacitly and try their best to avoid being noticed by others.

Bu Jingyun, I believe we can succeed. Duan Lang encouraged.

Bu Jingyun smiled slightly, Of course, we have never failed. At this moment, Nie Feng fell into a feeling of worry and uneasiness.

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