Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1450 The secret letter in the secret warehouse

Nie Feng glanced at the child lightly and said nothing more. He knew that this child might be his final obstacle.

Uncle, what are you buying? the child asked curiously.

Some herbs. Nie Feng replied simply.

Do you have a cold? My mother also cooked medicinal herbs for me to drink. The child continued to ask.

Nie Feng smiled slightly when he heard this, and when he was about to answer, Gui Shaluo had already left the medicine shop.

Nie Feng took the time to follow him and left the abandoned courtyard.

Following Gui Shaluo's footsteps, Nie Feng came to a busy street in the city.

People were weaving in and out of the crowd, hurrying and rushing.

They walked intently, as if indifferent to everything around them.

Kisara walked steadily and calmly through the crowd.

He looked around from time to time, seemingly wary of what was behind him.

Nie Feng kept his distance from Gui Shaluo and wandered among the crowded crowd.

Careful not to attract attention, he stepped lightly in the shadows of the street.

Finally, Guishara stopped in front of a tall building.

Surrounded by high walls. There are two majestic and powerful guards guarding the gate.

Nie Feng hid in the dark and observed from a distance, and he became very interested in this place.

This place looked inconspicuous, but Kisara chose to stop here.

His eyes were wandering, as if he was thinking about something.

Nie Feng guessed that Gui Shaluo might be waiting for someone.

And at the same time.

the other side.

Murong's mansion.

You Ruo looked at Mingyue nervously, and she eagerly revealed: Sister Mingyue, I overheard my father's conversation before, and they are plotting to attack Wushuang City! We must deal with it carefully, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Mingyue looked at Youruo in surprise, she didn't expect Xiong Ba to be so vicious.

The two stood closely together, their voices solemn and tense.

You Ruo, are you sure? We must take action to stop them.

Mingyue's brows furrowed deeply.

Youruo nodded, Yes, I heard them mention a secret warehouse. It is said that evidence and plans for attacking Wushuang City are stored in it.

Mingyue thought for a moment and decided: We can't sit still and wait. We must find the secret warehouse immediately and obtain all information about Xiongba.

The two began to discuss a plan of action in a tacit understanding. They decided to go deep into the Xiongba Mansion to search for secret warehouses and obtain all evidence that could expose their evil deeds.

Just as the two were about to set off, a sound of footsteps suddenly came. Qian Tong came over. After seeing the nervous faces of the two, he reminded: Be careful, someone is coming.

Mingyue and Youruo immediately looked around vigilantly to ensure the safety of the surroundings.

Several people wearing black robes came from the direction of Xiongba Mansion. They are strong and capable, and they are all Xiong Ba's capable subordinates.

Mingyue frowned, These people look difficult to deal with, we have to be careful.

Qian Tong and Youruo followed closely behind Mingyue, trying to avoid the attention of others.

After some careful actions, the three of them successfully avoided the guards.

They finally arrived at the location of the secret warehouse. This is a place deliberately hidden by Xiongba.

Mingyue leaned over and opened a secret door, and the three of them entered quietly.

When they entered the warehouse, they found it filled with various documents and files.

Mingyue quickly began to search for relevant information about the dispute between Xiongba and Wushuang City, while Nie Feng was responsible for keeping the two women on the lookout.

During the search, Youruo suddenly found a key secret letter: This is my father's detailed plan to attack Wushuang City!

Mingyue hurriedly took the document and flipped through it. Her face was solemn and her brows were furrowed.

According to the contents of the document, Xiong Ba planned to launch a raid on Wushuang City.

They prepare to use gunpowder to destroy key areas of Wushuang City and control the entire city in chaos.

Mingyue was anxious, knowing that if no action was taken, Wushuang City would be in crisis.

We must notify Murong Fu and others as soon as possible. Mingyue made up her mind, You Ruo, you stay here and continue to search for more useful information. Nie Feng and I go to find Murong Fu.

Youruo nodded in agreement.

After Mingyue and Qian Tong left, she continued to look through the documents, trying to find more secrets about Xiong Ba. …

And at this moment.

Qian Tong and Mingyue hurried to find Murong Fu, anxious to tell him that You Ruo had revealed the news that Xiong Ba planned to fight back.

After running to the door of Murong Fu's study, Qian Tong stood still panting, with Mingyue following closely behind him, with a serious and firm expression.

Master Murong, we have urgent information. Qian Tong said in a hoarse voice. ..

Murong Fu raised his head, surprised by the arrival of the two men.

He knew that Wushuang City and Xiongba were at odds with each other, but he did not expect that the situation would deteriorate so quickly.

Speak quickly. Murong Fu subconsciously clenched the pen in his hand.

Qian Tong seized the opportunity and quickly told Murong Fu about the situation.

Youruo revealed the news about Xiongba's plan to fight back against Wushuang City, and mentioned a secret warehouse. We have seen with our own eyes that the warehouse is filled with documents and files about Xiongba.

Listening to Qian Tong's narration, Mingyue clenched her fists. She knew the danger Wushuang City was about to encounter.

We must stop this attack. Mingyue said without hesitation. We must concentrate all our efforts now and prepare for the attack in advance.

Murong Fu was silent. He knew the insidiousness and ruthlessness of Xiong Ba, but at this time he had to confront them head-on.

Qian Tong, call all trustworthy people immediately. We need to strengthen the defense of Wushuang City.

Murong Fu issued the order, At the same time, inform You Ruo to leave the secret warehouse quickly and bring back all the secret letters they found.

Qian Tong nodded solemnly. He understood that the situation was urgent and there could be no delay.

I'll go and execute it right away. Qian Tong hurriedly left the study.

Mingyue stayed with Murong Fu. Master, please be careful. Xiongba will never back down easily.

Murong Fu smiled slightly: Don't worry, I will protect myself.

Mingyue looked at Murong Fu's determined eyes, and her heart was filled with trust. She knew that only by unifying Wushuang City could she truly get rid of the threat of Xiongba.

A moment later, Qian Tong and You Ruo rushed to Murong Fu's study.

Looking at the serious expressions of Mingyue and Murong Fu, they all realized the seriousness of the situation.

Youruo, are all the secret letters you brought here? Mingyue asked.

Youruo nodded, They're all here.

She handed Mingyue a thick stack of secret letters, which she found in the secret warehouse.

Mingyue took the file and quickly read its contents.

She found that it contained detailed information about Xiongba's attack plan on Wushuang City, analysis of Wushuang City's defense and weaknesses, and more.

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