Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1452 I found myself in a bad situation

As a mysterious figure, Onishara attracts the attention of many people every time he enters this pharmacy.

He came over again and again. What on earth did he want to do?

A sense of urgency arose in Nie Feng's heart. He knew that if he did not seize the time to find evidence, Wushuang City would face greater danger.

However, he also understood that Kisara's identity was unusual and he had to be careful.

After Gui Shaluo entered Rong Fu's Medicine Shop, Nie Feng followed him in cautiously.

He hid in the dark and watched Kisara walking through the medicine shop, checking each herbal medicine on the shelf at the same time.

A light layer of fog hangs around Tianxiang Restaurant, creating a mysterious and tense atmosphere.

Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang quietly hid in an abandoned house. They carefully checked the weapons in their hands and prepared for the upcoming battle.

Their faces showed perseverance and determination, and their eyes were firm and deep.

The house was filled with faint light, reflecting on the tense faces of Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang.

The two coordinated their movements tacitly, deliberately keeping their breathing steady and not making any noise.

Bu Jingyun glanced at Duan Lang and nodded slightly to indicate that he was ready. Duan Lang also smiled back and held the sword in his hand tightly.

Over the years, they have experienced countless hardships and obstacles, always supporting each other and growing together.

We have always known that this day would come. Bu Jingyun whispered, Now, it is time to fight back against Xiongba.

Duanlang nodded: Yes, we can no longer be passively beaten. We want them to know that the blood of our Bu family still flows in this land. M..

The two exchanged glances in tacit understanding for a moment, each knowing they could rely on the other.

The fire of revenge in Bu Jingyun's heart had already been burning so strongly, while Duan Lang was even more eager to revive the Duan family's reputation because he had personally experienced the family's decline and humiliation. Suddenly, Bu Jingyun's eyes fell on a man with unshaven beard and dirt on his face, who was obviously intending to do something.

He was keenly aware of this anomaly, and his intuition told him that this suspicious figure had some connection with Xiongba.

Bu Jingyun's heart moved and he immediately followed the suspicious person.

He took a few cautious steps, then quickly ducked into a dark alley.

Duan Lang noticed Bu Jingyun's actions and followed him without hesitation.

The dark alley is filled with a cold and damp atmosphere, and the dim light outlines a blurry scene.

Bu Jingyun looked for the suspicious figure, his ears pressed against the wall, trying to catch any sound.

Suddenly, he heard subtle footsteps and immediately tightened his nerves.

A dark shadow was quietly slipping past the corner. Suddenly, Gui Shaluo appeared in front of Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang. He smiled ferociously and reminded them that they had fallen into the trap they had set.

Cold laughter came from all around, and glimmering swords were shot from all directions.

Bu Jingyun clenched his fists with firm eyes.

Instead of panicking, he showed excellent reflexes and the ability to respond quickly.

He dodged the attacks while trying to find a way to break the trap.

Duan Lang also concentrated on trying to unravel the trap set by Guishara. He frowned and moved his fingers nimbly in the dark alley, trying to find clues.

Brother Bu, we must find a breakthrough! Duan Lang lowered his voice and said to Bu Jingyun.

Bu Jingyun nodded, his face solemn.

He calmly analyzed the patterns of each attack and tried to find clues hidden in the darkness.

Onishara laughed as he looked at the two people's desperate resistance.

His attacks became more and more fierce, and the silver light of the sword flashed with the breath of death.

Bu Jingyun suddenly noticed a weak loophole. He quickly pulled Duan Lang and avoided a dangerous sword light.

They took the opportunity to rush to the corner.

Duan Shuai, help me stop them! Guishara gave an order, and a dozen men holding swords rushed over.

Duan Lang tightly held the hilt of the sword in his hand, his eyes firm.

He no longer cares about his own identity, but fights the enemy with all his strength.

Bu Jingyun took a deep breath and glanced around with lightning eyes.

Suddenly, he found a faint clue - a faint red color on the ground.

He knew immediately that this was the key to the trap.

He quickly dodged an attack and lightly touched the red mark on the ground with the tip of his sword.

Here! Bu Jingyun shouted loudly.

Duanlang followed his instructions, and the two immediately concentrated their firepower to attack where the red traces were.

With a violent explosion, an underground passage appeared in front of them.

The two of them immediately got into the underground passage without any hesitation.

They moved quickly towards the end of the dark alley, looking for hope of escape in the darkness.

Guishara roared angrily and led his men in hot pursuit.

But Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang always kept their distance by virtue of their extraordinary skills and tacit cooperation.

Finally, in the fierce competition between escape and pursuit, the two successfully got rid of Onishara and his men.

They came to an exit and looked at the vast night sky in front of them, breathing heavily.

Finally got rid of it! Bu Jingyun let out a long sigh of relief.

Duan Lang also breathed a sigh of relief, his face covered with sweat.

He said with emotion: This ghost is really difficult to deal with!

The two looked at each other and could see the firmness and determination in each other's eyes.

We have to move on and we can't let Xiong Ba succeed. Bu Jingyun clenched his fists, a cold light flashing between his brows.

Duan Lang nodded, his eyes firm. soon.

Duan Lang and Bu Jingyun left the underground passage and planned to return to Murong Fu's mansion as soon as possible.

It's all so weird.

They were originally near Tianxiang Tower and were led away by a strange man.

Bu Jingyun thought.

Logically speaking, no one could escape being tracked by him and Duan Lang at the same time.

But not only did the opponent escape, Guishara also took the opportunity to come out.

All this made Bu Jingyun feel that something was wrong, and he planned to tell Murong Fu quickly.

And now walking on the road.

In the dark night, Wushuang City fell into silence.

Suddenly, a gust of wind sounded, and then, Guishara and his men appeared at the gate of the city.


They were wearing black clothes, holding sharp swords, and were full of murderous intent.

Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang immediately sensed the crisis. They stood together in tacit understanding, staring at each other, sending warning signals to each other in the darkness.

Duan Shuai! Bu Jingyun whispered to Duan Lang, We need to react quickly.

Duan Lang nodded, his eyes firm.

He knew that the enemy in front of him should not be underestimated, and only by going all out could he protect himself and Bu Jingyun.

Onishara laughed and said, It seems that you have also found that you are in a bad situation.

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