Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1456 This is not a coincidence

The surrounding members felt the leader's angry aura and lowered their heads silently.

Chief, what should we do now? a member of Guishara asked cautiously.

After Guishara leader pondered for a moment, his expression became decisive: Immediately convey this news to all members! From now on, a secret order is issued, asking everyone to be careful about Nie Feng!

After everyone listened, they nodded in agreement and immediately took action to pass the news to other members.

Nie Feng has caused great trouble to Tianxiahui since his appearance, and now that he has become Murong Fu's servant, the intelligence agencies have paid more attention to him.

The leader of Guishara looked at the movements of his men and secretly made up his mind to get rid of Nie Feng quickly.

While members of the Tianxiahui were discussing countermeasures, Gui Shaluo was also secretly tracking Nie Feng's every move.

They knew very well how terrifying Nie Feng was, and they also understood that only by eradicating him could the safety of Tianxiahui be ensured.

The tracking team followed the clues to where Murong Fu was, preparing to monitor him.

After learning of Murong Fu's announcement, the leader of Guishara immediately ordered to dispatch elite forces to hunt down Nie Feng.

As night falls, the moonlight falls like water on the earth.

A group of men in black lurked in the night, waiting for Nie Feng's arrival.

Not long after, Nie Feng appeared in front of them.

His body is strong and flexible, and his steps are as light as moving clouds and flowing water.

The man in black followed him silently and was not noticed by him.

The leader of Onishara personally led the team, with a cold light shining in his eyes.

Suddenly, in a secluded corner, Nie Feng stopped.

He seemed to notice something, and his eyes became alert.

When the leader of Guishara saw Nie Feng stop, he immediately ordered: Take action!

The men in black launched attacks one after another and besieged Nie Feng. For a moment, the sword light splashed out and the fist shadows stirred.

Nie Feng dodged the first wave of attacks and said with a sneer: It turns out they are people sent by Guisharao. Do you think you can defeat me like this?

He swung the double-edged sword quickly, and the sword light flashed, dazzling people.

He was like a lonely cheetah, whizzing past in the darkness, extremely swift.

The leader of Guishara frowned when he saw this, and cursed secretly in his heart: This guy is really difficult to deal with.

In order to ensure the interests and safety of Tianxiahui, the leader of Guishara decided to take action personally.

The martial arts he used were unparalleled and he was known as the Ghost Walker. Never defeated on the battlefield.

After the two sides fought for a while, the face of the leader of Guishara gradually became solemn.

This guy is extraordinary. I can't suppress his offensive.

Nie Feng sneered, with a hint of ridicule on his face: Do you think you can dominate the world just because you are the leader of Guishara? It's ridiculous!

His figure flickers like a ghost and is as fast as lightning.

The leader of Guishara felt the threat behind him and was shocked.

He turned around immediately, but it was already a step too late.

Nie Feng sneered and waved the double-edged sword, leaving a wound on the chest of the leader of Guishara.

You... The leader of Guishara looked at Nie Feng in shock, You...can really defeat me?

Nie Feng smiled mockingly: Do you still want to continue to deal with me?

The leader of Guishara took a deep breath, a trace of anger and unwillingness flashed in his eyes, but he shook his head helplessly: Forget it, let's leave.

Nie Feng looked at the leaving black-clothed crowd indifferently, The people from the Tianxiahui are really shouting Catch the thief.

On this night, the leader of Guishara deeply felt the terror of Nie Feng.

He understood that if this thorny problem was not solved as soon as possible, his position and that of the Tianxiahui would be in jeopardy.

And Nie Feng also realized that he had become the target of public criticism. And at the same time.

Everyone is talking about the huge impact that the restricted sales of magic medicine in Rongfu Medicine Shop will have on Tianxiahui and Guishara.

People gathered in the streets and alleys to express their dissatisfaction and concern about this matter.

They believe that this move will have a great impact on Tianxiahui and Guishara, and may lead to more serious turmoil in the world.

In a lively market, several citizens gathered around a small stall to discuss this topic intensely.

They each debated their own opinions, their voices gradually getting louder.

What do you think is the purpose of restricting the sale of the magic medicine in Rongfu Medicine Store? A middle-aged man asked with a puzzled face.

I heard that Tianxiahui had discussed business with Rongfu Pharmacy, but for some reason a dispute arose. A young woman whispered what everyone was thinking.

Could it be that Tianxiahui and Guishara accidentally offended Murong Fu? an old man frowned and thought deeply.

Everyone nodded in agreement, rumors spread, and various speculations about Murong Fu continued.

At the same time, in an alley, several citizens were whispering about rumors about Murong Fu.

I heard that his subordinate Bu Jingyun used to be a subordinate of the chief helmsman of the Tianxiahui. A man whispered.

He is from the Huo family. I heard that he was exterminated before. A woman responded in a low voice.

I have seen Murong Fu in the arena before. It is said that he is majestic and invincible. A middle-aged man said with admiration.

Everyone was full of curiosity about Murong Fu, and had the same questions in their hearts as to why he attached so much importance to the restricted sale of magical medicine in the mansion.

The talk on the street reached the ears of Tianxiahui and Guishara.

Xiong Ba's face turned gloomy after hearing the news.

Why did Murong Fu do this? Does he intend to weaken our strength? Xiong Ba frowned, his heart filled with anger and uneasiness.

The subordinates cautiously tried to persuade him: Chief Rudder, please think calmly. We don't yet know the real purpose of Murong Fu's move.

Xiongba snorted coldly: I've endured it long enough, and I won't be deceived by him again this time. A secret meeting was held between the top leaders of Tianxiahui and Guishaluo to discuss ways to deal with the restrictive policy of Rongfu Drug Store.

In the conference room, the candlelight was dim, and the senior executives sat neatly around each other. The atmosphere was tense and depressing.

Xiongba's eyes were gloomy, and he could never get rid of the anger in his heart.

Qin Shuang, who was standing next to him, comforted in a low voice: Chief Rudder, please think calmly, we cannot act rashly.

Xiongba clenched his fists fiercely, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, I have endured it long enough, and I will not be deceived by him again this time.

A senior executive in black stopped him and said, Chief Rudder, this matter needs further investigation. We cannot act rashly.

Xiongba glanced at everyone with sharp eyes, This is not a coincidence! There must be some conspiracy behind Murong Fu!

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