Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1458 Passing by like lightning

The people next to him were silent and their eyes were filled with fear. Faced with such a huge collision of forces, they felt insignificant.

At this moment, Mingyue came over and heard their conversation.

She smiled softly, Don't worry, Murong Fu will never let anyone hurt you. We believe in him, and we should also believe in ourselves.

These words brought a glimmer of hope and comfort, and the residents of the city gradually let go of their fears.

And soon.

As night fell, the banquet hall of Murong Mansion was brightly lit, candlelight flickered, and the entire banquet hall was gorgeously decorated.

The long dining table is filled with all kinds of delicacies and delicacies, and the aroma is fragrant. Decorations and flowers around the tables adorned the entire banquet hall, creating an atmosphere of grandeur.

Murong Fu sat on the main seat and talked with everyone with a smile. Next to him sat Bu Jingyun, Duan Lang and Nie Feng, and the three of them were laughing and laughing.

There was a hint of indifference hidden on Bu Jingyun's face, and he was always vigilant.

Nie Feng was silent, but his eyes revealed his endless loyalty and trust to Murong Fu.

Mingyue and Youruo sat on the other side, communicating with each other in low voices.

Mingyue frowned slightly, Youruo, do you think Tianxiahui and Guishaluo will really deal with Murong Fu?

You Ruo looked at Murong Fu from a distance, with complicated emotions flashing in his eyes, My father has always been a hero in my heart, but now I really realize his vicious side. For him, everything is worth it for his so-called goal. All are expendable.”

Mingyue sighed deeply. The scene of everyone tasting delicious food filled the Murong Mansion banquet hall with a happy atmosphere.

They picked up their chopsticks and picked up various delicacies on their plates.

The dishes are delicious in color, aroma and taste. From roasted suckling pig to steamed lobster to seafood soup, everything is neatly arranged on the table.

Bu Jingyun picked up a tender piece of roasted suckling pig, put it in his mouth, chewed the rich aroma, and exclaimed: This roasted suckling pig is really unparalleled!

Duan Lang then took a bite of the steamed lobster and sighed: The meat of this steamed lobster is delicious, it is simply the best in the world.

Nie Feng picked up the seafood soup in the bowl and took a sip. The rich taste of seafood surged on his tongue, This seafood soup is delicious!

Mingyue savored the deliciousness of each dish with an intoxicated expression. After everyone tasted the food, the atmosphere in the banquet hall became lively.

There was endless laughter and cheers, and they began to chat about the world and share their adventures and experiences.

Bu Jingyun looked at Nie Feng and said with a smile: Do you still remember the Jianghu mission we completed together last time? Your tricks at that time were really unique and interesting! I still remember you surrounded a group of evil thieves and used Qinggong is jumping up and down above their heads, just like a clown! Hahaha!

Nie Feng couldn't help but laugh when he heard Bu Jingyun's memories, I was really impressed by how powerful he was at such a young age at that time!

Murong Fu listened to their conversation quietly.

In the banquet hall, the topic of Jianghu affairs continued, sometimes with loud laughter, sometimes with silent listening.

This night, everyone was in high spirits and spent an unforgettable night accompanied by delicious food and gin.

You Ruo also let go of her knot at this time. She had lived under the control of Xiong Ba since she was a child and knew nothing about Jianghu affairs.

But now, she finds herself among the group and feels a genuine sense of camaraderie among them.

Her heart was filled with gratitude and she decided to protect them.

As the steward of Murong Mansion, Qian Tong silently observed the exchanges among the people.

He was full of admiration and admiration for Murong Fu, and at the same time, he was prepared in advance for the challenges they would face.

While everyone was communicating with each other, Murong Fu suddenly felt a weak vibration in his consciousness space.

He closed his eyes quietly and released the god-level selection system.

This system will provide the host with several options based on the current situation. The host will choose one of them to receive corresponding rewards. The system voice sounded.

Murong Fu narrowed his eyes slightly, waiting expectantly for the choice given by the system.

At this moment, no one here noticed Murong Fu's unusual presence. As the party progressed, the table was filled with all kinds of wine.

The golden wine sloshed in the glass, exuding an alluring aroma.

Everyone raised their glasses and drank to celebrate this unforgettable night.

Bu Jingyun held up his wine glass and scanned everyone in the banquet hall, feeling extremely moved in his heart.

He has lived in the shadow of hatred and revenge since he was a child, but today he can gather with this group of like-minded friends to share the most sincere friendship with each other.

Duan Lang looked at Bu Jingyun and said with a smile: Brother Bu, you are one of the top swordsmen among us, and you are famous in the world. Having you join us will definitely be a huge help.

Bu Jingyun nodded slightly, knowing that Duan Lang's words were not words of praise.

He knew very well that he had the identity of Huo Butian's adopted son, and he must hide his identity before the revenge plan was completed.

At the same time, while everyone was toasting to celebrate, You Ruo took a sip of the wine.

She once lived under the control of Xiong Ba and knew nothing about Jianghu affairs. But tonight's interaction allowed her to rediscover her direction and mission.

You Ruo stood still and watched everyone communicating with Murong Fu.

She decided to protect them and did whatever it took to do so. After all, this is her chance to make a clean break with her father and pursue freedom.

As the steward of Murong Mansion, Qian Tong silently observed everyone drinking and celebrating.

He was full of admiration and admiration for Murong Fu in his heart, and he also knew that the challenges they would face next would not be easy.

Laughter and cheers filled the banquet hall, and everyone celebrated happily.

They raised glasses to each other, toasted and blessed each other. This night, their friendship became deeper, and their sincere friendship was sublimated in the wine.

Murong Fu narrowed his eyes slightly and focused on the wine in front of him. Early the next morning, Mingyue and Youruo came to the mountain forest near Wushenjue Palace.

The sun shines on them through the gaps in the leaves, and the breeze blows, bringing a touch of coolness.

They searched carefully, and suddenly saw a figure in black clothes and an iron mask walking quickly through the woods in the distance. The man was as agile as a ghost, moving among the trees as if he were walking on flat ground.

Mingyue and Youruo immediately exchanged glances, and they both realized that it was the legendary Onisara. Without thinking much, they quickly informed Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang of this discovery.

After the two of them reunited with Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang, they followed Gui Shaluo's trail towards the deep mountains and dense forests.

In the lush woods, four people passed through like lightning.

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