Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1460 Find Murong Fu immediately

At this moment, Youruo murmured: How many ghosts are there in the entire Wushenjue Palace... On the other side, Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang were fighting a fierce battle with a ghost.

Bu Jingyun waved the sword in his hand, slashing at the enemy sharply, and every move was accurate.

Duan Lang showed off his long-standing peerless sword skills. In the sword light dancing in the air, the enemy was almost unable to dodge.

They nimbly dodged Kisara's attacks, and then quickly counterattacked.

The two cooperated tacitly, using eye contact and body movement coordination to protect each other in the fierce battle. Bu Jingyun dodged to the side to make way for Duan Lang to attack. At the same time, Duan Lang also provided the greatest support and protection to Bu Jingyun.

The tacit understanding between them makes their movements more coordinated and accurate.

Each of their sword moves is sharp and efficient, and every attack targets the enemy's weakness. Guishara was suppressed by Bu Jingyun and Duanlang's offensive and could not breathe, so he could only continue to defend.

Although Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang suffered some counterattacks from the enemy, they were not discouraged and instead became more motivated.

In this difficult battle, Bu Jingyun felt his love and persistence for kendo.

During the tense and fierce battle, Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang remained alert at all times and protected each other from harm.

There is not much verbal communication between them, and their tacit cooperation in battle is their most powerful weapon.

As time passed, the two men's offensive became more and more fierce, and Kishara began to feel that he was powerless.

They constantly change their tactics, using every move to confuse the enemy and make Kisara elusive.

Finally, under a precise combined attack, Onishara was knocked to the ground.

Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang immediately took the opportunity to step forward and restrain the enemy.

We succeeded. Bu Jingyun said calmly.

Duanlang smiled slightly: Yes, but this is just a ghost.

They understand that there are more similar enemies waiting for them in the entire Wushen Palace.

However, they had no intention of retreating. On the contrary, they became more determined to pursue their goals.

After exchanging affirmative and determined looks, the two decided to move forward. Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang continued to sneak in the darkness of Wushen Jue Palace, looking for any clues left by Xiong Ba.

They move quietly, carefully observe every corner, search different places, and take detailed records.

The entire abandoned palace was filled with the dust of time, and the dilapidated walls were covered with spider webs.

The flickering candlelight casts swaying shadows in the dim space. Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang were always alert and communicating with each other tacitly.

Be careful with the door ahead. Bu Jingyun reminded softly.

Duan Lang nodded, and they quietly approached the door full of time.

Bu Jingyun stretched out his hand and gently pushed open the door. Behind the door is a large and dark room with an oil painting hanging on the wall.

This oil painting looks very old. Duan Lang whispered.

The two walked into the room and looked closely at the painting.

The painting depicts a magnificent city with two large characters Tianmen written on the city wall. The characters in the picture are extremely precise, depicting every detail.

Is this Tianmen? Bu Jingyun stared at the oil painting and frowned slightly.

Yes, but the Tianmen in this painting is a little different from the reality. Duanlang explained, Looking at the bloodstains and damage on the city wall, it is likely that it went through a war.

Bu Jingyun nodded, and more questions arose in his mind. They continued into the room, carefully searching for places where evidence might be hidden. Behind an old bookshelf, Duan Lang suddenly discovered a strange stone slab.

After the two exchanged a look of affirmation and determination, they decided to take the stone slab out to study it carefully.

They carefully removed the slate and placed it in the package. Although they don't know whether this stone tablet is related to Xiongba, looking for evidence is the only thing they can do at the moment.

After leaving the room, Bu Jingyun stopped and looked at Duan Lang and said, We still need more clues to confirm the existence of Xiong Ba.

Duanlang nodded, Yes. We need to find more evidence and find the person who can reveal Xiong Ba's true face.

Bu Jingyun took a deep breath and became more determined. They continued to search the palace for any clues about Xiongba.

Every tiny trace is taken seriously and recorded by them.

During the search, Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang worked closely together, reminding each other of precautions and sharing the clues they discovered.

They understand that only through this evidence can the problem be solved, and only through these clues can the true face of Xiongba be revealed.

After an unknown amount of time, the two finally collected enough evidence.

We found it. Bu Jingyun looked at the notes and drawings in his hand, feeling a sense of victory in his heart.

Yes, we are getting closer and closer to the moment when we reveal the truth about Xiongba. Duanlang smiled confidently.

They carefully organized all the evidence and prepared to leave Wushenjue Palace and bring these evidence to Murong Fu. The next day.

Butler Qian Tong was sorting medicines in Murong Mansion's pharmacy, when suddenly his eyes fell on an empty shelf. He was stunned, feeling anxious and worried in his heart.

How come the Broken Bone Ointment disappeared? Qian Tong thought anxiously.

He quickly searched around, hoping to find the missing bone-breaking paste. However, no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find any clues. This made him even more worried.

Just when Qian Tong was in anxiety, Bu Jingyun happened to be passing by. Seeing his nervous look, he came over and asked, What happened? Why do you look so anxious?

When Qian Tong saw Bu Jingyun appear, he immediately explained to him: The Discontinuous Bone Ointment is missing! This is a special medicine produced by Murong Fu. It is very effective in treating injuries.

Bu Jingyun frowned slightly after hearing this, The Broken Bone Ointment is missing? This is no small matter.

That's right. Qian Tong nodded, When I was cleaning up the pharmacy just now, there was indeed a piece of bone-breaking ointment, but now it's all empty. I immediately thought of you, because you are also investigating the matter of Xiongba.

Bu Jingyun's eyes flashed, he knew that this matter should not be taken carelessly, We must find Murong Fu immediately and tell him the news.

Qian Tong nodded quickly and hurried to the inner courtyard of Murong Mansion with Bu Jingyun.

They came to a study room and Qian Tong knocked on the door and entered. Murong Fu was sitting behind his desk, deep in thought, when he heard a knock on the door and raised his head.

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