Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 146 Multiple Choice Questions

Mu Wanqing said dubiously: Then what do you think we should do?

Murong Fu's mouth raised slightly, and the little girl entered the circle.

Let's make a bet. If I don't imprison Duan Yu, you will be punished by me.

Punishment? Mu Wanqing replied without even thinking: Okay, as long as it proves that Duan Lang stayed with you voluntarily, I am willing to be punished!

Well, then, you go down and rest first, and I will take you to see your good friend tomorrow. Murong Fu poured his true energy into his palms and clapped them casually.

The acupuncture points on Mu Wanqing's body were unlocked, and then a servant was called to prepare a house for him to settle down.

After settling in and getting Mu Wanqing ready, Murong Fu was ready to go back and have a good rest, but he saw people coming to report again.

Master, there is someone outside asking for advice.

Who? Murong Fu felt that he was a little busy today.

Why do so many people come to see me?

It's the second girl and the others.

Murong Jiuxiu?

Murong Fu nodded, Murong Wudi's matter had been delayed for too long.

Although the old guy was very ambitious, he was still a man and didn't do any dirty tricks behind his back.

It's just that the timing of coming out was not right, so I have been locked up until now:

Okay, you go and call them.

Okay, Master. The servant bowed and left.

After a while, eight women in mourning clothes walked in.

Murong Fu was stunned for a moment, if he remembered correctly. .

The husbands of these women must have been in funerals for many days.

Guys, why are you still dressed like this?

Murong Shuang bit her lips and said, We are here today to ask our eldest cousin to make decisions for us.

Well, the decision? What decision? Murong Fu looked at Murong Shuang confused.

Murong Shanshan added: We heard that the person who assassinated my eldest cousin that day has been caught by you.

That's right, but there are a few culprits. Murong Fu nodded.

Murong Shanshan gritted her teeth and said, The person who killed my husband was a fat-headed and big-eared Buddhist monk.

I don't know, did he run away?

The person who killed my husband was also this monk. Murong Qiniang agreed.

The one who killed my husband-in-law was a zombie face.

Killing my husband is...

Murong Fu listened for a long time, and it seemed that he had all the murderers in his hands.

The one who killed the most was actually Darba.

He could have killed five of Qi Xiu's relatives.

I thought he was going to counterattack, but in the end, he was seeking death!

Offended so many women at the same time.

Murong Fu just wanted to promise his cousins ​​to help them take revenge.

As luck would have it, the servant came in again to report.

Master... there is someone outside asking to see you. It's a group of Yuan people.

Yuan Ren? Murong Shuang and Murong Shanshan's expressions suddenly changed.

Murong Qiniang even guessed: They must be here to redeem people.

What should we do? If my cousin agrees, wouldn't we be unable to take revenge? Murong Xiaowu asked anxiously.

Murong Fu glanced at

Then I thought about it and decided to sell it well and let them forget it.

Go and call them here. I want to see what they want to do.

The servant nodded quickly and went to bring Yuan Ren in.

Now the relationship between Yuan and Song is delicate.

Neither hostile nor friendly.

Everyone was in such a state that they could fall out at any time, so it was not against the rules for Murong Fu to receive them.

After a while, a barbarian man with a high nose, deep eyes, curly yellow beard, and wearing Hanfu came in from outside.

However, with pearls hanging around his neck and jade bracelets on his wrists, he looked like a legendary nouveau riche.

Dear Mr. Murong, it is my honor that we meet again. The visitor put his hand on his left chest and bowed to Murong Fu very respectfully.

Murong Fu nodded and recognized the person who came. It was Yin Kexi, one of the Three Great Masters of Mongolia.

Haha, long time no see. What brought you Yuan people to my place today?

Yin Kexi rolled his eyes and heard a hint of impatience in Murong Fu's tone, and said bluntly:

I am here to redeem some of my friends by order of the princess.

Friend? Murong Fu clapped hard, smashing the tea cup next to him with one palm and showing off his momentum.

Immediately, Yin Kexi felt like a huge mountain was pressing down on him. This feeling was even more terrifying than when he faced Jinlun Dharma King.

He was so frightened that he repeatedly raised his hands to comfort and beg for mercy: Mr. Murong, please calm down. There is a misunderstanding here, a huge misunderstanding!

There's a shitty misunderstanding. Tell me. What does Zhao Min have to say?

Murong Fu snorted coldly, regained his momentum, picked up the tea newly brought by his servant and took a sip.

The princess wants to redeem those people who were disrespectful to Master Murong, Yin Kexi said with an apologetic smile.

Conditions. Murong Fu said.

The princess is willing to use the Yitian Sword, three hundred unique martial arts secret books, and one hundred thousand taels of silver in exchange.

Yin Kexi didn't waste any words and stated all the conditions promised by Zhao Min.

When Murong Fu heard the words Yitian Sword, his body couldn't help but stiffen.

There are some Heavenly Swords in this world that are different from the original ones.

It was not created by Guo Jing and Huang Rong. It is one of the top ten divine swords in ancient times.

The only thing that hasn't changed is that it still belongs to the Emei Sect.

It is said that Princess Zhao Min led the Mongolian masters back then.

The Emei Sect lost its inherited treasure because of the murder of Master Miejie on the way.

Now it seems that this matter is not groundless.

Yin Kexi couldn't help but feel proud and said:

Back then, the princess was busy and wanted to achieve results, so it was understandable that she went a little too far.

The faces of the women who were listening to the negotiation between the two could not help but change.

Even if they beat them to death, they couldn't believe that Princess Yuan was willing to take out the Yitian Sword in order to save a few assassins.

They never dreamed of such courage.

Sister, what should I do? Murong Shanshan asked softly.

Murong Shuang remained silent. He really couldn't think of any bargaining chip that could surpass Yitian Sword.

Even if they sell all of their Jiuxiu Villa, I'm afraid it won't be worth it.

He could only look at Murong Fu with pleading eyes, begging him not to agree.

Murong Fu glanced at both sides. To be honest, with the Heavenly Sword in front of him, who can remain unmoved?

Ding, here comes the problem.

One, the ancient magic weapon cuts iron like clay, and agrees to redeem the reward: the nine-turn sword technique.

Two, kill someone in exchange for life and help others get revenge. Reward: one Dragon Yuan and double Jiuxiu's favor!

Double the favor?

Why don't you give me a king bomb?

Murong Fu shook his head and looked at Yin Kexi, Murong Shuang and others quietly.

My mind kept thinking about which one to choose.

Suddenly, he discovered that there was a problem in itself.

To redeem someone, he didn’t say who to redeem!

The men who killed Murong Jiuxiu were just Dalba and Xiaoxiangzi.

Others just let it go, and it won't have any impact.

Doesn't it mean that I can choose this issue together.

Could it be that...this is the legend.


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