Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1467 Sitting in the strategy room

A cold light flashed in Bu Jingyun's eyes, Then let's go there together. Only by completely defeating Xiong Ba can we defend the medicine shop and get justice for ourselves.

Everyone nodded in agreement. When they were about to leave the manor, Mingyue suddenly looked at Wang Nizu and said seriously: Uncle Wang, you used to be a good friend of the Duan family, and now you are also our ally. I hope we can unite together. Let’s face the challenges of the future together.”

Wang Niguo smiled, I have long regarded you as one of my own. Only by uniting as one can we have a chance to defeat the powerful enemy.

The four looked at each other and smiled, knowing that with mutual trust and cooperation, they would be able to create miracles.

Under the leadership of Wang Niguo, the four came to a quiet abandoned manor.

This became a temporary base for them to make plans and exchange intelligence.

Outside the manor, the silent night was shrouded in darkness, with only the faint moonlight shining on the ground.

Mingyue stood in the middle of the hall of the manor, frowning as she thought about the details of setting up the trap.

She bit her lower lip gently, then raised her head to look at Youruo.

You Ruo, you are responsible for setting up the perimeter warning net and camouflage traps. Please do it impeccably. We want Kisara to think that we are not aware of their plan to approach Wushuang City.

You Ruo nodded and replied with a smile: Don't worry, sister Mingyue. I will do my best to complete the task. She turned and left the hall and began to prepare to set up the perimeter security net.

At the same time, in another room, Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang were concentrating on studying the information about Xiongba.

Bu Jingyun picked up a thick notebook, which recorded various information about Xiongba. He frowned, filled with anger and determination.

Duanlang, based on this information, we should attack Xiongba's secret base first. Only by destroying his base can we deal with him himself.

Duan Lang nodded, his eyes revealing firm determination.

That's right, brother Bu Jingyun. We must let Xiong Ba understand that Wushuang City is not a world where he can run amok.


In the abandoned manor on the outskirts, Mingyue and Youruo were busy setting up warning nets and disguised traps.

Mingyue picked up a delicate thread and wrapped it around the branch. Carefully, she pulled the line tight and quickly moved around several trees.

This should be able to lure the enemy towards the trap. Mingyue said to herself.

Youruo held a dagger and lightly carved wooden fake vines. She placed each section of vine between high and low branches.

These fake vines look very real, Guishara will definitely be confused. Youruo smiled with satisfaction.

The two work together, and every detail is carefully considered. They tacitly understand that only by remaining consistent can they cause the greatest trouble to their enemies.

When Bu Jingyun, Duan Lang and Murong Fu returned to the hall again, they saw Mingyue and Youruo's efforts.

Mingyue smiled slightly, walked up to them and said: We are ready and have laid traps all over Wushuang City. These traps will cause huge trouble to Onishara. After the traps were laid, the four decided to actively Look for information that will help you fight back against the hegemon.

Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang obtained information through various channels. They visited many different people and collected as many clues as possible.

They know that only by understanding their opponents can they develop more effective counterattack plans.

Bu Jingyun scanned the surroundings with keen eyes, and they came to a bustling market, where news circulated most frequently. Everyone Bu Jingyun came into contact with was analyzed meticulously by him. Although they kept tight-lipped, Bu Jingyun still found some key clues from their conversations with his keen insight.

Duanlang, on the other hand, went to visit those powerful officials who had fallen out of favor and been abandoned by the tyrants.

These people were once full of pride, but now they can only feel sad in the dark corners.

Duan Lang is an astute and patient person. He used his own experience to touch those who had lost everything, and gained the most genuine responses from them.

When Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang met, Mingyue and You Ruo also brought some relevant information about Xiong Ba.

We found an ancient book, which records that Xiongba controls an important secret base. This base has unlimited resources and is the source of his power and wealth. Mingyue said.

Youruo then added: In addition, I found a secret contract in Xiongba's study, which was about reaching an agreement with another force to jointly deal with Murong Fu. Murong Fu must be careful to deal with this threat.

The four people exchanged the intelligence they had with each other and conducted analysis and research.

They know that only by understanding their opponents can they develop more effective counterattack plans.

Mingyue opened a map with important targets and possible hidden strongholds marked on it.

We need a detailed and complete action plan to force Xiongba to reveal more information. At the same time, we must also determine how to destroy the secret base he controls, weaken his power, and protect Murong Mansion from threats. Bu Jingyun said.

Duanlang nodded in agreement: Yes, we must be fully prepared before taking action. We also need more intelligence and understand as much as possible the resources and connections he has in order to formulate a more targeted plan.

Murong Fu listened quietly, knowing in his heart that all this was for himself.

We must unite closely and work tirelessly for a common goal. Only by supporting each other can we defeat Xiong Ba, regain Wushuang City, and make him pay the price he deserves. Murong Fu said firmly. M..

In the days that followed, the four devoted themselves to intelligence gathering and plan formulation. They constantly adjust their plans, analyze Xiongba's possible trajectory, and weave an airtight web.

At this moment, Murong Fu suddenly heard a prompt from the god-level selection system:

The system has detected abnormal activity on the target. Please choose the next step carefully: 1. Go deep into the Xiongba base to obtain more information; 2. Find Xiongba's direct forces and divide them; 3. Recruit more assistants; 4. Cooperate with others The forces join forces to deal with the tyrant. Please choose one of them, and the host will receive corresponding rewards.

Murong Fu's heart moved. He understood that this was a critical moment, and his choice would determine the next course of action. A few days later.

Murong Fu led Bu Jingyun, Duan Lang, Mingyue and Youruo. They sat around the strategy room and discussed the plan to fight against Xiongba. There was a tense and solemn atmosphere in the room, as everyone knew that this decision would have a huge impact on their future destiny.

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