Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1470 Trying to Adjust

After a search, Murong Fu's men did not find any clues about Xiong Ba's escape.

They gathered together in frustration, exchanging helpless looks.

Young Master Murong, we have carefully searched the entire station and found no clues.

Qian Tong reported to Murong Fuhui in frustration.

Murong Fu nodded silently. He was well aware of Xiong Ba's cunning and insidiousness. At this moment, the other party had fled without a trace.

He knew in his heart that what to do next was no longer a simple question.

Retreat. Murong Fu decided to give up his plan to pursue Xiong Ba. Let's go back to the camp to regroup our forces and prepare for possible battles in the future.

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and they also understood that the wisest choice was to retreat temporarily.

So, Murong Fu led his men and began to march towards the camp he had set up.

Along the way, everyone seemed silent.

Throughout the march, the atmosphere was very tense and depressing.

Everyone was lost in thought and better prepared for the next battle.

Murong Fu looked at the road in front of him worriedly, knowing in his heart that Xiongba's future actions were unpredictable and they must be prepared for a comprehensive response.

Finally, after several days, Murong Fu led his men to the camp.

This is a secluded and quiet mountainous area surrounded by tall trees.

A temporary building was erected in the center of the camp to serve as a headquarters.

Everyone dispersed in the camp to arrange their own accommodation, and began to organize equipment and adjust their status.

Qian Tong, go arrange the soldiers for training.

Murong Fu said to Qian Tong, They need to better adapt to fighting.

Qian Tong immediately agreed, turned and left.

Murong Fu sat in the headquarters and pondered.

And soon.

Murong Fu rode a black horse and slowly entered the gate of Murong Mansion.

Behind him were many retainers and servants, cheering all the way to welcome his victorious return. There was a trace of exhaustion on his face, but the joy of victory shone in his eyes.

The door slowly opened, revealing a luxurious and solemn mansion. Murong Fu got off his horse, and the retainers gathered around him to congratulate him.

Congratulations, young master, for successfully driving away the tyrant! one of the retainers said excitedly.

Murong Fu smiled and nodded, and said humbly: This is everyone's contribution. Only together can we achieve such a victory.

The retainers summoned fine wine and delicious food, which were arranged neatly in the banquet hall. The table was filled with various delicacies and fine wines, and the atmosphere was festive and lively.

Young Master, please sit down and enjoy these delicacies!

A retainer cordially invited.

Murong Fu smiled slightly and sat on the main seat.

He felt the guests' congratulations and joy for him, but he felt uneasy in his heart.

Xiongba's escape made him feel that things were not completely over, and he knew that he had to remain vigilant.

The banquet was very lively, everyone drank wine, tasted delicious food, and the whole banquet hall was filled with laughter and joy.

Murong Fu's eyes swept across the crowd from time to time, and he saw Mingyue sitting quietly aside, not participating in the carnival.

She raised her head and nodded slightly to Murong Fu. Murong Fu sat on the main seat, smiling and talking to everyone.

The dining table is filled with all kinds of delicacies and fine wines, making people salivate.

The banquet hall was brightly lit and the atmosphere was warm and noisy.

The retainers raised glasses to congratulate Murong Fu on his feat of defeating Xiongba.

They expressed respect and admiration for his victory.

However, Murong Fu felt a little dissatisfied in his heart.

Yes, if I could kill Xiongba with my own hands, there would be no further trouble. He blamed himself secretly.

He is confident in his abilities, but also knows that he has many shortcomings.

The tyrant's escape means their battle may not be over yet.

While Murong Fu was deep in thought, Mingyue walked up to him.

You did a great job. Regardless of whether the tyrant escaped or not, you have bought us time and opportunity. She said softly.

Murong Fu smiled slightly and felt Mingyue's deep care and support.

Thank you, Mingyue. You have always been my strongest support. He said gratefully.

Mingyue gently patted the back of Murong Fu's hand, saying that she would always support him and stand with him at critical moments.

The lights in the banquet hall were dim and the music was playing softly.

The retainers began to communicate with each other and toast to celebrate.

At the same time, Youruo, who silently watched Murong Fu and Mingyue in the crowd, was filled with contradictions and pain.

Father, please forgive me. She whispered to herself, Even though you are my father, I cannot ignore your insidious nature.

You Ruo secretly decided to make a choice. After the banquet, Murong Fu stood alone in the courtyard, looking up at the stars.

A figure behind him slowly approached, it was Mingyue.

She asked softly: Murong Fu, are you dissatisfied because you didn't kill Xiong Ba with your own hands? Murong Fu was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Mingyue gently stroked his cheek, You are a hero, you don't need to worry about this.

Murong Fu felt the warmth and encouragement of Mingyue, but he still fell into thinking.

The Xiongba's escape means that he may threaten our safety and goals again. He frowned, I cannot ignore this fact.

Mingyue listened quietly, knowing Murong Fu's inner conflicts and sense of responsibility.

What you have done is enough. She said softly, You have created time and opportunities for us to fight against the Overlord.

Murong Fu smiled bitterly and shook his head, But this is not enough. If I can defeat Xiong Ba with my own hands, it will be the best protection for my relatives.

Mingyue took a deep look at him, and she understood that this was Murong Fu's deepest desire.

Maybe one day you will realize your wish, but now is not the time. She said softly, We bear more important responsibilities, and we need to unite and fight against the tyrants together.

Murong Fu remained silent, feeling the firmness and belief in Mingyue's words.

He knew Mingyue was right, but he still couldn't let go.

I will work hard to adjust my mentality. Murong Fu said with difficulty, I can no longer let past regrets constrain my progress.

Mingyue smiled and nodded, You are a hero. You have the ability to overcome difficulties and resist temptation. We will always be by your side.

Murong Fu looked at Mingyue's gentle eyes and felt supported and encouraged.

He knew he was not alone and that there were many others in the world who stood with him.

The two stood quietly in the courtyard, starlight falling on them.

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