Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1486 Goodbye Guo Jing

Thank you! Hua Zheng was stunned for a moment, then slowly said two words.

Then he left the room.

After a while, a servant came out carrying a big wooden bucket.

Pour in hot water.

Haha, this princess is really cautious.

Murong Fu smiled and soaked in the bucket.

Suddenly he remembered that he still had a good wife in Yuan Kingdom.

With a thought, spiritual consciousness began to spread.

I found that this place was not far from the capital city of the Yuan Dynasty.

Not long after, he felt a familiar scent.

Haha, that's right.

You can still work so hard without me.


In the Stone Buddha Hall, Wuxiang Bodhisattva Bailianjue is practicing in seclusion.

Above the head, there is a faint air, which looks like a breakthrough.

However, she was frowning at the moment, looking uncomfortable.

Obviously, it's like being possessed.

Huh? Murong Fu's consciousness was suspended in mid-air.

Feeling surprised.

Bai Lianjue has practiced with the Eighth Master Ba for many years and has to take hundreds of weekend breaks.

The state of mind should have been as calm as lake water.

Why does he look so miserable today?

The key thing is that he has not seen the other party's master, Eighth Master Ba.

It really made him feel strange.

I saw that black true energy was arising from the heart of Bailian Juemei.

Murong Fu knew that if he didn't take action to stop this beautiful girl, he would go crazy.

A thought in his mind directly pulled him into the spiritual world.

Hi, my beauty! Murong Fu smiled and prepared for a big hug.

Unexpectedly, Bai Lianjue opened her eyes, glared angrily, and said with murderous intent:

It's just a mere delusion, but it dares to mess with my state of mind.


Along with the words, a white lotus condensed in front of Bai Lianjue.

Slowly opened it and pressed towards Murong Fu.

This move again? Murong Fu chuckled and waved his hand.

In an instant, he crossed Bai Lian and hugged Bai Lian Jue into his arms.


He joked: It's been so many years since I last saw you, your temper has gotten worse!

It's inconsistent with Buddhist teachings to beat and kill people at every turn.

You... Bai Lianjue was so angry at being treated so lightly that she lightly raised her jade palm and struck it towards Murong Fu's chest with white light.


The palm force caused a whirlwind, but Murong Fu was fine.

Holding Bai Lianjue's hand, he said, Are you tickling me?

Impossible! Bai Lianjue said in surprise: How come my mental attack didn't do anything?

The inner demon can't be so powerful!

Murong Fu laughed haha, hugged Bai Lianjue's soft waist tightly, pressed it against his body, and joked:

What's the inner demon? Can he be as capable as me?

If you don't believe me, touch it yourself! Is it familiar to you?

Bai Lianjue's face turned even redder, and she cursed herself secretly.

I can still think of this bastard Murong Fu.

However, he still looked back unconsciously and felt a shock instantly. He looked at Murong Fu and said:

Fulang, it's really you!

But..., you seem to have changed.

Murong Fu said proudly: Of course, your husband and I have been working on construction for so many years, and we must make some achievements.

You... Bai Lianjue said in surprise: Are you really my Fu Lang?

Murong Fu nodded: Of course.

Please feel carefully whether this is your spiritual world or mine.

Bai Lianjue instantly understood what Murong Fu meant.


If it is an inner demon, it can only exist in one's own spiritual world.

She immediately radiated her spirit.

It soon became apparent that this was a vast and boundless world.

Your own mental strength cannot sense the end at all.

A touch of joy immediately appeared in his eyes, and he hugged Murong Fu tightly:

Fu Lang, you are back!

You are finally back!

Murong Fu gently snapped his fingers and removed the debris on both of them.

Instantly disappearing and becoming honest.

I saw you practicing today and got a little carried away, so I dragged you here.

Logically speaking, with your state of mind, this shouldn't happen.

Hearing this, Bai Lianjue's beautiful eyes began to turn red and she explained:

My master died a few days ago, which made me feel unstable.

Murong Fu said in surprise: Although the Eighth Master is not the top group of people in this world.

But it's difficult to kill him. How can he die just like that?

Who killed him?

Bai Lianjue said angrily: It's Obai from the Qing Dynasty!

Obai! Murong Fu nodded: It should be the demonized Obai.

Otherwise, their strength should be between equals.

Bai Lianjue said hmm:

That's right, after Obai became a demon, he became so powerful that it was terrifying.

My master blew himself up and teamed up with several princes to barely defeat him.

Murong Fu hugged Bai Lianjue tightly and comforted:

Dead people cannot be resurrected. I will avenge this for you.

Bai Lianjue's heart felt sweet, and she felt that the pressure on her body suddenly relaxed.

Hug Murong Fu tightly.

The two of them just lay in the space, motionless.

Admiring the sky above.

After a long time, Murong Fu asked:

By the way, what's happening to my territory now? Has it been annexed by the Qing Dynasty?

Bai Lianjue shook his head and said, No, the Qing Kingdom's demonic energy spreads quite slowly.

I just swallowed three thirds of a Da Song.

He now feels that our Yuan Kingdom is strong.

They are going all out to attack us.

Murong Fu smiled and said: Kangxi did not intend to annex you.

Instead, he deliberately caused killings to feed his three eggs.

Bai Lianjue felt much better and joked:

There are three devil eggs in the Qing Dynasty, why are you missing one, Fu Lang?

Murong Fu glanced at Bai Lianjue's red lips, lay down next to her ear and blew air:

Hmph, those three magic pets, sooner or later I will get rid of them. Let's see if Kangxi still dares to be arrogant.

But, now I want to measure how well this beauty of yours is practicing.

Bai Lianjue looked down and couldn't help but be shocked. She felt more red than she had before and asked with a blushing face:

Husband, what kind of skills are you practicing now that are so powerful?

Murong Fu smiled hehe, as Long Yuan merged more and more with his own royal energy.

His physique also changed more and more. He rolled his eyes and said:

When you practice cultivation with me, you will gain boundless benefits.

Now, just be patient and deal with it, and you can get the benefits of Po Tian.

Bai Lianjue rolled her eyes at Murong Fu charmingly. She naturally understood what she wanted to do. She moved her body slowly and asked curiously:

Fu...lang, where...are you now, and what level of cultivation have you reached?

Murong Fu put an index finger to his lips, looked at Bai Lianjue with a wicked smile and said:

Shh, honey, don't talk.

Yes! Bai Lianjue nodded obediently and used all her strength to love Rong Fu.

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