Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1489 What’s the fuss about?

What's the fuss about? Feng BoE heard the voices outside the door and walked out.

The two soldiers quickly pointed at Murong Fu: Fourth Master, he said he is the head of the family.

Your Majesty! Feng BoE looked at Murong Fu in shock.

Without saying anything, he quickly saluted: Feng Bo evil has met the prince!

When the others saw this, they immediately realized that it was inevitable, and they all knelt down and saluted:

I've seen you before, Prince Yan!

Haha! Murong Fu smiled, helped Feng Bo evil and said: Brother Feng, you are fine, you are still like this.

My lord, I miss you so much!

Murong Fu joked: You and I are both men, what you say about me is so disgusting.

Hey, no way! Feng Bo said casually, his evil face not red, his heart not beating: Brother, they also miss the young master... No, it's the prince.

Murong Fu said nonchalantly: We are all good brothers, you can call me whatever you want.

This is not possible! Feng BoE shook his head: Now, we are in charge of the entire Japan.

It can be regarded as establishing a country, and there are still some rules that must be followed.

Murong Fu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Feng Bo Evil to be so enlightened. He smiled:

good, very good.

By the way, where is Yu Yan?

How are she and the baby doing?

Feng Bo evil said: Now the entire fief is managed by the young mistress.

Every day is hard work.

However, her little prince is living a good life, and no one dares to disobey.

Murong Fu smiled haha:

Come on, let's go in and take a look.

Tonight I'm going to meet some of my brothers and we won't go home until we get drunk.

Okay! Feng BoE raised his head and laughed, and ordered to the soldiers around him: You guys go quickly and tell Brother Deng and the others.

Just say that the prince is back!


In the palace, Wang Yuyan accompanied her son, admiring the frogs in the pond, and sighed from time to time:

I don't know how my doing now.

Haha, does the young mistress miss our prince? Feng BoE laughed loudly.

Fourth brother is here to make fun of me again? Wang Yuyan turned around and planned to criticize the other person, but her eyes stopped at a man who was gorgeously dressed and had a handsome face.

A man with a slightly raised right corner of his mouth.

Cousin, are you okay?

You really want to hurt me. Murong Fu didn't give Wang Yuyan a chance to react. He stepped forward and hugged the beauty tightly into his arms, smelling the familiar body fragrance.'s really you! After Wang Yuyan realized what she was doing, she hugged Murong Fu's strong body excitedly.

Tears were shed unconsciously.

Don't cry...I won't leave when I come back this time. Murong Fu hugged Wang Yuyan and comforted her.

Really? Wang Yuyan was very happy, and at the same time she was startled, and hurriedly called her son over: Nian'er, come quickly, father.

Call daddy.

Dad! the child said with a smile.

Nian'er... Murong Fu lifted his son into the air and then remembered that the last time he was in a hurry, he had to give him a serious name.

Thinking in my mind.

Suddenly, Nian'er felt a strong force on his arm and wanted to push him away.

God's power? Murong Fu was surprised.

At the same time, she showed a hint of joy. In order to conceive him, she had tormented Wang Yuyan a lot. She also tried her best to feed his mother all kinds of natural resources.

I think this works.

Cousin, what's wrong? Wang Yuyan asked curiously when she saw Murong Fu standing there stunned.

Haha, it's nothing. I feel that our Nian'er is born with supernatural powers, and the future will be a journey of war.

I think he should be as brave as my ancestors.

In this case, I think it's better to kill him Murong Zhantian!

Zhan Tian? Wang Yuyan hesitated: Will it be too fierce?

Haha, no. Murong Fu smiled and said: Fighting against the sky, fighting against the earth, fighting against people. Naturally, a person's life is a constant battle.

Don't worry.

Zhan'er's strength will surely dominate all directions.

Wang Yuyan smiled and put her head on Murong Fu's shoulder: Cousin, whatever you decide, Yuyan will respect it.

I just hope Zhan'er can live a long life in the future.

This... Murong Fu shook his head in embarrassment.

What? Is it possible that Zhan'er has some disability? Wang Yuyan asked eagerly upon seeing this.

That's not true. Murong Fu showed a smirk on his lips: I want to say that now I have practiced countless immortal skills.

Anything can make Zhan'er live four to five hundred years old.

You are just a hundred years old, so you are really embarrassing me.

You... Wang Yuyan rolled her eyes at Murong Fu and said angrily: My cousin will scare me.

It's just necrosis.

Murong Fu smiled hehe, looked around, and gave Feng BoE a knowing look.

The latter understood instantly.

He walked closer to Murong Fu and said, Your Majesty, Mistress, you two haven't seen each other for a long time. You must have a lot of private things to say.

Leave it to me, young prince.

Ah? Wang Yuyan was still about to refuse, but she saw that Murong Fu had already handed his son to Feng BoE.

The latter left with other maids and servants.

When I walked not far away, I didn't forget to shout: Your Majesty, remember not to take too long, brothers are waiting for you to drink tonight.

Haha, go ahead, I'll hurry up in an hour. Murong Fu greeted him with a smile without caring about his wretched little face.

When Wang Yuyan heard the conversation between the two, she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. With her cheeks red from embarrassment, she suggested in a low voice:

Your Majesty, why don't we go back to the palace.

She knew that as long as her prince wanted to, he would not care about where he was.

Murong Fu smiled and said proudly: My cousin, the wind is beautiful here, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. Wouldn't it be boring to go back to the palace?

I also want to hear you singing in unison with the cuckoo.

Disgusting! Wang Yuyan rolled her eyes at Murong Fu and said softly, Then I'll take care of you.

Murong Fu laughed haha, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that Wang Yuyan understood him best, so the two of them staged a scene in the small garden, where a little farewell was better than a wedding.

Not a moment.

Wang Yuyan's beautiful voice sang in unison with the surrounding cuckoos.

resounded throughout heaven and earth.

And her voice seemed to be some kind of special order from the palace. M..

The hearts of countless people began to surge.

Mother is telling us that our prince is back.

Sisters, prepare what you need to prepare.

I'm not feeling well, so don't spoil your fun today.

In case the one who suffered a thousand cuts has another whim and makes some weird postures, let us do it. Zhu Yuyan said with a smile.

Master, don't worry.

I will not lose to that Shi Fei Xuan who only pretends to be innocent all day long. Wanwan clenched her jade hand, showing her fighting spirit.

Yes, those bitches like Cihang Jingzhai always want to control the world.

I think Fan Qinghui will definitely want to control the prince and use this as a breakthrough to control the world trend in disguise.

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