Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1497 How strong is Murong Fu?

Master is right! Song Yuanqiao suddenly realized: It's for my disciple's sake.

“The battle between victory and defeat cannot be fought day and night, and we still need to look back.”

You guys go! Zhang Sanfeng looked in the direction of Shaolin Temple with a flat look:

Sweeper shouldn't die like this. I'm going to save his life.

Master... Song Yuanqiao and Yu Lianzhou still wanted to stop him.

But how could they possibly stop Zhang Sanfeng, who was like a land fairy?

A gust of breeze passed by, and there was nothing in sight.

Senior brother... Yu Lianzhou looked at Song Yuanqiao worriedly.

Alas! Song Yuanqiao sighed heavily: Master has suppressed this world for several years, but he finally has to bear this responsibility.

Yu Lianzhou also sighed heavily.

He naturally also understands the old saying that with great power comes great responsibility.

On Shaoshi Mountain, war shadows crisscrossed the area, and magic light flickered.

The battle between the monks and the demons was originally an evenly matched battle.

However, the demons had endless blessings from demonic energy, causing the monks to become exhausted.

Ancestor, if we continue to fight like this, we may be exhausted to death.

Kong Jian's face was pale, and his old hands were shaking.

Ancestor, we will fight to the death to clear the way for you.

Du'e gritted his teeth and said.

No need! The sweeping monk put his hands together and chanted the name of the Buddha.

Countless Buddha lights immediately emitted from the Shaolin Relic Pagoda.

Astonishingly, there was a giant Buddha several feet tall with a majestic appearance.

He pinched the seal with his hand and pressed it towards Obai and other demons from the Qing Dynasty.

However, this is the power of Shaolin Temple's faith.

This old monk is planning to fight with us.

Obai was panicked, even though they had the blessing of demonic energy.

How could he be an opponent of Shaolin Temple with thousands of secrets?

There was a loud boom sound, and all the demons were injured by the Buddha's light.

The black clouds in the sky were burned by the Buddha's light, making a squeaking burning sound.

Ah~ Obai and others were burned by the Buddha's light and groaned in pain.

What's even scarier is.

The Buddha's hand is still slowly descending, once it falls.

Ao Bai and others will undoubtedly die.

Work together to resist, Your Majesty will help me once.

Veda reminded loudly.

The demonic energy of all the demons merged together and turned into a claw to resist the fall of the Buddha's hand.

The void is under the confrontation between the two energies of Buddha and Demon.

Makes a buzzing resonance.

The void was squeezed into shattered pieces.

In an instant, it collapsed into a black hole.

Buddha said, if I don't go to hell, who will?

Today I will go to hell with you all.

The angry face of the sweeping monk turned into compassion, inspiring all the Buddha nature in the relic.

Your Majesty, save me! Oboi waited and showed his ugly face in front of the Buddha's light.

It is completely unable to bear this terrifying power.

He can only place his hope on Kangxi thousands of miles away.

Damn bald donkey, you are really my enemy.

Kangxi sat on the dragon throne and witnessed everything.

At this moment, it would be useless for him to go.

What can be done now is to wake up the magic egg in advance.

Your Majesty! Under the dragon chair, hundreds of Qing demon ministers saw him hesitate.

Call him softly.

No need to say more, I know it!

Kangxi didn't talk nonsense. With a thought in his mind, he disappeared from the court.

The next moment, appear in front of the magic egg and take out a dagger.

Cut your wrist directly to let the demonic blood with dragon energy.

Dropped one of the magic eggs and shouted loudly:

I stain the sky with dragon's blood and implore the monster to be born in advance.

Help me annihilate powerful enemies and unify this world.

Dark demonic blood floated in the void.

After practicing, he entered the devil's egg. After a while, the devil's egg felt nourished by the dragon's energy.

The pitch black with strange eggshells made click and click sounds.

Cracks like spider webs appeared on the top of the egg shell.


The next moment, the huge deviled egg was accompanied by a fishy smell.


At this moment, the world seemed to have been hit hard by a heavy hammer.

The sky is shattering and the earth is falling apart, it's terrifying.

A ferocious lion beast covered in jet-black scales and with hair like red blood.

It burst out of the egg and roared into the sky, as if it was warning all living beings in this world.

It dominates the world with the king's danger. M..

Young Master... In Prince Yan's Mansion, Bao BuTong and others felt this terrifying slight pressure.

They all looked at the leisurely and contented Murong Fu.

Daddy...scared! Murong Zhantian opened his milky white hands and hugged Murong Fu.

Haha, Tian'er is not afraid! Murong Fu picked up his son and showed a hint of displeasure:

I was born when I was born, but I wanted to yell loudly.

Do you really think of yourself as a dish?

The words fell.

A flash of sword light emitted from the whole body, and disappeared with a whoosh sound.

From time to time, a miserable roar came from between heaven and earth.

This... Everyone present could feel it.

The screams were probably related to Murong Fu.

Fortunately, Murong Fu didn't give them much room to think.

After a while.

The sharp sword flew back with a big bloody ear that was tick-tick-tick bleeding.

It fell to the ground with a bang.

Third brother, take it to stew and give it to the brothers.

It's hard to get food like this from the upper world in our world.

Murong Fu hugged his son as if nothing was wrong.

Left the place.

It was as if everything he had just done was just a game.

Kill enemies from afar?

Master, how far have you reached?

I don't know... Gong Yeqian watched Murong Fu leaving with admiration.

Able to kill enemies from a distance.

Or a lion demon outside the world.

This kind of fighting power is extremely fearful in the world.

As for how awesome it is, they don't know.

Can't compare either.

Damn it!

Murong Fu, you are disgusting me!

Kangxi clenched his fists, and the lion monster that had just been summoned had not yet warmed up.

One ear was cut off by the other party.

Now it's better. Not only has it lost its prestige, it has become a joke.

I couldn't help but start muttering in my heart.

Is this thing too weak and only superficial?

Otherwise, why would it be so useless?

After waiting for a long time, he suppressed the doubts in his heart and asked tentatively:

Um...can you still help me rescue my subordinates?

The lion monster roared angrily and forcibly sealed the wound with demonic energy.

He shook his big head vigorously and stamped his two front legs vigorously.

There was a rumbling sound from the earth, and it was stepped into a pit.

The lion monster's huge body suddenly flew into the sky like a cannonball and rushed towards Shaoshi Mountain.

From time to time, I saw a ten-foot golden Buddha statue.

He opened his mouth and let out another strange scream, and the sound waves circulated.

Countless black circles appeared and hit the Buddha statue.

Hmph, even the monsters from the upper realm dare to come to my original realm to do evil. The sweeping monk rotated the relics and raised his hand to grab the lion monster.

Unexpectedly, the black stream of light fell on the Buddha's light and quickly absorbed and digested it.

Counteracts the effect of Buddha's light.

No, this demonic energy seems to be higher than my Buddha's light. The sweeping monk instantly realized something was wrong.

However, he didn't wait for a reaction.

The lion monster has already attacked the Buddha statue.

The huge claws pressed down on the Buddha's head.

He opened his huge mouth and bit the Buddha statue's neck.

With a click, the Buddha's neck was shattered into pieces.

Wow~ The sweeping monk never thought that the other party would be so cruel.

A mouthful of old blood came out, and without any worries in my heart, I said one word lightly:


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