Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1501 Ming’s decision

The Yuan Kingdom is over! Murong Fu looked at the sky and sighed.

At the beginning, the Yuan Kingdom was like a mountain that could not be climbed over.

Standing in front of him, even his breathing felt heavy.

Unexpectedly, it would be destroyed by the Qing Dynasty like this.

I have to lament that things are impermanent.

My brother is dead! Zhao Min walked to Murong Fu's side, looking extremely haggard.

He is a general of the Yuan Kingdom, and it is his fate to die in battle.

Murong Fu also sent people to pick up Wang Baobao and his family.

Unfortunately, they didn't come at all.

If a general dies in a hundred battles, why should he be wrapped in horse leather?

This is my brother's ideal.

Zhao Min did not blame Murong Fu for not saving him, but he had nowhere to vent his grievances.

rest assured!

I will not let go of any of the demons from the Qing Kingdom.

When the time comes, I'll let you take revenge.

No need... Zhao Min shook his head: The war is your men's business, I will not participate.

I hope you can restore peace to this world soon.

Murong Fu looked at the sky and murmured:


It depends on what Congress chooses.

Ming Dynasty.

Wan Zhen'er held Emperor Ming, who was less than three years old today.

He looked anxiously down at the gorgeously dressed ministers and said anxiously:

The Yuan Kingdom is gone!

Now, only our Ming country is left.

Everyone, tell me.

What should we do?

Ministers, you look at me and I look at you.

They didn't know what to do, and finally looked at Yu Huatian beside Wan Zhen'er.

Whatever the Queen says, we will do it.

Trash! Wan Zhen'er couldn't help but curse.

The ministers lowered their heads in embarrassment, usually with pride.

no way.

They really have no choice now.

The Yuan Kingdom was so powerful that it was beaten to pieces by the Qing Kingdom.

They even massacred the entire capital, not to mention their Yuan Kingdom.

The savings of several generations of emperors were all used up by the previous emperor.

It was not easy to transfer the refugees in the country.

Before he could take a breath, he encountered the Qing Dynasty's crisis of annihilation.

It can only be described in four words - Heaven destroys the Ming Dynasty.

I think it's time to fight!

Even if there is only one breath left in the fight, we must fight.

Yuhuatian, who had stood for a long time, finally spoke.

But his idea immediately shocked everyone.


I don't know, Yu Dutong, what can we do to fight the Qing Dynasty?

Several cabinet ministers expressed their opposition.

The emperor guards the gates of the country, and the king dies in the country.

In my Ming Dynasty, there is no emperor who retreats, and no ministers who are afraid of death.

Even if you die in battle, you must fight to the end.

The sound of Yuhuatian was like a sharp knife, which stung the ears of many cabinet ministers.

This... One of the ministers pointed at the emperor in Wan Zhen'er's arms and said in confusion:

Is it possible that you want His Majesty to go into battle to kill the enemy in person?

Yuhuatian shook his head: Your Majesty is less than three years old, how can you go into battle to kill the enemy?

I am willing to take his place and lead the army into battle to kill the enemy.

Even if you die in battle, you will have no regrets.

Nonsense! The chief minister of the cabinet immediately criticized: Master Yu, you have a disloyal heart.

Your Majesty is the True Dragon Emperor, how can he be replaced by someone else?

You overstepped!

With murderous intent in Yuhuatian's eyes, he asked coldly:

If I don't go into battle to kill the enemy on your Majesty's behalf, is it possible that you, Chief Assistant, will go?

I'm afraid you don't have the courage?

You! The chief minister of the cabinet was speechless by his rebuke.

He said this just to belittle Yuhuatian.

As a result, he failed to steal the chicken but lost the rice, and was defeated instead.

That's enough! Wan Zhen'er didn't care about the chief minister of the cabinet and interrupted him directly:

Yu Huatian is right. If he doesn't go, why should you go?

How long has it been and you are still in the mood to bicker here?

The chief minister of the cabinet did not dare to raise his head after being scolded, so he quickly lowered his head and admitted his mistake:

Please forgive me, the Queen Mother. It was just an unintentional act.

Wan Zhen'er was not in the mood to talk to him at the moment, but looked at Yu Huatian:

Even if we combine all the military power of the Ming Dynasty, we can't fight against the Qing army. Why should we risk our lives?

Why don't we take people with us and go to King Yan together?

Yuhuatian shook his head and told a fact that frightened everyone:

As long as the Ming Dynasty is destroyed, King Yan will not take action!

This is his conspiracy and his determination to dominate the world.

Everyone could see at this moment that Murong Fu was waiting.

Waiting for this world to completely fall apart.

Only then will he go to destroy the Qing Dynasty.

I...he... Wan Zhen'er raised her forehead and looked at her son in her arms.

This is obviously Murong Fu's son too.

Why did he have the heart to see his son's country being given away to the Qing army in vain?

My dear, you don't have to blame him. Unifying the world is the best choice for this people.

I just hope that he can really achieve it and be as great as the First Emperor.

Yuhuatian didn't mean to blame Murong Fu at all.

On the contrary, he very much agreed with Murong Fu's ideas.

I...know! Wan Zhen'er sighed.

From beginning to end, Murong Fu's ambition was so great that he could encompass the whole world.

Naturally, it was impossible to take action for their mother and son at this critical moment.

Mother, after I leave, you can go to Gusu.

Only when you get there will you and Your Majesty be truly safe.

Yuhuatian had already planned everything for Wan Zhener.

He had already secretly collected the treasures of the Ming Dynasty.

Just waiting to be sent to Suzhou.

Buy Wan Zhen'er an unshakable position in the Murong family.

Okay, I'll go! Wan Zhen'er said reluctantly.

Since she entered the palace.

He was well cared for by Yuhuatian.

Being able to achieve today's status is even more inseparable from the support of the other party.

Unfortunately, fate always plays tricks on people.

Originally, they had just survived, but they could only face an even greater crisis.

Report to Your Majesty, Your Majesty, and all your lords.

The emergency documents at the border have just come down, and the Qing army is heading towards us.

The messenger kneeled on the ground and said anxiously.

Yuhuatian walked out of the hall, looked at the sky, and saw a cloud of black air floating on it, and couldn't help but sigh:

It seems that Kangxi didn't want to do it either. Murong Fu had accumulated too much power.

Be prepared to seize every moment to eliminate obstacles.

The expressions of many cabinet ministers suddenly changed.

They don't want to become the Qing Dynasty, that kind of monster that is neither human nor ghost.

They don't want to lose the rights in their hands. They are nothing if they leave the Ming Dynasty.

I and Your Majesty will leave today.

Ministers, if you want to leave.

I will never stop you.

If you want to go to Gusu with me, that's not impossible.

Wan Zhen'er didn't hesitate, let alone the kind of coyness that put life and death aside.

It is very simple and clear to everyone.

She wanted to leave, to leave this dangerous place.

All the ministers were overjoyed when they heard this. They knew clearly that Wan Zhen'er and Murong Fu had an unclear relationship.

There are rumors that His Majesty is the illegitimate son of Wan Zhen'er and Murong Fu.

Being able to go to Suzhou is the best thing. They all handed over their hands and replied:

I, my ministers, swear to follow the empress and your majesty to the death.

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