Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 157 Qin Hui’s despicable face

At the court of the Song Dynasty.

Zhao Huan looked at the ministers below and said, My dear friends, do you think Murong Fu has a chance of winning?

Return, Your Majesty, I heard that Murong Fu was chased by King Jinlun and fled everywhere.

It's only been half a year, how could he be his opponent? Qin Hui said disdainfully.

The Eighth Sage King frowned slightly and asked: Since you clearly know that Murong Fu is not the opponent of King Jinlun, why do you still insist on His Majesty's consent?

Peace is the most important thing in everything. Murong Fu killed Jinlun Dharma King's disciples. We must always give the other party a chance to take revenge. Qin Hui said calmly.

The Eight Wise Kings stared at Qin Hui and said angrily: What are you talking about? You knew that Murong Fu was defeated by Jinlun Dharma King, but you still asked your majesty to agree? Are you deliberately trying to kill Murong Fu?

What's the point? Qin Hui asked calmly:

The Yuan people just destroyed 200,000 Ming troops, and now they are in full swing.

If you offend them at this time because of a gangster, what if they use this excuse to send troops?

Many ministers present turned ugly when they heard that the Yuan Kingdom was sending troops.

What Qin Xiang said is reasonable, and the Yuan Kingdom cannot be offended.

That's right, that's right. It's worth sacrificing one Murong Fu to bring peace to our country. It's worth it.

Prime Minister Qin is so wise!

When the Eight Wise Kings heard everyone talking like this, they clenched their hands and felt extremely depressed.

He knew that he alone could not change the situation in Song State. He looked up at Zhao Huan and reminded:

Your Majesty, Murong Fu Huating has done great service in defending the city. He has severely damaged Japan's 50,000-strong army and has done great service to our country, the Song Dynasty!

Zhao Huan looked at the Eight Wise Kings and then at Qin Hui and the ministers, and sighed:

What Prime Minister Qin said is reasonable. We cannot let our people be in war just because of one thing.

I decree that Murong Fu rush to Beijing before the Mid-Autumn Festival on the fifth day of May to fight King Jinlun. Zhao Huan ordered.

But... The Eight Wise Kings still wanted to argue, but Zhao Huan didn't listen at all.

This matter is settled like this. There is no need for the Eight Wise Kings to say anything more.

Zhao Huan raised his hand to stop the Eight Wise Kings from speaking:

I am not a cold-blooded person, so I sent an edict to Murong Fu.

I will give him whatever he wants. If he survives, I will make him King of Yan.

The Eight Wise Kings shook their heads and could only shout in their hearts, that’s all!

Seeing this, Qin Hui sneered at the corner of his mouth: Your Majesty, you are wise.

Zhao Huan said calmly: If nothing happens, the court will be dismissed.

All the ministers bowed and saluted, and respectfully sent Zhao Huan off.

At the same time, the two eunuchs rode fast horses and galloped towards Gusu.

In the evening of that day, Murong Fuzheng was chatting with Wang Yuyan.

Suddenly I heard a few hurried footsteps. When I turned around, I saw that it was Deng Baichuan. I couldn't help but curiously said:

Huh? Brother Deng, why are you back? Aren't you helping Yinmeng in Luoyang?

Deng Baichuan said anxiously: Master, it's not good!

Huh? Is there something wrong in Luoyang? Murong Fu didn't know yet about Jin Lun Dharma King's appointment.

Therefore, I can only think that Hua Jing has something wrong with her dream.

Master, it's not because of Mrs. Meng that something happened, but because of you.

Deng Baichuan ignored Wang Yuyan's presence and quickly shook his head and told the whole story.

Dharma King Jinlun declared a challenge to me?

Murong Fu suddenly felt ridiculous. The other party was considered a senior after all, but he actually issued a challenge to a junior like him.

The key is that he is afraid that he will be timid and go to the Emperor of Song to cause trouble.

It's really shameless.

Deng Baichuan suggested: Master, while the people from the court are not here, you'd better hide yourself quickly.


Where can I hide?

If he ran away at this time, wouldn't it be a good idea to give those who were interested an excuse to harm him?

It’s just that Jin Lun Dharma King is too strong. He actually has the power of nine oxen and two tigers, weighing almost 20,000 kilograms.

It is said that with each level of dragon-elephant prajna skill, a person's strength will increase exponentially.

Now it seems that the ancients did not deceive me.

Wang Yuyan also advised: Cousin, I think Brother Deng is right.

A gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall. It doesn't matter if he hides once or twice.

Murong Fu pondered for a moment, constantly sorting out what was right and wrong in his mind.

Ding, here comes the problem.

First, it is great wisdom to seek good fortune and avoid evil. Reward: the complete version of the Nine Yin Manual.

Two, the cauldron is used to fight against strong enemies. The reward is: Nine-Dead Regeneration Pill.


The complete version of the Nine Yin Manual?

Although this thing was good, it was of little use to Murong Fu.

He now has several top-notch techniques, which are not only sufficient, but also so many that he almost has trouble choosing.

It’s useless if you don’t choose it!

The Nine-Dead Regeneration Pill can make people's severed limbs grow back like new ones.

Murong Fu's eyes lit up, this was a treasure.

Especially for eunuchs, it is absolutely priceless. But now Yang Guo is still young.

Otherwise, it shouldn't be a big problem to trade this elixir for his big eagle.

burn one's boats?

Murong Fu felt that it was not bad, even though Jin Lun Dharma King had now become a great master.

But it is not that easy to kill yourself.

At worst, it's better to just admit defeat.

However, it seems that there is no such thing as admitting defeat in a life and death battle.

Wang Yuyan said anxiously: Cousin, why don't you speak?

Murong Fu smiled and said, I was wondering if I could beat that monk from Jin Lun Dharma King.

Cousin, although you have made rapid progress in the past six months, I'm afraid you don't have any chance of winning against the Grand Master. Wang Yuyan said seriously.

Murong Fu nodded: The Grand Master can use the power of heaven and earth, I understand this.

Wuhua's sword back then had already touched the threshold of the Grand Master.

He knew exactly how terrible it was.

However, I am confident that I can survive in five months.

Deng Baichuan looked at Murong Fu in disbelief: Master, you don't want to accept the challenge, do you?

Well, I can't avoid this battle.

Murong Fu knew that it was okay to lose, but it was definitely not okay to avoid fighting.

Once the prestige he has finally built up collapses, it will leave a knot in people's hearts.

If you want to pick it up again, you will pay hundreds of times the price.

When people's hearts are lost, his dream of founding a nation is shattered.

Master, you... Deng Baichuan gritted his teeth, willing to die to remonstrate to change Murong Fu's mind.

Seeing that Murong Fu seemed very confident, Wang Yuyan sighed and interrupted Deng Baichuan:

Brother Deng, since my cousin wants to go, let him go.

But... Deng Baichuan looked at Wang Yuyan in confusion, not understanding why she gave up.

Wang Yuyan shook her head and said, Don't worry, if my cousin dies, I will never live alone.

Madam! Murong Fu was so moved that he took Wang Yuyan's hand and said with a smile: Don't worry, nothing will happen to me, and I will never let you die.

Deng Baichuan knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion and sighed heavily: Subordinate, I will fight to the death to advance and retreat with the young master!

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