Murong Qiudi's face became more and more shocked. She always thought that intelligence was Murong's shortcoming.

She never expected that Murong Fu knew far more than she did.

After a long silence, he suddenly said: I can help you!

You? Help me? Murong Fu was a little surprised that Murong Qiudi would help him: What are the conditions?

My only request is that you don't delete my father from the family tree. Murong Qiudi pleaded.

Okay, I agree. Murong Fu smiled slightly.

He felt that he still underestimated the worship of ancestors by the ancients.

Okay, I will call some righteous people to help you. Murong Qiudi stood up and came directly to Murong Fu.

She stretched out her hand and pushed forward, and the cell door was easily pushed open by her.

Murong Fu saw her coming out without any surprise: Okay, I'll wait for you.

Murong Qiudi looked deeply at Murong Fu and asked, Where is my father buried?

Beishan, Murong Cemetery, if you want to see it, I'll find someone to take you there. Murong Fu said.

No need, I can find it, thank you. Murong Qiudi gave Murong Fu a big gift and left alone.

Murong Fu glanced at the empty cell, preparing to renovate the place after being exterminated.

On Gemstone Mountain, Lai Wenjun held a compass in his hand.

I kept drawing on a piece of paper and soon discovered some clues.

I didn't expect Murong's old house to be so close to here. It would be much more convenient if we could dig a cave under it.

Just when he was feeling proud, he saw a person walking out of an extremely hidden cave not far away.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Murong Fu!

The two looked at each other and were shocked at the same time: Why are you here/Where are you?

Murong Fu sent Murong Qiudi away before, feeling a little bored, and prepared to explore the secret place by himself.

I want to see if there is a road leading to Gemstone Mountain.

Unexpectedly, I just walked out.

As soon as he came out, he saw Lai Wenjun holding a compass and couldn't help but wonder where he was.

Gemstone Mountain! This is the mountain range at the bottom of Gemstone Mountain. Why are you here? Lai Wenjun asked.

Murong Fu said: Of course he came from home. The secret place of my Murong family leads right to here.

No wonder, I thought it was a bit weird that your old house was built here before. Now it seems that it is likely that someone from the expert has given advice. Lai Wenjun said lightly.

Murong Fu did not defend himself and said in acquiescence: Has the earth fire been found?

Well, I've already positioned myself and am ready to go down and take a look. Lai Wenjun said proudly as he took a sip of wine.

Take me down and have a look. Murong Fu was curious about what the fire under the Gemstone Mountain looked like.

Hey, let's go. Lai Wenjun was also thinking about showing Murong Fu the fruits of his labor.

Turn around and walk towards a cave not far away.

This cave has two entrances, and the other one is not far away... Lai Wenjun chattered endlessly as he walked.

He doesn't have the aloof look of the Xian family at all. If he was given a stall, he would most likely be regarded as a talkative liar.

After entering the cave, Lai Wenjun took out a fire stick and lit a torch.

Immediately, he introduced the route like a tour guide.

Hey, I didn't have much hope for this cave until I saw a crevice in front of it.

It took a lot of effort to get in, but I didn't expect that...

Murong Fu looked at the crack in the mountain less than a foot in front of him and looked at Lai Wenjun curiously: How did you get in?

Me? It's easy. Just go in.

Lai Wenjun said, taking a deep breath and sliding into the crack in the mountain.

Before Murong Fu could react, Lai Wenjun's body became extremely soft, and he actually rubbed it in after a few times.

When he arrived, Murong Fu was so proud that he shouted: Mr. Murong Fu, how about coming in and taking a look?

Murong Fu took a deep breath and guessed that Lai Wenjun should be learning some kind of bone-shrinking technique, and said calmly: Okay, come out.

Come out? Lai Wenjun, who was still smiling at first, was a little stupid: Why don't you come in and take a look?

Murong Fu shook his head: I will take you to see the secret place of my old house, Murong, and you can see if it can be connected together.

Uh, okay. Lai Wenjun was speechless. He finally managed to get in and was about to leave after a few breaths.

I always feel...a little bit lost.

Murong Fu stood aside, looking at Lai Wenjun who finally got in, and then reluctantly got out.

He turned around and left, leading him back to the previous cave.

Lai Wenjun quickly regained his composure and began to talk endlessly about his analysis of the secret place.

This place was definitely designed by experts, but as a place to station troops at that time, the construction was still a bit crude.

Murong Fu asked curiously: What should we do?

If it were me, I would just dig out Gusu City as a backup, Lai Wenjun said boldly.

Huh? Doesn't it take a lot of effort? Murong Fu asked.

Lai Wenjun rolled his eyes at Murong Fu:

What are you afraid of? You have soldiers now. As long as you dig both sides together, you can get through it quickly.

After saying that, he drew a few words on the paper and handed it to Murong Fu.

Murong Fu lowered his head and looked at it carefully for a long time, and couldn't help being surprised.

Lai Wenjun's structure was so big that he admired him even more.

He actually wanted to dig into Wuxi and connect the two cities underground. He said curiously:

Isn't this a bit exaggerated?

Lai Wenjun shook his head and said solemnly: If my calculations are correct, within three years, the Yuan army will definitely attack Yingtian. By then, they will definitely divide their forces into two places.

One, march eastward and directly kill the Ming Dynasty.

Second, go south and take the fertile land in the south. Suzhou and Hangzhou will not be spared.

Murong Fu's face darkened and he said, So you want me to turn Gusu into an underground transportation hub?

Well, the bigger the cover, the better. In this way, we can march silently at night. Lai Wenjun said calmly.

Murong Fu stared into Lai Wenjun's eyes and asked: How long can the Song Dynasty's luck last?

Lai Wenjun's eyes flashed with sadness and he replied: Fifteen years!

That's okay, I've grown enough. Murong Fu breathed a sigh of relief.

If the Song Dynasty was destroyed so soon, he would have to face the Yuan Kingdom army alone.

Lai Wenjun asked seriously: Are you really going to rebel?

Nonsense, I'm just accumulating strength to fight against the Yuan Kingdom. Murong Fu replied calmly.

Then, he suddenly asked out of curiosity: Why did Gong Ziyu want to arrest you?

Do you know Gong Ziyu? Lai Wenjun was the same as Murong Qiudi.

When he heard Murong Fu call out the three characters Gong Ziyu, he was extremely shocked.

Of course! Murong Fu replied casually.

Lai Wenjun took a deep breath and said: I won't hide it from you, Gongziyu came to me because he wanted to find the dragon vein!

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