Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 167 Mingyue has a heart

Murong Fu paused and said with a hint of smile: What? Is something wrong, brother Nan Fei?

No, no, actually our room is connected to the other room, so we don't have to worry about them seeing it. Yan Nanfei explained.

Song Yongsi was still worried: What about this oiran...

Brother Song, don't worry, I promise to deliver it to your bed quietly. Yan Nanfei said with a smile.

Murong Fu looked at Yan Nanfei like a pimp.

It's no wonder that he can transform from a beggar to the number one son in the south of the Yangtze River. Just this ability to bend and stretch is something that ordinary people can't do.

Yan Nanfei looked at Murong Fu again and said, Brother Murong, you can rest assured that I will not be short of you.

Oh? Haha, with my body like this, I'm afraid women won't be able to enjoy it. Murong Fu was not in a hurry, he just wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

Haha, Brother Murong is joking. My girl is light and agile. She has learned music since she was a child and has kept one of your favorites. Yan Nanfei introduced.

Murong Fu smiled lightly and sat down with Song Yongsi again.

Very few people spend three thousand taels on a woman.

Haha, congratulations to Brother Song for winning a beauty. Yan Nanfei smiled happily.

Song Yongsi glanced at Murong Fu and declined: Brother Murong Fu, you think you got the woman at auction, don't you think?

Brother, I'm already like this. I'm afraid women won't be able to enjoy it. Come on.

Murong Fu politely said that although No. 2 was good-looking, he could only be described as average.

For a person who is used to eating royal food, it is really hard to accept that you let him eat from a roadside stall.

Yan Nanfei quickly smiled and said, Brother Song, don't worry, I will also make arrangements for Brother Murong.

Okay, okay, brother Nan Fei, thank you for your hard work. I'm...a bit drunk, do you think? Song Yongsi rubbed his temples and swayed, fearing that he would fall asleep if he stayed for a few more breaths.

Murong Fu was stunned and realized that this guy was a veteran.

Nan Fei, hurry up and send Brother Song away.

Okay, I'll send him away right now. Yan Nanfei called a few servants in and took Song Yongsi away.

Looking at Murong Fu who was still drinking there, he smiled and said, Brother Murong, I have made arrangements for you, please.

Oh? Is it finally my turn? Murong Fu said with a smile.


Yan Nanfei didn't hear Murong Fu's pun at all.

He thought Murong Fu was as anxious as Song Yongsi and wanted to whet his appetite, so he pretended to sigh:

Oh, it's just that our girl has a bad temper. I'm afraid she might disobey Brother Murong. Please be more considerate, brother.

Murong Fu glanced at Yan Nanfei, and suddenly burst out with murderous intent, and then Jiu Jin said: It doesn't matter, if she dares to refuse, she will be killed!

Yan Nanfei's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. If something happened to Tang Lan, wouldn't Gong Ziyu tear him into pieces?

He quickly apologized and tried to make Murong Fu gentler.

Just as he was about to speak, Murong Fu staggered out and he was so frightened that he quickly chased after him.

The two of them walked all the way to Tang Lan's room and looked at the flying swallow-like figure at the window.

Murong Fu said playfully: You have a good figure, and I should be able to hold it comfortably.

Haha, this is No. 4 from before. Not only is she in good shape, her skin is fair and tender, and she is a first-class woman. Yan Nanfei added.

Murong Fu walked up with a smile and saw Yan Nanfei hovering around, and asked, What? Brother Nanfei, are you going to come with me?

Ah? No, no, no, Brother Murong, please. Yan Nanfei slowly stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation.

Murong Fu glanced at Yan Nanfei with a hint of drunkenness, and slowly walked into the room.

There was no one in the room, just a row of wet footprints.

The footprints are also very delicate, which makes people wonder.

Who are you? A soft and pleasant voice came from a dark window.

Murong Fu looked at the woman illuminated by the moonlight, with her elegant attitude and simple attire and couldn't help but smile.

Maybe she wasn't a stunning beauty that would captivate the whole country, but the moment she appeared, people felt indescribable beauty, indescribable tranquility and happiness, and her eyes were as gentle as the spring moon, which was extremely sultry.

My Excellency Murong Fu, your benefactor tonight.


This was the first time Tang Lan saw Murong Fu, and he couldn't help but compare him with Gong Ziyu in his heart.

As the most outstanding man in the world, she had a vague feeling that the man in front of her was not inferior to her husband.

Murong Fu walked up to Tang Lan generously and held him in his arms.

Tang Lan was startled. She didn't expect Murong Fu to be so impatient and ready to resist.

Murong Fu's reproachful voice came to his ears: It's already winter. Although it's not very cold here, you can't just sit by the window after taking a shower. What if you get the root of the disease?

Tang Lan's mind suddenly went blank, and he let Murong Fu put her on the ground and close the window, saying softly: Thank you.

Haha, you're welcome, what's your name? Murong Fu asked.

My name is Mingyue Xin. Tang Lan said the name he had thought of for a long time.

Mingyue Xin? Murong Fu looked at the other person up and down and praised:

What a name, what a name.

The bright moon has a heart, so the bright moon shines on people.

Thank you! Tang Lan thanked him and slowly walked towards the bed, quietly taking a pure gold cylinder into his hand.

Murong Fu's consciousness saw all Tang Lan's actions. He calmly and slowly walked to the bed and whispered:

I'm also very curious, whether our Murong clan can guard against the world's number one hidden weapon, the Peacock Ling.

Tang Lan was shocked and instinctively leaned against the wall of the bed: What are you talking about?

Haha, it's nothing, I just suddenly remembered something interesting.

Murong Fu looked at Tang Lan calmly. Since the other party did not want to reveal his identity, he was ready to have some fun with him.


Tang Lan lowered his head, feeling turbulent in his heart and not knowing what to do.

Murong Fu glanced at the moonlight and said, It's getting late, it's time for you and I to get down to business.


Tang Lan held the peacock feather tightly but did not dare to move rashly.

She couldn't tell what level Murong Fu's strength had reached.

If she failed at such a close distance, her life would be at risk.

Well, what? Are you not sleepy yet? Murong Fu asked coldly.

I... Tang Lan gritted his teeth and prepared to take action. He would rather die than let Murong Fu ruin his reputation.

Then he saw Murong Fu taking out a long flute from the bedside and handing it over: I heard that the girls here can play the flute. Please play one for me.

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