Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 181 Born to be atavistic

Grandpa was joking. The mothers-in-law in the house carry out rat eradication every half a month. How could there still be rats? Wang Yuyan thought Ding Chunqiu was making fun of her and replied with a smile.

Ding Chunqiu glanced coldly, and at the corner of the cave, the energy was concentrated on his right palm, and he pushed out towards the shadow not far away.

How dare Xiao Fangxiao break into the Langhuan Jade Cave!


Langhuan Jade Cave made a loud noise, and a red shadow fell from above.

Gaga, where did this old man come from? He is quite powerful. Hongying was none other than Chunyu Modi, the head of the six dragons of the Qinglong Society.

Who are you? You dare to show your embarrassment in front of me? Ding Chunqiu showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He waved the feather fan lightly in his hand and blew a stream of green smoke towards Chunyu Modi.

Chunyu Modi's eyes widened and he didn't dare to be careless and dodge quickly.

The seemingly light green smoke hit the solid wood bookshelf and was instantly shattered into pieces.

The old man is so powerful. Who are you? It's impossible that I haven't heard of your name. Chunyu Modi said in a deep voice.

Haha, I am Ding Chunqiu, the head of Xingxiu!

Ding Chunqiu stroked his white beard and said proudly.

Every move he makes actually looks a bit like an immortal.

Ding Chunqiu, the old monster from Xingxiu? Chunyu Modi was shocked.

Old monster? Ding Chunqiu usually hated people calling him old monster. Suddenly, he became angry and turned into a shadow on his toes, heading towards Chunyu Modi.

Chunyu Modi knew very well that Ding Chunqiu was a domineering man who killed without batting an eyelid, so he did not dare to fight head-on with him and relied on the blood shadow technique to deal with him.

However, as he continued to slap, he found that it became difficult to breathe and his body became stiffer.

The origin of Ding Chunqiu's name immediately came to mind, and he asked in horror: Did you poison me?

I just realized it, isn't it a little too late? Ding Chunqiu slowly stopped behind Chunyu Modi and said with a smile.

Don't, don't kill me, I am the Sixth Dragon Leader of the Qinglong Society! Chunyu Modi begged for mercy loudly.

What kind of thing is the Qinglong Society? After I get the Xiaoyao Sect, I will kill all the sects like you that are just like you!

Ding Chunqiu blackened his hand and slapped Chunyu Modi on the head.

The latter suddenly had gray smoke coming out of his head and his whole body was shaking. From time to time, his skin became dry and wrinkled as if he was dehydrated.


Wang Yuyan on the side saw this for the first time. She couldn't help but back away from such a weird way of death. She didn't know if she was tripped by something and was about to fall down.

Suddenly, I felt my body go limp, as if someone was holding me up, before I could react.

Murong Fu's gentle voice came to my ears: Cousin, are you okay?

Cousin? Why are you here? Wang Yuyan stood up and looked at Murong Fu in disbelief.

Murong Fu smiled faintly, touched Wang Yuyan's head, and said dotingly: Of course I don't trust you, come and take a look.

Hmph, Murong Fu, if I hadn't been here, my Yuyan might have been killed by an adulterer. Ding Chunqiu let go of Chunyu Modi with disdain and said proudly.

If you weren't in the village, do you think I would send Yu Yan back? Murong Fu frowned and said calmly when he saw this scene.

Although Ding Chunqiu was killing people outside, there were three things he couldn't touch.

In his early years, because he liked Li Qiushui, he directly tricked his master Wu Yazi to death.

Later, Li Qiushui ran away, and he began to take care of Li Qingluo. The latter's habit of killing people for flower fertilizer was learned from him.

And now Wang Yuyan.

However, because he rarely came back when he went to found the Xingxiu Sect outside the Great Wall in the past few years, Wang Yuyan did not get the habit of killing people.

You little boy, you know that I won't help you, so why do you try to manipulate me in a different way? Ding Chunqiu said dissatisfied.

That's not true. It's just that if Yuyan wants to come back to find something, as a husband, I always have to pamper her, right? Murong Fu said calmly.

Ding Chunqiu rolled his eyes at Murong Fu, pampering his wife at any time: Humph, you brat, you can make my Yuyan happy.

It's okay. Murong Fu hugged Wang Yuyan into his arms and said, Have you found the things? There are dirty things in here. We need to get out quickly.

Here, I found my cousin. Wang Yuyan handed the Qingxin Jue in her hand to Murong Fu.

Pure Heart Curse? Haha, let's go out then. Murong Fu put away the scriptures and turned around and took Wang Yuyan out of the Langhuan Jade Cave. .

Seeing this, Ding Chunqiu quickly used the power-changing technique to suck all the surrounding toxins into his palms, and shouted at Murong Fu's back: You brat, who said this place is not clean!

Murong Fu naturally ignored Ding Chunqiu and just walked out with Wang Yuyan in his arms.

When Ding Chunqiu saw that Murong Fu didn't respond, he was not angry and chased after him a few steps away. He asked curiously: I heard that the big dragon head of the Qinglong Society is very powerful?

It's okay, not as good as me. Murong Fu replied casually.

Hmph, although I have never met him, I can infer something from his origins and legends. Ding Chunqiu said with a proud smile.

What did you infer? Murong Fu asked curiously.

Ding Chunqiu pondered for a moment and said: If I am not wrong in my guess, this person is born with a different nature, far superior to those so-called proud men of heaven.

His innate energy seems to be capable of making people frightened, and he has also practiced the complete Yin-Yang Great Compassion Mantra of Heaven and Earth.

Murong Fu didn't hide anything and told Ding Chunqiu directly, saving the old guy from dragging him down like 2,500,000 to 80,000 yuan.

You said this person has already had innate energy? Ding Chunqiu's old face couldn't help but reveal a look of surprise.

Yes, the black one is very strong and can consume ordinary infuriating energy. Murong Fu said.

Ding Chunqiu's face became more and more serious, and he praised: This person is not simple. I am afraid that I am no match for him.

Haha, I thought you were going to beat him up. Murong Fu joked.

You don't know the horror of this.

Murong Fu was stunned. Ding Chunqiu, who had always been proud of himself, suddenly praised others and even used the word horrible, which made him unable to accept it for a while.

As for that? You are an old immortal from Xingxiu and you are still afraid of some evil way?

You, your Murong Fu family's background is still too shallow. You don't even know that there is a group of people who are born to return to their ancestors. Even if they don't practice martial arts, their strength will grow to a terrifying level. Ding Chunqiu said.

Murong Fu was stunned and suddenly remembered Gong Ziyu's master. He seemed to have no idea where he was from. He swept the world as soon as he was born and laid the foundation for the first ten years.

If I remember correctly, he first became famous when he was twenty-one years old.

The key and more terrifying thing is that at the age of twenty-three, he defeated the most powerful martial arts prodigy in the world, King Xiaoyao.

Internal strength, Qinggong, palm strength, Qigong and swordsmanship are all top-notch.

He suddenly realized that Ding Chunqiu mentioned a new word: What is atavism?

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