Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 193 Someone from the Nangong family comes

The big shopkeeper and Madam Liu took the gold leaves and expressed their gratitude to Murong Fu at the same time.

Mr. Murong Fu, I heard that you are going to Beijing to compete in martial arts. It happens that I am also going back to Beijing. Why don't you go with us? Madam Liu asked.

I'm afraid not. Before I go to Beijing, I have to go to other places. Murong Fu replied.

That's such a pity, but you can still find me when you get to the capital. Madam Liu smiled and said, Our superiors really want to get to know you.

Murong Fu guessed in his mind and said, Is your superior the Eight Wise Kings?

Madam Liu and the shopkeeper looked at each other and smiled, and said: Mr. Murong misunderstood, our superior is not the Eight Wise King.

Oh, it seems there is someone else.

Murong Fu suddenly smiled, the other party obviously wanted to give him a surprise.

He stopped asking further questions and stood up to drink with several others.

When everyone had finished drinking, Murong Fu said a few words as usual.

Then the first firecracker of the New Year was lit.

Excuse me, sir, the Dongting Gang has sent us a pair of white marble Guanyin and some emerald agate. Please check them out.

Okay, tell him... Murong Fu looked happy, but before he could finish speaking, another servant hurriedly came to report.

Excuse me, Young Master, the Daxian Xia Sect has sent me thousands of red brocades and three hundred sets of Liuhe chain armors. Please check them out.

Excuse me, young master, the Eagle Claw Iron Gun Sect has sent you a black iron golden gun with ten thousand taels of gold. Please check it out.

The Thunder Sect, Erlang Fist Sect, Tanjie Sect, Xuanzhi Sect...all the forty-eight sects from the south came.

There are many sects in the north who send people to bring gifts.

Murong Fu stood under the firelight, his body faintly exuding a dense purple aura, and he laughed and said:

Haha, good, very good.

Pass my order, and those who come to deliver gifts will be greatly rewarded.

As you command!

Murong Fu looked at Bao Tongtong and said, Third brother, these sects return gifts one by one, don't be stingy.

Don't worry, Master. Bao BuTong said with a smile.

Master, these people who came to give gifts also brought a letter. The subordinate handed a pile of letters to Murong Fu.

The women around Murong Fu opened them one by one at his signal.

I found that there was only one content inside, which was to hope that Murong Fu would organize a ceremony for the alliance leader's promotion as soon as possible.

Murong Fu patted his head and said:

Haha, look at my memory. I didn't have time to attend the martial arts competition last time because of my practice.

I even forgot that I became the leader of the Southern Martial Arts Alliance.

My lord, you are busy, why not take advantage of the Chinese New Year celebrations and schedule your promotion to the Codex on the Lantern Festival. Bao BuTong suggested.

When Murong Fu heard this, he felt good and looked sideways at Lai Wenjun: Brother Lai, what do you think of the fifteenth day of the first lunar month?

Lai Wenjun looked at Murong Fu who was showing his domineering power and sighed in his heart: The Murong family is going to give birth to a true dragon.

But seeing Murong Fu greeting him, he quickly replied:

Fifteen is not bad, it means reunion. Brother Murong has chosen this day to unite people's hearts and bring good luck to the sky.

Murong Fu looked happy and laughed haha:

Even our commoner fortune teller thinks this is a good day. Third brother, it's okay!

Then I'll make it a day, and now I'll go and reply to them. Bao BuTong stood up to leave, but was caught by Murong Fu.

It won't be too late to do it tomorrow. Let's not go home until we're happy today. Let's drink! Murong Fu raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Seeing this, everyone else stepped forward to toast.

Murong Fu didn't refuse anyone who came, and drank it all. The scene was lively.

An hour later, even his hundred years of internal strength could not withstand everyone's repeated bombardment, and he was faintly drunk.

Cousin, let's go back to the room. Wang Yuyan stood up and suggested when she saw Murong Fu was drunk.

Murong Fu glanced at his beautiful wife and prepared to leave: Okay, we are almost done drinking anyway, let them continue drinking, shall we go back?

Yes. Wang Yuyan nodded: A'Zhu, A Bi, take your cousin back.

As you command, Madam. A'Zhu and A Bi stepped forward to help Murong Fu.

The others, seeing this, also tried to stop him, and stood up to express their admiration to the other party.

Haha, I never thought that your uncle would have such a high prestige now. Ding Chunqiu said with a faint smile.

Huh, what's the use? Can't you rely on our Langhuan Jade Cave to get over? Li Qingluo said disdainfully.

Ding Chunqiu shook his head and said, When will your temper change? Why are you still acting like a child?

Hmph, I just can't stand his arrogance and his father's moral character. Li Qingluo said unhappily.

Ding Chunqiu wondered: Why do you have so much resentment towards Murong Bo?

It's... nothing. Li Qingluo shook her head, as if she didn't want to mention Murong Fu's father.

Ding Chunqiu shook his head, without delving into it. He raised his head and looked at the full moon in the sky, with a trace of longing in his eyes:

I don't know how your mother is doing now.

No matter what she did, there is no news about her a long time ago. Li Qingluo said unhappily.

Ding Chunqiu sighed heavily, stood up and walked towards the garden. ..

But when everyone had left.

In front of Murong's old house, five people wearing black cloaks came.

Second brother, this is Murong's old residence. My sister-in-law should be here. A handsome-looking man under a black cloak said.

Well, this is it.

The leader took off his hat, revealing a handsome and evil look on his face.

The remaining three people also took off their hats one after another. One man and two women were also handsome, beautiful and attractive.

Huh, sister-in-law really has no rules. Even if her eldest brother dies, she should go back home. One of the women said.

That's right, it's really embarrassing to our Nangong family! Another woman agreed.

It turned out that these people were the family members of Murong Shuang's ex-husband Nangong Liu.

They came here for two purposes.

One is to get Nangong Liu's body back.

One of them came here to make Murong Shuang return to the family obediently.

Originally they were supposed to return home on this day.

But because I took the wrong direction on the way here.

It happened to be New Year's Eve.


A cry came from the bellies of several people.

Nangong Jue, the handsome man who spoke first, complained:

We are really unlucky. We arrived in Gusu City today, but all the restaurants were closed, so we haven't had anything to eat yet.

Nangong Yuzhen, the sixth young lady of the Nangong family, pouted and said, I'm almost starving to death. I don't know if the Murong family can give us some food.

Nangong Jun, the handsome and evil second eldest brother, glanced at his younger brother and younger sister, and said, Knock on the door, let's go in first and then talk.

Well, I'll go. Nangong Jue ran to the locked door and knocked hard.

After a while, a voice came from behind the door: Who is it, in the middle of the night?

I, I am Nangong Jue of the Nangong family. Nangong Jue said.

Nangong Family? Never heard of it. If you have anything to say, just tell me. The servant behind the door had no intention of opening the door.

The people in charge of the mansion were all very drunk.

He couldn't solve it even if he opened the door.

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