That's fine. Murong Fu didn't want to impose anything on others: Can seven days be enough?

Seven days... Cuinong thought for a moment and nodded: I will listen to you.

Murong Fu nodded with satisfaction and started the final sprint.

It wasn't until Cuinong repeatedly begged for mercy that the pleasant exchange ended.

Outside Luoyang City, there is a large apricot forest.

No matter what kind of activities the Beggar Clan holds, they like to hold them here.

Boy, do you know who is here this time? Hong Riqing asked with a bright face.

Murong Fu rolled his eyes at Hong Riqing and said, How do I know?

The two of them leisurely came to Xingzilin for an appointment after lunch, and the other party was following them like a dog-skin plaster.

This made Murong Fu very curious. What kind of backup plan did this old guy have to keep the Beggar Clan from chaos?

Hehe, the mountain man has his own clever plan, just watch. Hong Riqing said with a proud smile.

Murong Fu shook his head, walked to the center of the conference, smiled and saluted Qiao Feng: Brother Qiao, you are really in high spirits today, I admire you, I admire you.

Brother Murong, it's great that you can come. It really makes my Beggar Clan Pengpi shine. Qiao Feng has a cheerful personality, and every word he speaks is sincere and makes people feel friendly.

Haha, Brother Qiao, you are too polite. Murong Fu glanced around and found Huang Rong not far away, and said, Brother Qiao, please be busy first, I saw an old friend.

Oh? I didn't expect that there is an old friend of Brother Murong in my Beggar Clan! Qiao Feng asked curiously.

Murong Fu magnanimously pointed at Huang Rong and said, That's Huang Rong and Huang Nvxia. He and I once dealt with the Yuan people together.

I see, then Qiao will not delay the meeting between two old friends. Qiao Feng said without doubting that he was there.

Murong Fu said goodbye to Qiao Feng with a smile, walked up to Huang Rong and saluted, Long time no see, Mrs. Guo.

Huang Rong pretended to be surprised and said: It turns out to be Mr. Murong. I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to come to the Beggar Clan Conference.

Yes, Mrs. Guo's face is rosy today and her skin is as beautiful as jade. I wonder what kind of miraculous medicine she took? Murong Fu asked with a smile.

When Huang Rong heard this, she immediately remembered that a few days ago, she was coerced and coerced by Murong Fu into swallowing the treasure, and she was so embarrassed that she could not speak.

He wanted to open his small mouth and bite Murong Fu to death. Then he thought about it and said angrily: Fortunately, Mr. Murong doesn't have to worry about it.

I heard that Mr. Murong recently booked an entire brothel. He must be having a lot of fun there.

Murong Fu smiled slightly. He had known that Huang Rong would hit him with this matter, so he pulled Hong Riqing over:

If we talk about being cool, I'm still not as cool as your uncle. Yesterday, I hugged him from left to right and his physical strength was extraordinary.

Uncle! Huang Rong shouted excitedly, but she didn't expect Murong Fu to actually find him.

Hong Riqing covered his old face and smiled awkwardly: Long time no see, little Huang Rong. Your face is very rosy. Could it be that you ate something good?

Huang Rong was so embarrassed that she glared at Murong Fu fiercely and quickly changed the subject: Uncle Master, do you know everything I asked Young Master Murong to tell you?

Well, don't worry! The Beggar Clan can't cause chaos. Hong Riqing said confidently.

Huang Rong felt relieved.

Everyone, please be quiet. The Beggar Clan Conference has officially begun. I would like to ask Leader Qiao to give a lecture. Bai Shijing stood in the middle of the field and shouted several times.

Everyone looked over in unison, and the place became much quieter.

Thank you all fellow martial artists for traveling thousands of miles to attend our Beggar Clan Conference.

Thank you also to all the Beggar Clan brothers for coming back from all directions during this critical time. Qiao Feng walked towards the middle and saluted.

Haha, you're welcome, Master Qiao. It's a blessing for us to be invited to attend the Beggar Clan Conference.

That's right, who doesn't know that Gang Leader Qiao is unparalleled in his kindness and righteousness? It's our honor to meet you, so why bother?

Everyone, please say something to me, don't flatter me too loudly.

Murong Fu stood aside, his ears almost numb.

What's wrong? Are you unhappy after hearing them praise the gang leader? Huang Rong asked with a smile.

They say women hold grudges, and this is absolutely true.

Murong Fu looked at Huang Rong who looked proud and said disdainfully: They don't call this praise, they call it flattery!

Hmph, I think you are just jealous. Huang Rong rolled her eyes at Murong Fu and continued to look at the field, not giving him a chance to argue.

Thank you, everyone. Qiao Feng said politely: I, Qiao, just have a little strength. To be honest, I haven't done anything big.

Master Qiao, you are being humble. You are leading the brothers of the Beggar Clan to resist the Yuan army. Can our martial arts colleagues see this?

Qiao Feng looked at Murong Fu with a smile: The things I have done are just trivial matters. If compared with Brother Murong, they are a little inferior.

Is Murong Fu, I, Qiao Feng, right?

Murong Fu was stunned, why did he suddenly talk about me, and said awkwardly: Brother Qiao, you are over-rewarding me.

What, Master Murong is here too?

Oh my God, what kind of combination is this today? Nan Murong and Beiqiao Peak are gathering in Xingzi Forest?

Are we going to make some big move?

Qiao Feng was magnanimous. Hearing everyone's voices, he laughed and said, Brother Murong, please come here.

Murong Fu didn't know what Qiao Feng was going to do, but he didn't think much and strode over.

Every move is impressive. .

Everyone couldn't help but hold their breath and began to speculate.

Brother Qiao, what are you doing? Murong Fu asked curiously.

Qiao Feng whispered: I'm going to do something big next, and I need Brother Murong to support me.

Haha, I see, that's easy to say. Murong Fu smiled and stood aside.

Qiao Feng looked around and said, Everyone, please listen to Qiao.

Now the Yuan army is conquering it wantonly, and other countries are even more eyeing the Song Dynasty!

Qiao Feng just wants to gather the power of the Jianghu to severely damage the First Yuan Army and make them restrain themselves.

Don't think that no one can cure them.

Everyone fell silent upon hearing this, and soon asked curiously: Is Gang Leader Qiao prepared?

To be honest, Qiao plans to take people to Yuandu for a walk and make some noise. Qiao Feng said.

Going to Yuandu? Everyone looked at Qiao Feng in disbelief: There are countless masters there. I'm afraid it will be difficult to go there.

Haha, don't worry, Qiao will choose the elite to go there and make a big fuss, just to give them some color. Qiao Feng said.

When everyone heard this, they all felt that it made sense and were ready to agree to Qiao Feng's request.

Suddenly, a sharp shout successfully interrupted what they were about to say.

I disagree!

Kang Min?

Qiao Feng looked at the woman who stood up in disbelief and said doubtfully.

Why do you object?

Why? Kang Min said with sorrow in his eyes: Because you are the murderer of my family Dayuan!

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