Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 409 The situation turns around

It was night, and there was a sound of enemy attack.

The war is about to break out.

Countless zombies entered the camp, and the [Dragon Banner Army] panicked.

No, these civilians have been possessed by evil spells. Let's retreat first. Murong Fu yelled.

The entire [Dragon Banner Army] began to evacuate quickly.

Yagyu the God of Killing was stunned, shook his head and said with disdain:

I didn't expect Murong Fu's army to be so vulnerable.

If I had known, I would have fought him head-on.

Master Bei said proudly: Haha, you have to understand, he is afraid, and he is not your army.

Huh? Yagyu Killer God was stunned, and then smiled: Haha, yes, yes, he is afraid of your zombie army.

Haha, Master Yagyu, what should we do now? Master Bei asked.

Although zombies are not afraid of death, their speed is too slow and they cannot catch up with the [Dragon Flag Army] for a while.

Yagyu Shashen said: Don't worry, I have arranged for the cavalry to catch up.

In this battle, I will kill all of Murong Fu's men so that he will no longer be able to support Lin'an Mansion.

Haha, I will lead the zombie army to follow you.

The two hit it off immediately and chased after the [Dragon Flag Army].

At this time, Murong Fu led the army to retreat while fighting.

[Dragon Banner Army] The blood all over the soldiers has solidified.

Some recruits were shocked by the zombie hordes.

Are those things still human?

Why, I feel like they are not afraid of anything?

Is there any hope for us to survive?

The soldiers who did not know the inside story had already developed negative emotions.

They are scared and desperate.

Puff! An arrow fell from the sky and hit a soldier in the neck.

Before he could do anything, he let out a hum.

He covered his neck and fell to his knees.

Thick red blood spurted out from his neck uncontrollably.

When the other soldiers saw this, they couldn't help but express their sadness.

It's over, it's completely over, this is a dead end, we have no way to run! a soldier shouted desperately.

Don't panic, we are not in despair yet. Terrifying energy erupted in Murong Fu's dantian, shaking the soldiers awake.

They subconsciously looked at Murong Fu's resolute face and slowly calmed down. .

Some soldiers even gritted their teeth and said:

Brothers! We can, but King Yan cannot die. He is our hope in Gusu!

You're right, Long Qi can die, but His Highness King Yan cannot die!

Swear to defend His Highness King Yan to the death!

Murong Fu looked at the loyal soldiers and couldn't help but be moved in his heart, and promised:

Everyone, don't worry. There is no perfect path. You believe that this king can lead you to death and survive.

Seeing that the [Long Banner Army] was trapped, the Japanese army did not rush to attack.

This canyon was like a gourd, and they surrounded the opening.

As long as you wait for the arrival of the zombie army, the [Dragon Flag Army] inside will be nothing but fat meat.

Although it tastes greasy, it is really delicious.

Liu Sheng, the God of Killing, passed over the soldiers, looked at Murong Fu from afar, and said proudly:

Your Excellency, this must be Murong Fu, King of Yan.

Murong Fu nodded calmly:

Yagyu is the God of Killing whom I have admired for a long time.

The God of Killing Liu Sheng glanced at the [Dragon Banner Army] beside Murong Fu and said: The overall situation has been decided, surrender.

Surrender? Murong Fu asked doubtfully, Why?

Pointing at the Japanese soldiers behind Yagyu Killer God.

and some scattered walking zombies, disdainfully saying:

Could it be that it's just because of these crooked melons and cracked dates behind you?

Master Bei shook his head: Jie Jie, Your Highness King Yan, facts speak louder than words.

You have already lost. Denying defeat is inconsistent with your identity.

Murong Fu looked at Master Bei and asked, You control these zombies, right?

Haha, it's the old man. Master Bei laughed.

I am very curious, where are you from and how can you do this? Murong Fu said.

Master Bei thought that the overall situation was settled and did not conceal his identity, saying:

The old man comes from the ancient [Blood Weeping Cult].

【Bloodweeping Cult】?

When you hear this name, you don't sound like a good person.

Murong Fu joked coldly: It's not easy for an ancient cult to survive to this day. If you don't find a place to live a good life.

It's your fault if you insist on trying to die in front of me.

Master Bei said disdainfully: Huh, King Yan, I said, you are the king, you must admit your failure generously.

Murong Fu looked at the two people in front of him calmly, pointed his index finger to the sky, and said, Listen.

Yagyu God of Killing and Master Bei were stunned at the same time, subconsciously looking up at the sky.

A huge stone fell towards them at an extremely fast speed.


Stones as big as millstones fell into the Japanese army.

Suddenly, blood spattered and countless Japanese soldiers were killed on the spot.

The gravel flew by and there was a roar.

Damn it, what's going on? Yagyu God of Death asked in shock.

The next moment, several more flying stones fell, forming a rain of stones all over the sky.



Stone rain hit the Japanese soldier's body.

In an instant, bloody pits of flesh and blood were smashed out.

The sound of screams and wails could be heard immediately.

After the rain of stones ended, there was another rain of arrows.

The Japanese soldiers were caught off guard.

No matter how stupid Yagyu Killer God was, he understood that this was an ambush. His old face tightened, his tiger eyes swept around, and he roared:

Damn it, I fell into the trap. Murong Fuding knew about our sneak attack plan in advance.

Master Bei wondered: How is it possible? How could he know our plan in advance?

Don't worry about it. Hurry up and let your zombie army rush over to kill Murong Fu and his group. Yagyu Killer God roared.

Master Bei said Ah and hurriedly took out a copper bell from his arms.

Shaking desperately, he muttered: Murong Fu, no matter how deep your conspiracy is, it's not...


A pale, cold hand penetrated Master Bei's heart.

Blood splattered on the faces of nearby people.

The Yagyu God of Killing was the first to bear the brunt, and he was dumbfounded at the moment.

Master Bei turned around in disbelief.

When he saw Xiao Tong's expressionless face.

Doubts and confusion arise in my mind: How is it possible? How is it possible?

Haha, I'm sorry, it's a spy arranged by this king. Murong Fu said calmly.


Yagyu Killer's heart felt like there were a hundred thousand alpacas running around.

Zombies can also be used as spies.

He wanted to ask Master Bei, is this kind of operation really possible?

Turn around and take a look.

I know myself, I'm afraid I won't have this chance.

Because at this time, Xiaotong was grabbing Master Bei's heart and feasting on it.

Ah, despicable, Murong Fu, how dare you be despicable.

The dignified King Yan, used such a despicable trick.

Murong Fu said in a deep voice: A mere Japanese bastard dares to slaughter my people in the Central Plains.

Now let you reap the consequences and taste the feeling of being attacked by zombies.

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