Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 424 Seeing the death of the holy monk in vain

Hehe, the purpose of our coming here is very simple, it is to find the remains of Demon Cang Xu.

Zhu Yuyan didn't hide anything, she said it openly.

'Demon' Cang Qi? Murong Fu was extremely surprised. He had indeed heard of Cang Can.

But why are the remains in Shaolin?

Why do everyone in the Demon Sect want to take it away again?

Could it be that there is something in it that even he doesn't know about?

Just when Murong Fu was confused, Yuan Zhen took action.

He pretended to block Shi Zhixuan's palm, and waited until Kong Jian, the divine monk, came to rescue him.

Suddenly he hid.

What? Seeing the divine monk, Kong was stunned. Before he could react, Yuan Zhen turned around.

With a weird smile, he punched the monk Kongjian in the lower abdomen.

On one side of his body, he skillfully brushed against Shi Zhixuan, letting his [Seal of Life and Death] hit the chest of Kong Jian Shen Monk.


A generation of divine monk Kong Jian was beaten until he vomited blood and flew away, blasting into the Medicine King's Palace.

The statue of Medicine Master Tathagata inside was smashed into pieces.

In an instant, dust was flying and tiles collapsed.

Half of the Buddhist temple was in ruins.

Kong saw the divine monk's face changing from black to white, and his body withered rapidly in front of everyone.

Life is gone, and it is hard for gods to save it.

Yuan...Yuanzhen, you are...a traitor.

Yuan Zhen chanted the Buddha's name, stood with one palm in front of him, with a graceful and elegant temperament, and said with a smile:

Master, my disciple has never truly converted, so how can he betray me?

You... Kong saw the divine monk's eyes dim, with a bit of sadness.

After all, I paid by mistake.

Master, I don't want to kill you, but you are too stubborn and this is not good.

Yuan Zhen saw that the monk was so angry that he couldn't speak. He couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Kong Jian, the holy monk, shook his head and sighed: You have had a wrong intention, I'm afraid there is no way back.

Yuan Zhen said: Master, don't worry, we only want to get the remains of the Tian Mo, as long as the Shaolin Temple obediently hands them over.

I promise, the Demon Sect and Yuan Kingdom warriors will turn around and leave.

Seeing the holy monk in Kong Kong wanted to persuade him a few more words, but he felt a pain in his heart.

He couldn't stop vomiting blood from his mouth, and then he tilted his neck and died in front of everyone. ..

What! The holy monk is dead!

The demon sect thief is so cruel!

It's over, it's over! Shaolin Temple is over this time!

Murong Fu's face looked ugly, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or worried.

Kong Jian saw that the holy monk was not related to him, and had not even met him.

If you die, you will die.

You can see the Demon Sect and Yuan Ren killing people unscrupulously in front of your eyes.

He felt extremely unhappy.

This kind of dissatisfaction is engraved in the bones and deep in the soul.


It's really passed!

When Zhu Yuyan heard this, she let out a sweet laugh as clear as a silver bell:

It's just killing someone, nothing wrong with it.

His Royal Highness the King of Yan slaughtered tens of thousands of Japanese horses, and I have never seen you say anything about it.

There was anger in Murong Fu's eyes:

I am the great China, and I will not offend others unless they offend me.

Japanese miscellaneous invaders have invaded China. I, the king, serve the country, the people, and myself. It is in line with God's will to kill them.

And you, fearing that the world will not be in chaos, are you worthy of being compared with this king?

Zhu Yuyan pretended to be surprised and said: Well, there are so many of us here, and we want to learn from King Yan's clever tricks.

Murong Fu looked coldly and glanced at Evil King Shi Zhixuan, Yuan Zhen or Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand Cheng Kun.

Swinging his robe, he said domineeringly:

With you and the others, I, Murong Fu, am not afraid of them.

Cheng Kun looked proud, not at all sad because of the death of Kong Jian Shen Monk.

Hey, it turns out you are Murong Fu. At a young age, your strength has already reached the Grand Master level.

However, the old monk advises you not to meddle in other people's business.

Otherwise, I don't know how I died.

Before he could finish his words, a roar came from a distance.

Cheng Kun, you are indeed hiding in the Shaolin Temple.

The whistling sound was brief.

A young man dressed in white fell from mid-air and appeared in front of everyone.

Murong Fu looked the person up and down, wondering about his identity.

Cheng Kun said with a smile: Haha, Leader Zhang, long time no see, why are you so angry?

Murong Fu suddenly realized that this person was Zhang Wuji, the leader of Mingjiao.

No wonder he was so angry when he saw Cheng Kun.

It seems that something good is going to happen now.

Cheng Kun, you killed my adoptive father's family. I promised him that you would kill him.

It is necessary to avenge the enemy in order to kill him with his own hands. Zhang Wuji had anger hidden in his eyes, ready to take action at any time.

Wait, Master Zhang, don't forget, we have an agreement in advance.

In this siege of Shaolin, there should be no internal fighting.

Seeing that Zhang Wuji was about to take action against Cheng Kun, Shi Zhixuan warned him.

Zhang Wuji's face turned ugly and he was silent for a long time.

Just when Murong Fu thought he would break the agreement for Xie Xun, the Golden Retriever Lion King.

Zhang Wuji actually agreed:

Okay, I'll let Cheng Kun go this time.

Next time I see you, I will kill you.

Murong Fu suddenly felt something bad and frowned.

Obviously this Wuji is different from his own perception.

There is no honesty in the original work.

Instead, it gave him an illusion.

This person is more inclined to the one in the movie version.

Ambitious, trying to unify the world in one fell swoop.

Well, His Highness King Yan, do you think now that you can defeat a few of us with your own strength? Zhu Yuyan laughed softly.

Murong Fu's expression was dull. He was afraid of everything but group fights.

Not to mention, there is one more Zhang Wuji.

Even if his father Zhang Cuishan and his mother Yin Susu were called together, he would not be afraid.

Just don't wait to speak.

Then I heard Shi Zhixuan urging:

Yuyan, don't create unnecessary complications, get the remains of the Tian Mo first.

After saying that, he lightly moved towards the back mountain of Shaolin Temple.

Zhu Yuyan turned her face sideways, smiled charmingly at Murong Fu, and said:

I won't be playing with King Yan. See you next time.

Every sentence of the female devil is extremely soft and seductive.

But not her disciple Hanwan could compare.

In the same way, he disappeared in a flash.

The same is true for Zhang Wuji and Cheng Kun.

However, before leaving, the great leader looked deeply at Murong Fu.

He acted like he couldn't help himself, as if someone forced him to be a bad person.

Leader Murong, what should we do now?

The other heads of the decent sect, seeing everyone from the Demon Sect leaving, approached Murong Fu and asked.

Murong Fu looked solemn and said:

If Shaolin is destroyed, it will be like a natural disaster to the righteous way.

Everyone, I don't need to say more nonsense. The enemy will die and I will live.


When all the leaders heard this, they all showed their lofty attitude of being indifferent to life and death and would do anything if they refused.

He shouted and rushed out of the temple, fighting to the death with the demon sect.

At this time, Ding Chunqiu ran out again. Seeing that Murong Fu was not leaving, he said curiously:

You can't be unwilling to give up and still want to join in the fun in the back mountains.

Murong Fu was naturally dissatisfied: I am the leader of the martial arts alliance, how can I see the Demon Sect so arrogant?

At the very least, we need to know what the remains of the Heavenly Demon are used for,

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