Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 429 The Holy Ancestor Appears

Zhu Yuyan chuckled and replied: Of course not.

These things are all recorded in the [Secret Book of the Demon Sect].

Although it took a long time, the credibility is extremely high.

Murong Fu thought for a moment and asked:

Since the Heavenly Demon Cang Xu has been dead for many years, why do you insist on getting it?

Zhu Yuyan was happy and did not try to hide it:

The bones of the Holy Ancestor hide the highest mental method of [Heavenly Demon Strategy].

It even hides the secret of the Holy Lord's immortality.

Today, there will be chaos among those old antiques from the Demon Sect.

In order to be able to cope with the next changes.

We will not hesitate to face the risk of an outright war with the righteous way, but we must also obtain the remains of the Heavenly Demon.

Murong Fu nodded, Zhu Yuyan's words were reasonable.

However, he knew that the remains of the Heavenly Demon must also hide other secrets.

Otherwise, as the leader of the Ming Cult, Zhang Wuji would not choose to side with the Demon Sect.

The two of them hooked up and exchanged some information they knew about each other.

The revival of spiritual energy was not only known to Mu Renqing of the Huashan Sect.

Evil Emperor Xiang Yutian also knows everything clearly.

In fact, he had a better grasp of time than Mu Renqing.

Does the 'Yin Queen' know the specific time of the catastrophe so that I can make preparations? Murong Fu asked with a smile.

Zhu Yuyan needs no one, she is the best among the best.

How could she easily tell Murong Fu about such a quick thing?

The pretty face smiled elegantly and explained:

Prince Yan is really difficult for others to do.

How could the Evil Emperor tell me such a confidential matter so easily.

Murong Fu smiled. He knew that he could not pry Zhu Yuyan away easily, so he did not hesitate.

After not walking for long, we finally came to the end of the cave.

The small cave is extremely simple.

At the end, the most obvious thing is a dusty incense table made of red solid wood.

There is an incense burner on the incense table, and under the incense burner is a Sanskrit talisman written in cinnabar.

Murong Fu recognized the characters above, which were the six-character Buddhist mantra: Om, Mah, Ne, Ba, Mi, and Hum.

Directly under the incense table, there was a withered skeleton lying in the middle.

Murong Fu and Zhu Yuyan were both great masters, and their night vision was normal. ..

The difference in this withered bone can be seen at a glance.

There are six fingers in the hands of this bone. The color of the bones is like purple jade, and it is as clear as crystal.

Presumably these are the remains of the Heavenly Demon.

When Murong Fu spoke, he felt a sense of vigilance in his heart.

What he was wary of was not Zhu Yuyan beside him, but the bones lying on the ground.

To the naked eye, the bones are just a little more refined.

But his six senses are sharp and he has developed spiritual consciousness.

You can sense the powerful energy contained in it.

Dangerous, dark, and a little scary.

Murong Fu looked around, looking for the shadow left by Bodhidharma.

At this moment, Zhu Yuyan on the side suddenly pulled out a dagger.

Murong Fu felt a warning sign and was on guard against Zhu Yuyan.

Haha, don't be afraid, King Yan, I don't want to do anything like you. Zhu Yuyan said with a sweet smile.

Murong Fu looked at Zhu Yuyan in confusion, and was about to ask the reason.

But Zhu Yuyan walked up to the remains of the Heavenly Demon and cut her palm hard.

Bright red blood flowed from the palm of his hand and dripped on the purple bones.




The sound was full of magic power, causing ripples in the void.

As the blood continued to drip, the bones shone strangely with traces of blue light.

A terrifying coercion actually emanated from it.

Murong Fu felt more and more uncomfortable and reminded:

Queen Yin I advise you to stop quickly.

This thing is so evil that it can easily backfire if you can't control it.

Zhu Yuyan had a smile in her eyes and was about to mock Murong Fu for being timid.

The next moment, he frowned anxiously and shouted:

No, I can't stop bleeding.

Murong Fu was stunned and told Zhu Yuyan to step back instinctively.

But the blood dripping from his hands was like the long string of a kite, still thinking about the falling bones.

This time, he completely realized that the remains were filled with ghosts.

Without saying anything, he suddenly circulated his true energy and struck at the remains from the air.


The bones of the Heavenly Demon are extremely hard and will not decay for thousands of years. Not even Bodhidharma, the great ancestor of the generation, could crush them.

How could he be sick because of Murong Fu's blow from the air?

The true energy hit him, and he couldn't move at all.

Murong Fu and Zhu Yuyan were shocked at the same time at their level of strength.

Not to mention breaking a dead bone, it is not a problem to penetrate the mountain.

However, the remains of the Devil in front of me are truly magical.

Not only is nothing wrong.

Instead, it was still absorbing Zhu Yuyan's blood.

In the blink of an eye, Zhu Yuyan's face turned pale and a little weaker.

If she takes a few breaths, I'm afraid she won't be able to get out of this cave today.

help me…

Murong Fu took a step back. Although Zhu Yuyan was beautiful, she was not related to him.

In the face of danger and strangeness, Murong Fu focused on self-protection.

Looking around, he couldn't help but Bodhidharma had no backup to suppress him.

This thought just came to an end.

The talisman on the incense table suddenly flashed with Buddha's light, and the six-character Buddhist mantra turned into words the size of a tadpole.

Falling on the remains.

Murong Fu and Zhu Yuyan were greatly surprised when they saw this scene.

Zhu Yuyan even thought that she could escape while the bones sucked the blood.

The blood flow from the palm of my hand became larger and faster.

It's like a long river running wildly.

Murong Fu frowned and made quick calculations in his mind, deciding to save Zhu Yuyan's life.

Internal energy exploded from the Dantian, he pinched the Buddha's seal with his hand, and hit the Buddha's Light against the remains of the Heavenly Demon. 】

Although he does not practice Buddhism, he cannot understand its true mystery.

However, at a critical period, it can also be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

The Buddha's seal landed on the remains, and the purple light on it flashed fiercely.

A scream came from the minds of Murong Fu and Zhu Yuyan.

Ignorant young man, how dare you practice this technique.

When Zhu Yuyan heard this, her hands loosened immediately, and her bleeding palms were already at peace with each other.

He glanced at Murong Fu gratefully and asked:

Did you hear anything?

Murong Fu nodded and said cautiously:

The voice is a little hoarse, like that of an old man.

Zhu Yuyan was stunned and said nervously:

Something's wrong, what I heard was a woman's voice.

Murong Fu looked at the remains of the Heavenly Demon with a solemn expression and said, It seems like it was the one responsible.

Jie Jie, you are an ignorant young man. I never thought you are quite smart.

I guessed right away that it was your Holy Ancestor who was behind this.

As soon as these words came out.

Above the remains, several streaks of black smoke slowly floated out and merged together.

He became an old man with white hair and a long beard who looked very friendly at first glance.

When Zhu Yuyan saw the old man, she was so frightened that her face turned pale.

Subconsciously, he leaned towards Murong Fu and immediately asked a question that he couldn't even believe.

Are you Saint Ancestor Cang Xu?

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