Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 439 Shaolin Temple’s Plan

In Shaolin Temple.

The sweeping monk sits in the middle of the Mahavira Hall.

Behind him is an extremely majestic image of the Tathagata.

He chanted the Buddha's name, looked at the dead Xuanci and others on the ground and said:

Amitabha, everyone, our Shaolin Temple has encountered a disaster that has never happened in a century. This poor monk feels guilty.

The monks bowed their heads in silence.

It can be said that the Shaolin Temple suffered heavy casualties and lost half of its high-end combat power.

Abbot Xuanci, Monk Kongjian, Monk Sandu...

If it weren't for the support of the sweeping monk and the wine-fighting monk who are in the realm of unity between heaven and man.

I am afraid that Shaolin Temple will become a second-rate force.

Xuannan knelt on the ground and said:

Uncle Master still makes the decision for us.

The sweeping monk said, The general trend of heaven and earth will change, and the road ahead will be clear.

At this time, it is not suitable for us to take action easily.

Xuannan was stunned for a moment, his eyes filled with sadness.

He knew exactly what the sweeping monk said about the way forward.

That is an existence that transcends the realm of unity between man and nature, and is the future that all warriors dream of.


But Senior Brother Xuanci cannot die in vain.

The wine-fighting monk said loudly: Stupid, we can't take action, and the people from the Demon Sect will naturally not take action either.

This time the Evil Emperor attacked Yu Tian to snatch the remains of the Tian Mo, and there was a reason for it.

If he dares to act randomly again, he will break the rules.

Except for my Shaolin Temple, other masters will not sit idly by.

Xuannan asked: What about our attack on Mingjiao?

The wine-fighting monk did not answer directly, but looked at the sweeping monk.

The latter nodded and said: My name is Shida. You can unite all factions.

Thank you, uncle, for reminding us. We will definitely destroy all the sects and sects in one fell swoop.

The sweeping monk said softly, Hmm, looked around at the monks in the hall, and said, Alas, a country cannot live without a king for a day.

Of course our sect cannot be without a leader.

Tianming will temporarily act as abbot.

After we defeat the Ming Cult, we will choose another leader.

When the monks heard this, they didn't have many opinions.

Although Elder Tianming's martial arts is not high, he is also highly respected.

No one was dissatisfied with the temporary appointment as the abbot of Shaolin.

They all clasped their hands together and chanted the Buddha's name in agreement.

The sweeping monk said again: In that case, Xuannan, please write a letter and inform the various sects.

The specific time will be set in the beginning of next spring.

Upon hearing this, the monks nodded quickly.

Three days later, Shaolin Temple wanted to wipe out the Qing Ming Sect.

Tell the world.

Murong Fu and others also returned to Suzhou and Yanziwu.

Murong Bo looked at everything he was familiar with and touched his wife's spiritual tablet, feeling very emotional in his heart.

Your mother was a good woman, but it's a pity that she met your father.

Fortunately, my son is promising and has lived up to her expectations.

Murong Fu consoled her: Father, don't be sad. Mother was very peaceful when she left.

Yes. Murong Bo nodded and said, You are already quite old. It's time to consider having an heir.

Heir? When Murong Fu heard this, his heart trembled.

Then I remembered that the child in Lianxing's belly should be born in these days. ..

Maybe he is already a father.

Well, you have to work hard. Murong Bo patted Murong Fu meaningfully.

Haha, okay. Murong Fu smiled.

He doesn't dare to work hard now, most women simply can't bear it.

If I want to go to Yihua Palace now, I'm afraid I won't be able to make the trip.

It would be better to take Yaoyue and Lianxing over and stay there for a few days.

Just in time for them to meet the other sisters.

However, this is all for later.

The top priority is to think about how to arrange Murong Bo:

Father, Abbot Xuanci is dead now.

You don't have to pretend to be dead anymore. You can appear in front of the public openly and openly.

Murong Bo shook his head and said: Having been a monk for such a long time, I have also gained some insights.

You are so outstanding, as a father, I can rest assured and go shopping elsewhere.

Haier, arrange some subordinates to accompany you. Murong Fu secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he was afraid that Murong Bo would say something.

As a father, I want to raise my arms and bring back Dayan.

No need, I'll stay at home for a few days and then you can leave on your own. Murong Bo patted Murong Fu on the shoulder and said.

Murong Fu was silent for a moment and said:

Father, please rest first. My son will prepare a family dinner for you in the evening.

Well, remember not to keep a high profile. Murong Bo reminded.

Father, don't worry, it's just the child and the ladies. Murong Fu replied.

Okay, go ahead. Murong Bo waved his hand and asked Murong Fu to leave.

In his mind, Murong Fu had only been married for a year.

Apart from Wang Yuyan, there are only two or three concubines at most, so it doesn't hurt to have a family dinner.

After Murong Fu left.

Come to the hall and meet the four ministers of the Murong family.

Master, I heard that I'm back, do you know if it's true or not? Bao BuTong couldn't help but asked excitedly after seeing Murong Fu.

The other three generals also looked forward to it, which showed how important Murong Bo was in their hearts.

Well, father is back. Murong Fu said with a smile.

Then can we go and see him? Feng Bo evil said.

Don't worry, I have already ordered people to prepare a family banquet. We can go together later. Murong Fu said.

The four generals nodded when they heard this and said in unison:

Haha, I will never get drunk with you tonight.

Murong Fu happily exchanged a few words with the four of them, then the conversation changed.

Brother Bao San, how is the construction of your battleship going now?

Bao BuTong raised his hand and replied: Three hundred and twelve ships have been built, which can transport about 60,000 people.

Sixty thousand people.

Murong Fu nodded.

His navy has only been established for less than a year.

To have such an effect was beyond his expectation.

Okay! Murong Fu nodded: Can you find out the sailing route to Japan?

It's clear. Bao BuTong patted his chest and said, I've already secretly let someone go there once.

Back and forth, about seven days.

Seven days. Murong Fu calculated. In other words, it used to take three and a half days.

Feng Bo evil shouted: My lord, you are planning to conquer Japan!

Everyone was stunned when they heard this and found it incredible.

The Song and Ming dynasties were harassed by Japan all year round.

But I never thought about going on an expedition to Japan.

The reason for him is that Japan is far away and the navies of the two countries are tired.

And the army arrived in Japan.

If you are in an unfamiliar place and cannot get supplies, it is easy for you to run out of food and your soldiers will not be able to be replenished.

If anything goes wrong, the entire army will be wiped out.

As a result, the two countries could only defend passively and never thought of fighting on Japan's mainland.

Murong Fu naturally understood the concerns of several people, because he had also thought about these things.

But, it's different now.

He has 300,000 cavalry from Beiliang and 300,000 tons of Longya rice that he has not received yet.

The purpose is to wait until he reaches Japan before surrendering.

When the time comes, all Japanese people will be dealt with in one fell swoop.

to consolidate his rear.

My brothers guessed it right. This time I will personally conquer the Japanese island country.

Let them understand that they need to be reverent as dogs.

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