Me? Jingxuan did not hear the meaning of Murong Fu's words and thanked:

It's okay for the poor nun. I can still hold on for a while. I'd like to worry about Leader Murong's concern.

Murong Fu was speechless. When will I miss you?

Oh, now that the king is gone, you and Master Zhou can take care of themselves.

Wait a minute, Alliance Leader Murong, please help the head junior sister detoxify. Jingxuan said again, extremely seriously.

Murong Fu was puzzled and said in a deep voice: Master Jingxuan, are you crazy?

If your leader wakes up, wouldn't I, Murong Fu, become a despicable villain who takes advantage of others' danger?

Jingxuan shook his head and explained: [Bliss Hehuan Powder] has no antidote. If Alliance Leader Murong doesn't help her detoxify.

Our Emei Sect has no leader, no leader sister.

Our Emei sect will be reduced to a second-rate force.

When the time comes, I'm afraid it will be very miserable. The sisters in the sect will become the playthings of other sects.

Murong Fu was slightly startled and realized that what Jingxuan said was true.

In the entire Emei Sect, Zhou Zhiruo is probably the only one who can do it.

She's gone.

The entire sect would really be reduced to second-rate status.

Even worse than the Huashan Sect today.

My head is very handsome, but he doesn't think he has wronged Alliance Leader Murong.

What's more important is...

As Jingxuan spoke, he opened Zhou Zhiruo's left arm.

A striking red dot reflected in Murong Fu's eyes.

He couldn't help but be surprised: Shou Gong Sha?

Is she still a virgin?

Jingxuan nodded and sighed:

Uncle Song, on the day of your wedding, you were plotted against by an unknown person.

Injured kidney meridian, from now on inhumane.

So, the two of them only have the name of husband and wife, but they have no reality of being husband and wife.

It can be regarded as a secret kept secret by our Emei sect.

That's it. Murong Fu suddenly realized.

That person who didn't know could figure it out with his butt, and it couldn't be anyone other than Zhang Wuji.

No wonder Song Qingshu hated him so much.

Does the head of your family... know?

Jingxuan was silent for a moment and said, You should know.

Murong Fu looked at Zhou Zhiruo who kept tearing his clothes, showing a trace of disgust.

This woman is really - mean!

Zhang Wuji is really shameless!

The most hurtful person in this whole thing is probably Song Qingshu, the big bastard.

Hey... As expected, the dog licks until there is nothing left.

Song Qingshu stood outside the door, his eyes full of hatred and said:

Please, Leader Murong, help me once.

Murong Fu was speechless: Wouldn't it be better for you to go out and find some beggars?

Huh? Song Qingshu was stunned, secretly wondering why he hadn't thought of such a damaging thing.

However, I'm afraid there's not enough time now.

How about next time?

Don't... Jingxuan quickly stopped him: Although my head is at fault, the culprit is Zhang Wuji.

If we find some unscrupulous people to detoxify the master.

Our Emei sect has been disgraced. How will we be able to gain a foothold in the world in the future?

Song Qingshu reminded: Brother Murong, Zhou Zhiruo cannot die.

After she dies, no one will know what you want.

Murong Fu sighed, leaned over and lifted Zhou Zhiruo's chin, half pushing and half saying:

Alas, I have no choice but to sacrifice myself.

Song Qingshu pressed tightly against the door.

From time to time, I heard the wonderful sound of 嘤咛 coming from inside.

There was a refreshing feeling of revenge.

Zhang Wuji!

I wonder how you can still be with Zhou Zhiruo.

Under the Huqiu Pagoda, there was a buzz of people.

The people coming and going are still there

As everyone knows, there is a lively and beautiful scene on top of the tower.

Murong Fu looked down at the earth below from a high position.

Somehow, my heart is full of pride.

No matter in his past life or this life, he has never felt so good.

All the memories of the previous life are blended together in the mind, seamlessly.

He felt like he had turned into a majestic flying eagle.

Flying between the vast heaven and earth.

He is free and has no one to restrain him.

Strength, power!

Let him be the master of this city without any worries.

At this moment, he felt.

My previous forbearance and low-keyness were rewarded.

He wakes up and holds the power of the world, but he lies drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman.

No wonder, men like these two things.

Murong Fu thought about his rebirth.

Several near-death encounters.

Fighting Jinlun, destroying Japan, and fighting the Demon Sect, one can't help but sigh.

He turned over the beautiful and beautiful Head Zhou underneath him.

Looking at the beads of sweat on his forehead, they are like flowers in the morning dew, bright and beautiful.

The crimson face is like a celestial being.

It hit his heart hard.

Jingxuan sat behind him, watching Murong Fu reveal his tiger back and strong lines.

It seems to be the ultimate beauty in the world. ..

He looked at this heroic and majestic man, and for a moment he was mesmerized.

As if by chance, he took off all his belongings, stepped forward, and wrapped his arms tightly around the other person.

Keep asking with thin lips!

Under the influence of the drug and Zhou Zhiruo.

One after another, bold and unrestrained, without any reserve.

Murong Fu's head buzzed.


The two major innate acupoints in the body open at the same time.

Zhou Zhiruo was filled with Nine Yin Qi, which penetrated directly into the body.

Then it is transformed into vitality bit by bit.

As the true energy circulates around, it becomes more and more surging.

And the Nine Yang True Qi in his body was constantly pouring out.

Zhou Zhiruo suddenly felt the spirit platform and woke up for a while.

Her Dantian, the river bed that had long been dry due to cultivation, was suddenly watered.

Murong Fu's essence turned into vitality at an astonishing speed, nourishing Zhou Zhiruo's body.

The two people's bodies were spinning like wheels, and the true energy of one yin and one yang gradually merged with each other.


The true energy circulated for less than ten weeks, and the two of them felt like they were struck by thunder.

Murong Fu's huge Yuan Jing was released like a flash flood.

Broken embankments and missing rivers filled every meridian of Zhou Zhiruo.

It was more like a wild horse running wild inside her.

Murong Fu woke up from the wonderful feeling when he stood up.

After all, Zhou Zhiruo's internal strength of [Nine Yin Manual] is still a little bit behind, and she cannot [reconcile Yin and Yang] with herself for too long.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it.

If she continued, she was afraid that she would be scalded to death by the yang energy in her body.

However, this time he made a new discovery.

Unexpectedly, the combination of [Nine Yang Manual] and [Nine Yin Manual] can produce such a miraculous reaction.

Let go of the weak head Zhou Da.

Murong Fu slowly turned around, showed a smile, and said:

Master, it's been too long to wait!

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