Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 447 Murong Fu’s request

The breeze woke up the three people in Huqiu Tower.

Zhou Zhiruo supported her body tiredly, rubbing her temples next to her forehead with her jade fingers.

The scenes of last night gradually replayed in her mind, making her feel embarrassed and embarrassed.

Song Qingshu...

you're awake?

Murong Fu's whole body was red and covered with scratches, and there were two clearly visible teeth marks on his shoulders.

Opening his eyes, he saw Zhou Zhiruo rubbing his head in annoyance.

You... are despicable and shameless! Zhou Zhiruo screamed and raised her hand to slap Murong Fu's cheek.

Murong Fu, the majestic king of Yan, naturally couldn't let Zhou Zhiruo hit him in the face.

Without hesitation, he grabbed the hand that hit him and said in a deep voice:

Don't make trouble!

Zhou Zhiruo was furious and cursed: Murong Fu, I didn't expect you to be the leader of the martial arts alliance.

You deserve to be damned if you would do something like this to me.

Murong Fu said nonchalantly: Haha, that's not what you said when you were having fun with me last night.

You... Zhou Zhiruo gritted her teeth and said, That's because I was poisoned. It's shameless to take advantage of others' danger.


Murong Fu made a look of contempt and said truthfully:

Yesterday, the King of Japan started to detoxify you and your senior sister from Shen Shi.

At three o'clock in the morning, the love poison in you and your senior sister's bodies has been completely eliminated.

What happens next is up to you and me.

If you don't believe it, you can ask your senior sister.

I... Zhou Zhiruo was stunned and glanced at Jingxuan from the corner of her eye.

She vaguely remembered.

At that time, I even did something embarrassing to him.

Under Murong Fu's instigation, he kissed the other party's tender lips.

The joy of their lips touching made her whole body tremble.

Coupled with the feeling of Murong Fu behind her, she would never forget it.

Junior sister, head, you're awake.

Jingxuan originally wanted to pretend to be asleep and give this awkward time to Murong Fu and Zhou Zhiruo.

However, Murong Fu seemed to have seen through his own trick.

While playing with his jade peak.

At the same time, he lured Zhou Zhiruo towards him.

Haha, you're awake, beautiful little nun.

Murong Fu remembered clearly that Jingxuan was more open-minded than Zhou Zhiyuan last night.

She has tried many moves that others are embarrassed to do.

It seems to be in line with the old saying, the longer it is suppressed, the more powerful it will explode. M..

Amitabha, Jingxuan thanks Alliance Leader Murong for detoxifying me and my junior sister.

I can't thank you enough.

Murong Fu was stunned for a moment, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Jingxuan said this because she wanted to draw a clear line with herself and stop talking about what happened last night. She chuckled and said:

Haha, should I say, you're welcome, you're welcome, or you're welcome?

Zhou Zhiruo looked at Jingxuan and said displeasedly: Sister, it's obvious that he took advantage of both of us, why should we thank him?

Jingxuan looked at Zhou Zhiruo helplessly and told him one by one why Song Qingshu poisoned him.

Junior Sister, Leader Murong is actually innocent in this matter.

If he hadn't been here yesterday, I'm afraid you and I would have been cheap, just beggars on the street.

Bastard! Zhou Zhiruo was furious: Song Qingshu deserves to die!

Master Zhou, actually you can't blame Brother Song.

If you hadn't had an ambiguous relationship with Zhang Wuji, why would he want to take revenge on you? Murong Fu said frankly.

Zhang Wuji and I have nothing to do with each other!

Zhou Zhiruo naturally would not admit what happened between her and Zhang Wuji, so she said harshly.

Haha, you clearly know that Zhang Wuji is plotting to harm Brother Song.

But he risked the disapproval of the world and arranged for him to recuperate in the ranks of the Emei Sect.

I don't know, how do you want to explain it? Murong Fu said bluntly.

I... Zhou Zhiruo was speechless and could only remain silent.

Although there is no absolute opposition between good and evil, the Ming Cult has just invaded the Shaolin Temple in a large scale.

If Zhou Zhiruo did something like this, he would definitely become the target of public criticism.

The Emei Sect might be labeled as colluding with the Demonic Cult.

When the time comes, there is only one way to go.

That is to completely go dark and follow Zhang Wuji.

Master, Leader Murong is right. In fact, we should not have too much contact with Zhang Wuji.

Don't forget what Master said before his death.

Our Emei Sect and the Demon Sect are at odds with each other. Jingxuan agreed from the side.

Zhou Zhiruo thought for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, Senior sister, I understand.

at this time.

Murong Fu's expression changed slightly and he said calmly: Haha, Master Zhou, your brother Wuji is here.

Would you like to meet up with me?

Zhou Zhiruo was startled and said to herself: Why is he here?

It should be Aunt Song. Go back and tell him. Jingxuan guessed.

Zhou Zhiruo looked at Murong Fu helplessly, with a hint of prayer in her voice:

Can you let him go for once?

Murong Fu looked at Zhou Zhiruo coldly:

What? Head Zhou thinks I am Brother Song?

If you call it, it will come, if you wave it, it will go?

Zhou Zhiruo said helplessly: You misunderstood me. I didn't mean it. I just hope you can let him go.

Murong Fu laughed again and again. He had no intention of killing Zhang Wuji.

At least he won't kill the other party in a serious situation.

Haha, for the sake of your leader Zhou, I can naturally let him go.


But what? Zhou Zhiruo asked.

Murong Fu came close to Zhou Zhiruo, smelled her narcissus-like fragrance, and said:

I want you to accompany me for three days.

Accompany me? Zhou Zhiruo's face turned cold, and she said angrily: What do you think of me, the leader?

Haha, you can also choose to refuse, but don't think about [Eternal Sword] for now.

Murong Fu replied calmly.


Zhou Zhiruo was speechless again. She had seen countless men.

The Murong Fu in front of him was definitely the most shameless, shameless and despicable person.

Leader Murong, please go and stop Leader Zhang.

Otherwise, let him see me and the leader like this.

I'm afraid, unnecessary trouble will arise. Jingxuan reminded.

Haha, Xiaoxuan listens to you.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, naked to the waist, and walked out openly.

Zhou Zhiruo felt sick when she heard Murong Fu's disgusting words.

Xiao Xuan?

What the hell?

But when she looked sideways at senior sister Jingxuan.

He noticed that the other party's face was red with embarrassment, but instead of feeling uncomfortable, he acquiesced to Murong Fu's title.

Then he thought about the other party's behavior last night, secretly thinking that his senior sister might have fallen.

Wait, why isn't he wearing any clothes?

Jingxuan guessed: It should be Alliance Leader Murong who did it deliberately.

On purpose? Zhou Zhiruo immediately understood what Jingxuan said.

He scolded Murong Fu for being despicable.

Immediately, the conversation changed and he asked:

Sister, what do you think? Murong Fu asked him to stay with him for three days.

Jingxuan thought for a moment and said seriously: If he keeps his word.

I also ask the head junior sister to agree to it for the sake of the sect's grand plan.

Zhou Zhiruo stared at the boss, unable to believe that these words would come out of the always honest Jingxuan's mouth.

But then she thought again, besides this method, she really didn't know any other way to get the [Eternal Sword] back from Murong Fu.

He sighed and said:

Senior sister, please give Rong Zhiruo some thought.

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